For new users, we hope the video is a useful introduction to the key features of the AdWords API. For more experienced users, you might learn about a great feature that you might have missed previously.

You can watch the entire 25 minute video or use the links below to navigate to content that interests you most. We've embedded links to additional learning resources on specific topics right in the video.

Video sections: Our team is here to help you keep to up to date and productive with the AdWords API, so please take a minute to view Part VII: Support if you're not yet plugged into our various support channels.

Thanks for watching!

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If you allow your legacy extensions be auto-upgraded, the system will do its best to detect and avoid creating duplicate extensions. We recommend that you check all your extensions after the upgrade is finished to ensure they’re configured as you’d like.

To learn more about managing upgraded extensions with the AdWords API, make sure to consult the Feed Services guide. For a code example on how to upgrade extensions on your own, look in the migration folder in all client libraries.

If you have questions or need help with the upgrade, please visit us on the developer forum or the G+ page.

 - , AdWords API Team
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