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Ted Turner
Ted Turner was born in November 19, 1938 in Cincinnati, OH and he is a famous film/tv producer. He is well known also for his collaboration with several televisions: WTBS,CNN,TNT and many others. He is one of the richest persons in the world having a net worth of $2.0 billions. As an occupation...

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What do we mean by history?

What do we mean by history?

History is the study of things that happened in the past. History can be very recent, or it can extend back to the earliest times from which any sort of records can be obtained. History...

How long do people live for?

How long do people live for?

People are living longer and longer, and most of us can expect to live to the age of 75 years or more. We can also expect to be reasonably healthy for almost all of this time. Because...

Why do people grow old?

Why do people grow old?

Ageing is a result of the gradual failure of the body's cells and organs to replace or repair themselves.This is because there is a limit to the number of times that each cell can divide....

What is an antibiotic?

What is an antibiotic?

Antibiotics kill bacteria by interfering with the way in which bacteria reproduce. Antibiotics are produced naturally by many simple plants and even other bacteria. Antibiotics are...

How do medical drugs work?

How do medical drugs work?

Many medical drugs work by correcting the chemical reactions within the body that are responsible for disease. For example, insulin injections replace insulin that is not being produced...

Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine

Modern medicine is based on the scientific study of diseases and drugs to treat them. Alternative medicine is based on different theories that are not provable scientifically, but which...

What is health?

What is health?

Being healthy involves far more than simply not being ill. If you feel in good health, your organs will be working properly and you will have the energy to live life to the full. This...

Why does relaxing help you to remember?

Why does relaxing help you to remember?

When you struggle to remember something this often seems to make it even harder to recall. When you relax, your brain tends to explore alternative routes to find the lost piece of information...

Can a smell bring back a memory?

Can a smell bring back a memory?

The sense of smell has powerful effects in retrieving memories. Often a smell can suddenly trigger a memory from many years ago. Sounds and tastes do not seem to work in the same way. Special...

Can the brain alter to help people to learn?

Can the brain alter to help people to learn?

The structure of the brain can alter slightly as you learn new memories and activities. The number of connections between neurones can increase as you learn a repetitive task, making...

How do I remember things?

How do I remember things?

Memory is the ability to store things that you experience and learn, ready for future use. Some things are remembered easily, such as a dramatic event in our life. However, more ordinary...

What job does the brain do?

What job does the brain do?

The brain is the body's control centre. it coordinates all the messages that pass through the nervous system, giving us the ability to learn, reason and feel. It also controls the body's...

What are dominant genes?

What are dominant genes?

Although genes from both parents are mixed together at fertilization, some genes have a more powerful effect than others. These dominant genes override the effects of others which are...

About Edgar Degas

About Edgar Degas

Edgar Hilaire Germain Degas (1834-1917) was a French Impressionist painter and sculptor. He devoted himself to lively, informal studies of ballet, horse racing, and young women...

About Daniel Defoe

About Daniel Defoe

Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) was an English novelist and journalist, who wrote Robinson Crusoe in 1719, which was greatly influential in the development of the novel. An active pamphleteer...

What is a mutation?

What is a mutation?

Mutations are changes in the DNA inside a cell that affect the genes and chromosomes. Mutations arise because of errors in the DNA molecule when it divides and re-forms in the new cells....

What are X and Y chromosomes?

What are X and Y chromosomes?

The 23rd pair of genes determines the sex of a baby. These are X and Y chromosomes. A woman has two X chromosomes, while a man has one X and one Y chromosome. When the chromosomes join...

How do I inherit genes from my parents?

How do I inherit genes from my parents?

Sperm and egg cells contain only half of the normal number of chromosomes. During fertilization these chromosomes combine to make up the usual total of 46 chromosomes. This means that...

How are twins produced?

How are twins produced?

Twins may be absolutely identical, or only as similar as a typical brother or sister. Identical twins are produced when the embryo splits into two in the early stages of its development....

How is a baby born?

How is a baby born?

The mother starts to feel strong tightening pains, called contractions, in her womb when the birth is near. These contractions become stronger, and the neck of the cervix starts to...

What is an embryo?

What is an embryo?

For the first eight weeks of a pregnancy, the developing egg is called an embryo. A liquid-filled bag develops around the embryo to protect it. By the fourth week of pregnancy the embryo...

The fertile human

The fertile human

Humans and other primates, such as apes and monkeys, are unusual in that they are able to mate at any time.This is not the case with most other animals. Some have a very brief breeding...

What are the male sex organs?

What are the male sex organs?

The male sex organs are the testes and the penis. The two testes are contained in a skin sac called the scrotum, hanging beneath the groin. A tube called the urethra, which is connected...

What are the female sex organs?

What are the female sex organs?

The female sex organs are inside a woman's lower abdomen. The womb, or uterus, is a pear-shaped muscular organ from which two 'horns' run out sideways, ending with the Fallopian tubes....

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