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Most Downloaded Software: Appointment and Invoice Manager
Most Famous Software: Appointment and Invoice Manager
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Website: http://www.arcadesoftware.co.uk
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An interview with Andy Wright

FW Editor: Hello! Please tell us some interesting facts about yourself. When were you born and when did you realize you want to develop this software?
Andy Wright: I was born in a british army hospital in Libya and shortly after birth suffered seizures which left me with cerebral palsy. During the 1980's, I spent most of it unemployed, however I purchased a ZX Spectrum computer in order to play ELITE; but when I got bored, I taught myself programming in BASIC and machine code. I progressed to getting a job in 1989, writing software apps for the Amstrad 1512 PC! My interest in software increased and I continued to learn new programming techniques. While convalessing during 2001 (with a broken leg) I taught myself Delphi 5. Up to then I used Microsoft Professional Basic that used ISAM and RDBMS for data storage. All future apps were produced in Delphi language, which had PARADOX as the data engine - in a way, very similar to the MS Basic. I cut my teeth with Btrieve, which I loathed as it often crashed the Basic Interpreter!

FW Editor: Is this the first software you have developed? Do you think people will understand how good your program is, and will pay for it?
Andy Wright: Over the years I have produced a number of database apps, the most famous being K M A (version 3). This was the forerunner to the martial arts management systems (dojo manager etc). That came out during 1988/89 and went through 3 variants. Whenever I develop an app, it is usually to solve a personal need; so it was with Appointment Invoice Manager. I hope that, with the many downloads being made, some of those downloaders will see how good it is and actually pay me! My fingers are still crossed....

FW Editor: Can you tell us more about how the manager can scan the bar code of an invoice to select it? How were you able to create such a feature?
Andy Wright: Bar code scanners are simple things; they basically reproduce key presses and this is captured into an edit box. The bar code on an invoice is the unique number of that document. It also looks quite professional! But you don't need a bar scanner to use the App; in the same way, you don't need a Dymo labeller!

FW Editor: Can you please tell us the most important differences between the Standard Edition and the Enterprise one?
Andy Wright: STANDARD is a simple version, not many bells and whistles. Enterprise edition gives more scope, e.g. more than one diary (for, say a room for hire, or another person). It allows for credit note management, and other stuff usually used by larger businesses such as internal appointments (non-invoiced events). Someone who is a mobile therapist, instructor, plumber, tradesperson, cleaner, or whatever would be happy with the standard version. A therapy centre, or larger trader (say with more than one plumber) would need the enterprise. The version could be upgraded later, if required.

FW Editor: Reading you description, I saw that it only works for Windows XP and Vista, but nowadays more and more people are using Windows 7. Planning to modify the program so it will work on Windows 7 as well?
Andy Wright: The app should be fine on Windows 7, I cannot test this theory because I don't have win7...!!! I am reasonably confident that I will be able to offer the guarantee at some point but just not at this exact moment.

FW Editor: This program turned out great from your need to have a decent program for your business. Do you have some other ideas for software?
Andy Wright: I have loads of ideas but rarely the time to finish them; I am updating and improving the apps I do have, all the time. Especially, because I use them almost daily for my own business teaching tai chi.

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