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Website: http://secretagent.co.cc
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An interview with Ulf

FW Editor: Hey, please tell us some references about yourself so our readers may get to meet the developer of Secret Agent Pro, a very nice program.
Ulf: My name is Ulf, I'm 47 years old and I live in Northern Germany, close to Bremen. Few years ago I was working as a professional software developer for a big company. So I'm able to develop applications like SecretAgent Pro...

FW Editor: How did you come up with the idea for Secret Agent Pro? Did you need to monitor your own computer or some other one?
Ulf: Well, I was looking for a monitoring application, because we (the parents) were concerned about some strange contacts, our daughter was using. So there was not a need for expensive total monitoring, but for a hidden small application, that fulfill our needs. Because I did not found such application, I started developing of SecretAgent Free (the very first versions were limited, but free).

FW Editor: This is not the first monitoring software on the market. Why should people buy this program and not some other one?
Ulf: More complex applications have lots of confusing functionality. Some applications also displays suddenly messages. Mostly during the trial period. SecretAgent Pro is doing 2 main functions only: Screenshots and Keylogger. It never comes up with messages, nags, ads - even during or after the trial period.

FW Editor: What can you tell us about how this program is able to hide itself and not be founded by the users?
Ulf: Of course I don't want to talk about such developer secrets ;-) I'm using normal ways to hide it - and I have some new ideas to improve it. I never will fake / crack into the windows system. Why? I for myself would not accept it.

FW Editor: At the moment we are only able to use this program on Windows operating systems. Are you planning to change this and make it work on other operating systems as well?
Ulf: No. I don't have much knowledge about other operating systems. So its not planned at the moment.

FW Editor: Is this the first software you have developed? What else can you tell us about your work?
Ulf: No, of course not. I was developing special software for measuring systems since many years. But this is the 2nd application, that's available public.

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RainWebRemote 1.0
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SecretAgent Pro 3.8
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