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Website: http://www.static-ware.com/
September Downloads:1

An interview with Daniel Zemcevicius

FW Editor: Hello! Please tell us more about yourself, so our readers may meet the creator of Sleep Timer.
Daniel Zemcevicius: Hi there. My name is Daniel, I design and write the software hosted at static-ware.com and run a web farm. Based in the Blue Mountains of Australia I work mainly from home. I try to create a balance of free and licenced software for the public to use, which hopefully provides useful alternatives for my users.

FW Editor: How did you decide to build another program for turning off computers? There are many out there already.
Daniel Zemcevicius: It's true, many PC shutdown applications already exist and the decision to build yet another was based on a couple of factors. Being; people like variety so why not add to the options already out there, styles and features of existing software vary greatly - I chose the simple feature approach coupled with a colorful style, finally I improved on the main feature by adding an overlayed countdown of the last 30 seconds, just in case you needed to reset the timer.

FW Editor: How did you come up with the idea for advertising with a shut down program? Why not another type of program?
Daniel Zemcevicius: A shutdown program is a program people may use more frequently on a long term basis as apposed to a game or title a user may become tired with. Therefore any advertising will be seen over a longer period of time.

FW Editor: How much time do you work if a firm wants you to make a fresh copy of Sleep Timer, with advertising, for it?
Daniel Zemcevicius: The time spent with a firm to define the static advertising of the program varies. The design is entirely up to the advertiser paying for the service. They can choose any style, shape or size they like and need to provide image files to redefine the template I have designed.

FW Editor: Do you plan to make changes in the near future to this program? Any updates? Maybe make it work on other operating systems as well?
Daniel Zemcevicius: There are plans to continue with updates and to include other operating systems yes. The program is designed to be simple, so updates to include more features is unlikely, unless a client specifically wants a feature added.

FW Editor: Can you tell us something else about your other work? What other programs have you developed? Tell us a few words about them.
Daniel Zemcevicius: My other work at static-ware includes: NotifyMe - A desktop mood / reminder system. HyperNet4 - A private and manually run mini search engine system coupled with a semi automated review website generator. LanCastR - Transmits full screen messages to users on LAN's and locks them out. TubeHoarder - Allows users of YouTube and other video sites to automatically keep everything they watch.

About this interview

HyperNet Browser 4.1
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TubeHoarder 1.6
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NotifyThem 1.1
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SleepTimer - Static Ware
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LanCastR - Static Ware 1.2
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