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English » ERASMUS+
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Erasmus+ programme

Erasmus+ is the EU funding programme for education, training, youth and sport 2021-2027. Erasmus+ combines previous funding programmes in the sector, including the Lifelong Learning Programme (Comenius, Leonardo, Erasmus, Grundtvig and Transversal Programmes), Youth in Action and five international cooperation programmes (Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink and the programme for cooperation with industrialised countries.

Erasmus+ supports the following main Actions:

For more information please consult the following web pages: 
https://www.iky.gr/en/discover-erasmus (IKY - Erasmus National Agency in Greece), and
http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/node_en (European Commission) 

Eligible countries are divided into two groups, Programme countries and Partner countries. Although Programme countries are eligible for all actions of Erasmus+, Partner countries can only take part in some, and are subject to specific conditions.

For more information, see at: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/node/3_en

Switzerland at the moment is not participating in Erasmus+ programme on an equal footing with Member States (i.e. as a "Programme Country") but is enjoying the status of other third countries (i.e. as a "Partner Country") and is financing all incoming and outgoing mobilities.


Institutional Erasmus Code: G ATHINE01  


Organisation ID (OID)E10208247

Details of the Special Account for Research Grants


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