tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-111707552024-08-28T12:25:14.840-07:00News announcementsUnknownnoreply@blogger.comBlogger711125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-49217623782060789692015-03-24T05:53:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:20.484-07:00Ruth Porat to Join Google as Chief Financial OfficerMOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif (Tuesday, March 24, 2015) -- Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) today announced that Ruth Porat, currently Chief Financial Officer at Morgan Stanley, will join its management team as CFO.<br /> <br /> Ruth joined Morgan Stanley in 1987 and has played several key roles at the company, including Vice Chairman of Investment Banking, Global Head of the Financial Institutions Group and and co-Head of Technology Investment Banking. Throughout the financial crisis, Ruth led the Morgan Stanley teams advising the U.S. Treasury on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the New York Federal Reserve Bank on AIG. She has been the lead banker on numerous milestone technology financing rounds, including for Amazon, eBay, Netscape, Priceline and Verisign as well as for The Blackstone Group, GE and the NYSE. As CFO she helped improve resource optimization across different businesses through better capital and funding allocation, as well as expense reductions. Ruth has a B.A. from Stanford University (Economics &amp; International Relations), a M.B.A. with distinction from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and a M.Sc., from the London School of Economics (Industrial Relations). She is Vice Chair of the Stanford University Board of Trustees, a member of the U.S. Treasury’s Borrowing Advisory Committee, a Board Director at The Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the Advisory Council of the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at the Brookings Institution.<br /> <br /> Ruth will start at Google as CFO on May 26, reporting to Google CEO and Co-Founder, Larry Page.<br /> <br /> “We’re tremendously fortunate to have found such a creative, experienced and operationally strong executive,” said Larry Page. “I look forward to learning from Ruth as we continue to innovate in our core--from search and ads, to Android, Chrome and YouTube--as well as invest in a thoughtful, disciplined way in our next generation of big bets. Finally, huge thanks to Patrick Pichette for his seven super successful years as CFO”. <br /> <br /> "I’m delighted to be returning to my California roots and joining Google,” said Ruth Porat. “Growing up in Silicon Valley, during my time at Morgan Stanley and as a member of Stanford’s Board, I’ve had the opportunity to experience first hand how tech companies can help people in their daily lives. I can’t wait to roll up my sleeves and get started.”<br /> <br /> Contact:<br /> press@google.comUnknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-90811679611767424232014-09-05T12:00:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:22.172-07:00Google, Photographers Settle Litigation Over BooksMOUNTAIN VIEW, CA – September 5, 2014 – A group of photographers, visual artists and affiliated associations have reached a settlement with Google in a lawsuit over copyrighted material in Google Books. The parties are pleased to have reached a settlement that benefits everyone and includes funding for the <a href="https://www.useplus.com/aboutplus/coalition.asp">PLUS Coalition</a>, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping rightsholders communicate clearly and efficiently about rights in their works.<br /> <br /> Further terms of the agreement are confidential. <br /> <br /> The agreement resolves a copyright infringement lawsuit filed against Google in April, 2010, bringing to an end more than four years of litigation. It does not involve any admission of liability by Google. As the settlement is between the parties to the litigation, the court is not required to approve its terms. <br /> <br /> This settlement does not affect Google’s current litigation with the Authors Guild or otherwise address the underlying questions in that suit.<br /> <br /> The plaintiffs in the case are rightsholder associations and individual visual artists. The associational plaintiffs are The American Society of Media Photographers, Inc., Graphic Artists Guild, PACA (Digital Media Licensing Association)., North American Nature Photography Association, Professional Photographers of America, National Press Photographers Association, and American Photographic Artists. The individual plaintiffs are Leif Skoogfors, Al Satterwhite, Morton Beebe, Ed Kashi, John Schmelzer, Simms Taback and Gail Kuenstler Taback Living Trust, Leland Bobbé, John Francis Ficara, and David W. Moser.<br /> <br /> The case is American Society of Media Photographers, Inc. et al. v. Google Inc., Case No. 10-CV-02977 (DC) pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.<br /> <br /> <b>About Google Inc. and Associational Parties</b><br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.google.com/about/company/">Google</a> is a global technology leader focused on improving the ways people connect with information. Google’s innovations in web search and advertising have made its website a top Internet property and its brand one of the most recognized in the world.<br /> <br /> Founded in 1944, <a href="http://asmp.org/">The American Society of Media Photographers</a> (ASMP) is the premier trade association for the world's most respected photographers.<br /> <br /> The <a href="https://www.graphicartistsguild.org/">Graphic Artists Guild</a> (GAG) is a national union of graphic artists dedicated to promoting and protecting the social, economic and professional interests of its members and for all graphic artists including, animators, cartoonists, designers, illustrators, and digital artists. <br /> <br /> PACA (<a href="http://www.pacaoffice.org/">Digital Media Licensing Association</a>) is a trade association established in 1951 whose members include more than 80 companies representing the world of digital content licensing. <br /> <br /> NANPA, the <a href="http://www.nanpa.org/">North American Nature Photography Association</a>, is the first and premiere association in North America committed solely to serving the field of nature photography.<br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.ppa.com/">Professional Photographers of America</a> (PPA) represents more than 27,000 photographers and photographic artists from dozens of specialty areas including portrait, wedding, commercial, advertising and art.<br /> <br /> Founded in 1946, the <a href="https://nppa.org/">National Press Photographers Association</a> (NPPA) is the “voice of visual journalists” promoting and defending the rights of photographers and journalists, including freedom of the press in all its forms.<br /> <br />The <a href="http://apanational.org/">American Photographic Artists</a> (APA) is a leading national organization run by and for professional photographers.<br /> <b>Contact</b><br /> <a href="mailto:press@google.com">press@google.com</a><br /> <br /><br />Notes: <br />On September 5, 2014 at 18:00 hrs. the figure for Professional Photographers of America (PPA) was edited to show 27,000 instead of 17,000.<br />On September 5, 2014 at 18:00 hrs. a new paragraph was added mentioning the American Photographic Artists (APA).Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-15396486514298968732014-07-15T13:01:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:19.023-07:00Google Appoints Alan Mulally to its Board of DirectorsMOUNTAIN VIEW, CA – JULY 15, 2014 — Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG, GOOGL) today announced it has appointed Alan Mulally to its Board of Directors. A veteran corporate executive of the automotive and aviation industries, Mulally will serve on Google’s Audit Committee. His appointment was effective July 9, 2014.<br /> <br /> “Alan brings a wealth of proven business and technology leadership experience,” said Larry Page, CEO of Google. “I am so pleased that Alan is now joining Google’s board!”<br /> <br /> “I am honored to serve on the board of a global iconic company that is dedicated to enhancing our lives,” Mulally said. “I look forward to working together with the Google board and management team to continue to deliver their compelling vision.”<br /> <br /> Mr. Mulally served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Ford Motor Company, a global automotive company, from September 2006 through June 2014. Mulally was previously a member of the board of directors of Ford and served on its finance committee from September 2006 through June 2014. <br /> <br /> From March 2001 to September 2006, Mr. Mulally served as Executive Vice President of the Boeing Company and President and Chief Executive Officer of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Inc. He also was a member of the Boeing Executive Council. Prior to that time, he served as President of Boeing’s space and defense business.<br /> <br /> Mr. Mulally served as co-chair of the Washington Competitiveness Council and sat on the advisory boards of NASA, the University of Washington, the University of Kansas, the Massachusetts Institute Technology, and the U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of England’s Royal Academy of Engineering. <br /> <br /> Mr. Mulally holds a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in aeronautical and astronautical engineering from the University of Kansas, and a Master’s degree in Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a 1982 Alfred P. Sloan fellow.<br /> <br /> <b>About Google Inc.</b><br /> Google is a global technology leader focused on improving the ways people connect with information. Google’s innovations in web search and advertising have made its website a top internet property and its brand one of the most recognized in the world.<br /> <br /> <b>Contact</b><br /> press@google.comUnknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-34929072563069232312014-06-19T05:00:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:19.878-07:00Google Launches Made with Code<div style="text-align: center;"><i>Girls Inc., Girl Scouts of the USA, National Center for Women &amp; Information Technology, MIT Media Lab, TechCrunch, and Seventeen Join Efforts to Inspire Girls to Code</i></div><br /> <b>MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA – June 19, 2014</b> – Today, Google is joining with supporters, including Chelsea Clinton, Girls Inc., Girl Scouts of the USA, Mindy Kaling, MIT Media Lab, National Center for Women &amp; Information Technology (NCWIT), Seventeen and TechCrunch, to kick off <a href="https://www.madewithcode.com/">Made with Code</a>. The initiative will aim to inspire millions of girls to learn to code, and to help them see coding as a means to pursue their dream careers.<br /> <br /> “Coding is a new literacy and it gives people the potential to create, innovate and quite literally change the world,” said Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube. “We’ve got to show all girls that computer science is an important part of their future, and that it’s a foundation to pursue their passions, no matter what field they want to enter. Made with Code is a great step toward doing that.”<br /> <br /> Made with Code includes:<br /> <ul><li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/blockly/">Blockly</a>-based coding projects like designing a bracelet 3D printed by <a href="http://www.shapeways.com/">Shapeways</a>, learning to create animated GIFs or building beats for a music track.&nbsp;</li> <li>Video profiles of girls and women who explain how they’re using code to do what they love -- in fashion, music, dance, animation, cancer research and more.&nbsp;</li> <li>A resource directory for parents and girls to find more information about new local events, camps, classes and clubs.&nbsp;</li> <li>Collaborations with organizations like Girl Scouts of the USA and Girls, Inc. to introduce Made with Code to girls in their networks, encouraging them to complete their first coding experience.&nbsp;</li> </ul>All of this attempts to solve a fast-growing problem in computer science. "I think coding is cool, but most girls don't. Less than <a href="http://www.aauw.org/files/2013/02/Why-So-Few-Women-in-Science-Technology-Engineering-and-Mathematics.pdf">1 percent</a> of high school girls see computer science as part of their future,” said Mindy Kaling, the actress, comedian and writer. “Made with Code lets girls see coding not just as something they can do, but something they'd love to do." <br /> <br /> “When I received my first computer in the mid-80s, women comprised 37 percent of CS graduates. Today, despite ever-increasing job opportunities, it’s less than 16 percent. We need to help girls see themselves as the next generation of coders, and, with efforts like Made with Code and the No Ceilings Initiative, make sure there’s full participation in technology’s future.” — Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation.<br /> <br /> Google is also committing $50 million over three years to support programs working to increase gender diversity in CS. We’re piloting a project with <a href="http://www.donorschoose.org/">DonorsChoose.org</a> to reward teachers that support girls who take CS courses on <a href="http://www.codecademy.com/tracks/donorschooseorg">Codecademy</a> or <a href="https://www.khanacademy.org/donors-choose">Khan Academy</a>. We’re also working with the <a href="http://www.scienceandentertainmentexchange.org/">Science and Entertainment Exchange</a> to encourage more female engineer characters depicted family TV and film. This is just a first step, and it builds on the $40 million we’ve invested since 2010 in organizations like Code.org, Black Girls Code, Technovation and Girls Who Code.<br /> <br /> These efforts are based on Google’s new <a href="https://docs.google.com/a/google.com/file/d/0B-E2rcvhnlQ_a1Q4VUxWQ2dtTHM/edit">nationwide research</a>, which shows that CS exposure is crucial in pre-college years, parental encouragement is key and that girls who have positive perceptions of CS as a career, and understand its potential for social impact, are much more likely to pursue it. <br /> <br /> "The numbers hurt: Women constitute more than half of the professional workforce, but only a quarter of workforce in tech,” said Lucy Sanders, CEO, and co-founder of NCWIT. "It's a problem, bordering on a crisis. We won't solve it easily, or quickly. But Made with Code is a great step in the direction of reversing this trend, and getting more and more girls to use coding to accomplish amazing things by doing what they love." <br /> <br /> Made with Code kicks off tonight with an event in New York City where over 100 teenage girls from local organizations and public schools will work on coding projects and witness first-hand how women use code in their dream jobs, like <a href="https://www.madewithcode.com/article#danielle-feinberg">Danielle Feinberg</a> (Pixar), <a href="https://www.madewithcode.com/article#miral-kotb">Miral Kotb</a> (iLuminate Dance Technology) and <a href="https://www.madewithcode.com/article#erica-kochi">Erica Kochi</a> (UNICEF’s Innovation Unit). The event will also feature girl coders like <a href="https://www.madewithcode.com/article#brittany-wenger">Brittany Wenger</a> who’s using code to fight cancer.<br /> <br /> Supporters of and organizations involved with Made with Code include: Adafruit, American School Counselor Association, Black Girls Code, Code.org, Codecademy, Computer Science Teachers Association, DonorsChoose.org, Girls Inc., Girl Scouts of the USA, Girls Who Code, iLuminate, KIPP Schools, littleBits, National Association for College Admission Counseling, National Coalition of Girls’ Schools, National Center for Women &amp; Information Technology, Mindy Kaling, MIT Media Lab, Mozilla Webmaker, PSTA, Seventeen, Shapeways, Sew Electric, Seventeen, Shapeways, Teach for America, TechCrunch, Technovation Challenge, and U.S. Fund for UNICEF.<br /> <br /> <b>Contact</b><br /> Kate Parker<br /> Google.org Communications<br /> press@google.comUnknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-82723171115001957492013-09-18T09:00:00.001-07:002020-07-30T16:41:21.778-07:00Google announces Calico, a new company focused on health and well-being<b>MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA</b>&nbsp;–&nbsp;<b>September 18, 2013</b> – Google today announced Calico, a new company that will focus on health and well-being, in particular the challenge of aging and associated diseases. <a href="https://plus.google.com/108880830087528406119/posts/">Arthur D. Levinson</a>, Chairman and former CEO of Genentech and Chairman of Apple, will be Chief Executive Officer and a founding investor.<br /> <br /> Announcing this new investment, <a href="https://plus.google.com/+LarryPage/posts/Lh8SKC6sED1">Larry Page</a>, Google CEO said: “Illness and aging affect all our families. With some longer term, moonshot thinking around healthcare and biotechnology, I believe we can improve millions of lives. It’s impossible to imagine anyone better than Art—one of the leading scientists, entrepreneurs and CEOs of our generation—to take this new venture forward.” Art said: “I’ve devoted much of my life to science and technology, with the goal of improving human health. Larry’s focus on outsized improvements has inspired me, and I’m tremendously excited about what’s next.”<br /> <br /> Art Levinson will remain Chairman of Genentech and a director of Hoffmann-La Roche, as well as Chairman of Apple.<br /> <br /> Commenting on Art’s new role, Franz Humer, Chairman of Hoffmann-La Roche, said: “Art’s track record at Genentech has been exemplary, and we see an interesting potential for our companies to work together going forward. We’re delighted he’ll stay on our board.” <br /> <br /> Tim Cook, Chief Executive Officer of Apple, said: “For too many of our friends and family, life has been cut short or the quality of their life is too often lacking. Art is one of the crazy ones who thinks it doesn’t have to be this way. There is no one better suited to lead this mission and I am excited to see the results.”<br /> <h4> Contact</h4> Leslie Miller<br /> Google Corporate Communications<br /> press@google.comUnknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-73212116574712895802012-10-04T07:00:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:21.419-07:00Publishers and Google Reach Agreement<b>Mountain View, CA and Washington, DC; October 4, 2012</b> – The Association of American Publishers (AAP) and Google today announced a settlement agreement that will provide access to publishers’ in-copyright books and journals digitized by Google for its Google Library Project. The dismissal of the lawsuit will end seven years of litigation.<br /> <br /> The agreement settles a copyright infringement lawsuit filed against Google on October 19, 2005 by five AAP member publishers. As the settlement is between the parties to the litigation, the court is not required to approve its terms.<br /> <br /> The settlement acknowledges the rights and interests of copyright-holders. US publishers can choose to make available or choose to remove their books and journals digitized by Google for its Library Project. Those deciding not to remove their works will have the option to receive a digital copy for their use.<br /> <br /> Apart from the settlement, US publishers can continue to make individual agreements with Google for use of their other digitally-scanned works.<br /> <br /> “We are pleased that this settlement addresses the issues that led to the litigation,” said Tom Allen, President and CEO, AAP. “It shows that digital services can provide innovative means to discover content while still respecting the rights of copyright-holders.”<br /> <br /> “Google is a company that puts innovation front and center with all that it does,” said David Drummond, Senior Vice President, Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer, Google. “By putting this litigation with the publishers behind us, we can stay focused on our core mission and work to increase the number of books available to educate, excite and entertain our users via Google Play.”<br /> <br /> Google Books allows users to browse up to 20% of books and then purchase digital versions through Google Play. Under the agreement, books scanned by Google in the Library Project can now be included by publishers.<br /> <br /> Further terms of the agreement are confidential.<br /> <br /> This settlement does not affect Google’s current litigation with the Authors Guild or otherwise address the underlying questions in that suit.<br /> <br /> The publisher plaintiffs are The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.; Pearson Education, Inc. and Penguin Group (USA) Inc., both part of Pearson; John Wiley &amp; Sons, Inc.; and Simon &amp; Schuster, Inc. part of CBS Corporation.<br /> <br /> <a href="http://publishers.org/">About the Association of American Publishers</a><br /> The 300 members of AAP are building the future of publishing. AAP represents America’s premier creators of high-quality entertainment, education, scientific and professional published content. We dedicate the creative, intellectual, financial and technological investments to bring great ideas to life and deliver content to the world’s audiences in all the ways they seek it.<br /> <br /> <u><a href="http://www.google.com/about/company/">About Google Inc.</a></u><br /> Google is a global technology leader focused on improving the ways people connect with information. Google’s innovations in web search and advertising have made its website a top Internet property and its brand one of the most recognized in the world.<br /> <br /> Google is a trademark of Google Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. <br /> <br /> <u>AAP Contact:</u><br /> Andi Sporkin<br /> asporkin@publishers.org<br /> 202-220-4554<br /> <br /> <u>Google Contact:</u><br /> Maggie Shiels<br /> maggies@google.com<br /> 650-214-4340Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-14341676036940520952012-05-22T06:55:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:18.845-07:00Google Acquires Motorola Mobility<p><strong>MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA – May 22, 2012 –</strong> Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) announced today that the acquisition of Motorola Mobility Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: MMI) has closed, with Google acquiring MMI for $40.00 per share in cash.</p> <p>The acquisition will enable Google to supercharge the Android ecosystem and will enhance competition in mobile computing. Motorola Mobility will remain a licensee of Android and Android will remain open. Google will run Motorola Mobility as a separate business.</p> <p>Sanjay Jha, who revived Motorola’s Mobile Devices business and led the company through this acquisition, has stepped down as CEO, although he will continue to work with Google to help ensure a smooth transition.</p> <p>Dennis Woodside, who has overseen integration planning for the acquisition and previously served as President of Google’s Americas region, has become CEO of Motorola Mobility.</p> <p>Larry Page, CEO of Google, said, “I’m happy to announce the deal has closed. Motorola is a great American tech company, with a track record of over 80 years of innovation. It’s a great time to be in the mobile business, and I’m confident that the team at Motorola will be creating the next generation of mobile devices that will improve lives for years to come.</p> <p>“Sanjay Jha, who was responsible for building the company and placing a big bet on Android, has stepped down as CEO. I would like to thank him for his efforts and am tremendously pleased that he will be working to ensure a smooth transition as long-time Googler Dennis Woodside takes over as CEO of Motorola Mobility.</p> <p>“I’ve known Dennis for nearly a decade, and he’s been phenomenal at building teams and delivering on some of Google’s biggest bets. Dennis has always been a committed partner to our customers and I know he will be an outstanding leader of Motorola--and he’s already off to great start with some very strong new hires for the Motorola team.”</p> <p>Dennis Woodside, CEO of Motorola Mobility, said: “Motorola literally invented the entire mobile industry with the first-ever commercial cell phone in 1983. Thirty years later, mobile devices are at the center of the computing revolution.</p> <p>“Our aim is simple: to focus Motorola Mobility’s remarkable talent on fewer, bigger bets, and create wonderful devices that are used by people around the world.”</p> <p>Dennis Woodside has hired a small number of leaders who will immediately join Motorola’s executive team, including Regina Dugan (former Director of DARPA), Mark Randall (former supply chain VP at Amazon and previously at Nokia), Vanessa Wittman (former CFO of Marsh &amp; McLennan), Scott Sullivan (former head of HR at Visa and NVIDIA), and Gary Briggs (former Google VP of Consumer Marketing). In addition to these new leaders, many members of Motorola Mobility’s team will continue in their current roles: Iqbal Arshad (Product Development), Marshall Brown (Chief of Staff), Fei Liu (Mass Market Products), Dan Moloney (Home), Scott Offer (General Counsel), Mark Shockley (Sales), Mahesh Veerina (Software &amp; Enterprise) and Jim Wicks (Consumer Experience Design).</p> <p>Woodside added: “Motorola Mobility has many outstanding leaders, including people who were behind the original RAZR in 2004 and recent successes like the Droid and RAZR MAXX. Our colleagues joining the team come from varied backgrounds, from DARPA to Amazon and NVIDIA, but they all share a track record of leading innovation at speed, and a great deal of excitement about the mission ahead.”</p> <h3>About Dennis Woodside</h3> <p>Dennis Woodside oversaw Google’s acquisition of Motorola Mobility, and is former President of Google’s Americas region. He has worked with partners, governments and advertisers in more than 30 countries.</p> <p>Most recently, Dennis was responsible for Google’s Sales &amp; Operations in the Americas. In the U.S. alone, Dennis and his team drove revenue from $10.8 billion to $17.5 billion in under three years. He also was the lead business partner for Google’s advertising product development team, helping launch new ad products globally. Dennis started his career at the company spearheading investment across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. He was responsible for the overall go-to-market, product offering and acquisition strategies in these markets, which boasted a 20-fold increase during his tenure. Revenues grew to over $2 billion.</p> <h3>About Google Inc.</h3> <p>Google’s innovative search technologies connect millions of people around the world with information every day. Founded in 1998 by Stanford Ph.D. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google today is a top web property in all major global markets. Google’s targeted advertising program provides businesses of all sizes with measurable results, while enhancing the overall web experience for users. Google is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit <a href="http://www.google.com/">www.google.com</a>.</p> <h3>Forward-Looking Statements</h3> <p>This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These forward-looking statements generally can be identified by phrases such as Google or its management “believes,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “foresees,” “forecasts,” “estimates” or other words or phrases of similar import. Similarly, statements herein that describe the future impact of the Motorola Mobility acquisition, including its financial impact, and other statements of management’s beliefs, intentions or goals also are forward-looking statements. It is uncertain whether any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do, what impact they will have on Google’s results of operations, financial condition, or the price of its stock. These forward-looking statements involve certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated in such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to the ability of Google to successfully integrate Motorola’s operations, product lines and technology; the ability of Google to implement its plans, forecasts and other expectations with respect to Motorola’s business and realize additional opportunities for growth and innovation; and the other risks and important factors contained and identified in Google’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), any of which could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements included in this press release are made only as of the date hereof. Google does not undertake any obligation to update the forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.</p>Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-22867227878001252252012-05-21T08:00:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:19.272-07:00Google to Provide CornellNYC Tech with Free Office Space for More Than 5 Years<h2>Commitment to Training and Developing Engineering Talent in New York Cited as Key Reasons by CEO&nbsp;Larry Page</h2> <p><strong>NEW YORK, NY — May 21, 2012</strong> — Google Inc. CEO Larry Page announced today that Google will allocate 22,000 square feet of its New York headquarters to CornellNYC Tech, while the university completes its campus on Roosevelt Island. He was joined by New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, Cornell President David Skorton and Technion’s Director Craig Gotsman at a press conference this morning at Google New York. The space will allow Cornell to build its presence in New York in close proximity to the tech companies and entrepreneurs with whom it will collaborate. This arrangement represents Google, Cornell, Technion and the City of New York’s commitment to educating and developing tech talent in New York City.</p> <p>Google will initially provide Cornell with 22,000 square feet of office space on July 1, 2012, free of charge for 5 years and 6 months or until the completion of Cornell’s campus on Roosevelt Island—whichever occurs first. Additionally, Cornell will be able to expand to 58,000 square feet over five years as it builds its presence in New York City.</p> <p>“I’m passionate about breaking ground in science and engineering because technology has driven many of the advances humankind has made,” said Google CEO Larry Page. “But we still don’t have enough people working in these areas. It’s why I am tremendously pleased that Google is giving Cornell the office space to get their new engineering university up and running in New York City.”</p> <p>“We’re about to find out what happens when you marry one of the world’s most innovative companies with one of the most innovative economic development strategies any city has undertaken,” said Mayor Bloomberg. “When we first envisioned the Applied Sciences initiative, we hoped the winning school would establish strong relationships with the tech sector. But this kind of synergy is beyond anything we could have imagined. CornellNYC Tech is well on its way to being fully integrated into New York City’s vibrant tech industry, and Google’s support is another huge vote of confidence for that industry. Just a few years ago, our tech sector was barely on anyone’s radar screen – now, it’s creating jobs and becoming a major player in our diversified economy.”</p> <p>“We are proud to be launching CornellNYC Tech in what is becoming the center of the tech world,” said Cornell President David J. Skorton. “The one missing ingredient has been a pipeline of top-level tech talent, and that is what the tech campus will provide. Building on Mayor Bloomberg’s vision, we are creating a new academic model for this time, this place and this industry. The key is engagement between world class academics, companies and early-stage investors to catalyze innovation. That’s what we’ll be creating on Roosevelt Island, and thanks to Google it’s what will be happening here starting this fall.”</p> <p>“We are delighted to launch our exciting programs with Cornell University in the Google building. This space provides the optimal environment for the education and nurturing of technical talent. This is a major step towards the fulfillment of Mayor Bloomberg’s vision to seed the city with entrepreneurs and start-ups. We at Technion are confident that our academic partnership with Cornell University will help build the city’s tech ecosystem and boost this sector of the economy,” said Technion President Peretz Lavie.</p> <h3>About Google Inc.</h3> Google is a global technology leader focused on improving the ways people connect with information. Google’s innovations in web search and advertising have made its website a top internet property and its brand one of the most recognized in the world. For more information, visit <a href="http://www.google.com/about.html">www.google.com/about.html</a>.</p> <h3>Contacts</h3> <p>Google<br>Jordan Newman, 415-347-5466<br>Corporate Communications<br><a href="mailto:jordann@google.com">jordann@google.com</a></p>Anonymousnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-54359071291314170032012-01-12T13:30:00.001-08:002020-07-30T16:41:20.591-07:00Google appoints Diane B. Greene to its Board of Directors<h3>Greene will also serve on Audit Committee</h3><p><strong>MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. – January 12, 2012 –</strong> Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) today announced it has appointed Diane B. Greene to its Board of Directors. An experienced entrepreneur, technological innovator, and corporate executive with more than three decades of experience, Greene will also serve on Google’s Audit Committee. Her appointment is effective January 12, 2012.</p><p>“Diane is a special person who combines a sharp business acumen with a brilliant technical mind,” said Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google. “We know she will be a great contributor and we are grateful to have her insight.”</p><p>“Google is an asset to society because of its relentless focus on improving users’ lives through pioneering technology, and it is also a standout growing business,” said Greene. “It is incredibly exciting to have the opportunity to support this as a board member.”</p><p>Greene, 56, has been a member of the board of directors of Intuit Inc. since August 2006 and serves on its Audit and Risk Committee and Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. Greene co-founded VMware, Inc. in 1998 and took the company public in 2007. She served as Chief Executive Officer and President of VMware from 1998 to 2008, as a member of the board of directors of VMware from 2007 to 2008, and as an Executive Vice President of EMC Corporation from 2005 to 2008.</p><p>Prior to VMware, Greene held technical leadership positions at Silicon Graphics Inc., Tandem Computers, Inc., and Sybase Inc., and was Chief Executive Officer of VXtreme, Inc. She is also a member of The MIT Corporation.</p><p>Greene holds a Master of Science degree in computer science from the University of California at Berkeley, a Master of Science degree in naval architecture from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Vermont.</p><h3>About Google Inc.</h3><p>Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) is a global technology leader focused on improving the ways people connect with information. Google’s innovations in web search and advertising have made its website a top internet property and its brand one of the most recognized in the world. For more information, visit <a href="http://www.google.com/about.html">www.google.com/about.html</a>.</p>Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-40259873235364072672011-05-26T09:20:00.001-07:002020-07-30T16:41:20.128-07:00Google, Citi, MasterCard, First Data and Sprint Team up to Make Your Phone Your Wallet<h3>Google Wallet will enable consumers to tap, pay and save with their phones</h3><p><strong>NEW YORK (May 26, 2011) –</strong> At an event today, Google, Citi, MasterCard, First Data and Sprint announced and demonstrated <a href="http://www.google.com/wallet/">Google Wallet</a>, an app that will make your phone your wallet so you can tap, pay and save money and time while you shop. For businesses, Google Wallet is an opportunity to strengthen customer relationships by offering a faster, easier shopping experience with relevant deals, promotions and loyalty rewards.</p><p>“Today, we’ve joined with leaders in the industry to build the next generation of mobile commerce,” said Stephanie Tilenius, vice president, commerce and payments, Google. “With Citi, MasterCard, First Data and Sprint we’re building an open commerce ecosystem that for the first time will make it possible for you to pay with an NFC wallet and redeem consumer promotions all in one tap, while shopping offline.”</p><p>Google Wallet is currently in a field test and will be available to consumers this summer. At the event, Google, Citi, MasterCard, First Data and Sprint introduced Google Wallet and invited additional issuing banks, payment networks, mobile carriers, handset manufacturers, point of sale systems companies and merchants to join the initiative.</p><p><strong>Next Step in Mobile Payments</strong></p><p>At commercial launch, Google Wallet will support payments with two payment solutions: a <em>PayPass</em> eligible Citi MasterCard and a virtual Google Prepaid card. Most people who already have a <em>PayPass</em> eligible Citi MasterCard can simply add it to Google Wallet over the air, using First Data’s trusted service manager service. Or, they can fund the Google Prepaid card with any payment card.</p><p>Google Wallet uses near field communication (NFC) to make secure payments fast and convenient by simply tapping the phone on any <em>PayPass</em>-enabled terminal at checkout.</p><p>Google Wallet is engineered to enable secure payments and goes beyond what’s possible with traditional wallets and cards. It will require an app-specific PIN and in the first release, all payment card credentials will be encrypted and stored on a chip, called the secure element, that is separate from the Android device memory and is only accessible by authorized programs.</p><p>“Citi’s role as the lead bank in Google Wallet is the latest demonstration of how we are committed to becoming the world’s digital bank, providing to customers the tools they need to manage their everyday finances with convenience and value,” said Paul Galant, CEO, Citi Global Enterprise Payments. “Today’s announcement and our active collaboration with Google will be looked at as the inflection point for how mobile payments are evolving from concept to mass utilization.”</p><p><strong>Accepted in Stores Nationwide</strong></p><p>Google Wallet is built to work with the fast growing MasterCard <em>PayPass</em> network—a merchant point of sale service that enables consumers to tap to pay. As a result, Google Wallet will immediately be accepted at more than 124,000 <em>PayPass</em>-enabled merchants nationally and more than 311,000 globally.</p><p>“MasterCard has pioneered mobile payments with our <em>PayPass</em> technology and we’re proud that it is at the heart of Google Wallet,” said Ed McLaughlin, chief emerging payments officer, MasterCard. “We’re excited to partner with these industry leaders today and committed to continuing to play a leadership role in the development of mobile payment technologies.”</p><p>Google is also working with point of sale systems companies and top retail brands to create a new SingleTap shopping experience. Consumers will be able to pay for an item using a credit card or gift card, redeem promotions and earn loyalty points—all with a single tap of their Google Wallet. Google is working with VeriFone, Hypercom, Ingenico, VIVOTech and others to develop these next generation point of sale systems. Retailers participating in the new SingleTap experience include: American Eagle Outfitters, Bloomingdale’s, Champs Sports, The Container Store, Duane Reade, Einstein Bros. Bagels, Foot Locker, Guess, Jamba Juice, Macy’s, Noah’s Bagels, Peet’s Coffee &amp; Tea, RadioShack, Subway, Toys“R”Us and Walgreens.</p><p>“Google Wallet allows us to harness the power of mobile technology to enhance our in-store shopping experience and helps bridge the gap between our online and in-store consumer interactions,” said Martine Reardon, executive vice-president of marketing and advertising, Macy’s. “Macy’s is always looking for cutting-edge technology that will deliver value and engage our customers in personal ways. Google Wallet delivers this unique interaction across channels.”</p><p>The first Google Wallet field tests are focused in New York and San Francisco, where many retailers, Coca-Cola vending machines and even taxis are <em>PayPass</em>-enabled, including major outlets such as CVS, Jack in the Box, Sports Authority and Sunoco. First Data, a global leader in electronic commerce and payment processing, is actively recruiting thousands of new merchants in these areas and will soon expand those efforts to deploy more contactless merchant terminals across the country.</p><p>“The payments industry has known for some time that it was not a question of if, but when true mobile commerce would become a reality. We believe today is the day that mobile meets payments,” said Ed Labry, president, North America, First Data. “We’re proud to play a central role in Google Wallet and to bring innovative technology such as Trusted Service Management and contactless acceptance to our clients.”</p><p><strong>Saving Made Simple</strong></p><p>Google has also been testing a variety of consumer deals that can range from a 20-percent discount on a new pair of boots discovered on a Google search advertisement; to a $5 off check-in offer received upon entering a store; to a “deal of the day” offering a $20 lunch for $10 at a local restaurant. Whenever you buy or save an offer, you will be able to automatically sync it to Google Wallet.</p><p>At most stores you will be able to use Google Wallet to show your offer at the register, where the cashier will either scan it or manually type it in. At participating Google SingleTap merchants, you will be able to pay and redeem an offer with one tap of your mobile device.</p><p>Because Google Wallet is a mobile app, it will eventually be able to do more than a regular wallet ever could—but without the bulk. Google Wallet will start with offers, loyalty and gift cards but some day items like receipts, boarding passes and tickets will all be seamlessly synced to your Google Wallet.</p><p><strong>Open Commerce Ecosystem = Consumer Choice and Innovation</strong></p><p>Google Wallet will work best if it’s an open commerce ecosystem so you will be able to carry all the credit cards, offers, loyalty and gift cards you choose—and eventually much more. To this end, Google Wallet will make it possible to integrate numerous types of partners, and Google, Citi, MasterCard, First Data and Sprint invite the banking community, mobile carriers, handset manufacturers, merchants and others to work with Google Wallet.</p><p>“We are delighted to be the first carrier to sign on as a partner with Google to deliver Google Wallet,” said Fared Adib, senior vice president of product development, Sprint. “As a leading innovator and proponent of “open,” we are proud that Nexus S 4G is the first smartphone with Google Wallet and we look forward to deploying Google Wallet on many of our upcoming Android phones.”</p><p>The first release of Google Wallet is expected to be released on the Nexus S 4G on the Sprint network. Additional devices with NFC capabilities will follow. Sign up to be notified about the release at <a href="http://www.google.com/wallet/">google.com/wallet</a>.</p><h3>About Google Inc.</h3><p>Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) is a global technology leader focused on improving the ways people connect with information. Google’s innovations in web search and advertising have made its website a top internet property and its brand one of the most recognized in the world. For more information, visit <a href="http://www.google.com/about.html">www.google.com/about.html</a>.</p><h3>About Citi</h3><p>Citi, the leading global financial services company, has approximately 200 million customer accounts and does business in more than 160 countries and jurisdictions. Through Citicorp and Citi Holdings, Citi provides consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial products and services, including consumer banking and credit, corporate and investment banking, securities brokerage, transaction services and wealth management. Additional information may be found at <a href="http://www.citigroup.com/">www.citigroup.com</a>.</p><h3>About MasterCard</h3><p>As a leading global payments company, MasterCard (NYSE: MA) serves as a franchisor, processor and advisor to the payments industry, and makes commerce happen by providing a critical economic link among financial institutions, governments, businesses, merchants and cardholders worldwide in more than 210 countries and territories. For more information, please visit us at <a href="http://www.mastercard.com/">www.mastercard.com</a>. Follow us on Twitter: @mastercardnews.</p><h3>About First Data</h3><p>Around the world, every second of every day, <a href="http://www.firstdata.com/">First Data</a> makes payment transactions secure, fast and easy for merchants, financial institutions and their customers. First Data leverages its vast product portfolio and expertise to drive customer revenue and profitability. Whether the choice of payment is by debit or credit card, gift card, check or mobile phone, online or at the checkout counter, First Data takes every opportunity to go beyond the transaction.</p><h3>About Sprint</h3><p>Sprint Nextel offers a comprehensive range of wireless and wireline communications services bringing the freedom of mobility to consumers, businesses and government users. Sprint Nextel served more than 51 million customers at the end of 1Q 2011 and is widely recognized for developing, engineering and deploying innovative technologies, including the first wireless 4G service from a national carrier in the United States; offering industry-leading mobile data services, leading prepaid brands including Virgin Mobile USA, Boost Mobile and Assurance Wireless; instant national and international push-to-talk capabilities; and a global Tier 1 Internet backbone. Newsweek ranked Sprint No. 6 in its 2010 Green Rankings, listing it as one of the nation’s greenest companies, the highest of any telecommunications company. You can learn more and visit Sprint at <a href="http://www.sprint.com/">www.sprint.com</a> or <a href="http://www.facebook.com/sprint">www.facebook.com/sprint</a> and <a href="http://www.twitter.com/sprint">www.twitter.com/sprint</a>.</p><h3>Contacts</h3><p>Google:<br />Nathan Tyler, 650-930-3555<br /><a href="mailto:press@google.com">press@google.com</a><br />or<br />MasterCard:<br />Joanne Trout<br /><a href="mailto:joanne_trout@mastercard.com">joanne_trout@mastercard.com</a><br />or<br />Citi:<br />Sean Kevelighan<br /><a href="mailto:sean.kevelighan@citi.com">sean.kevelighan@citi.com</a><br />Nina Das<br /><a href="mailto:nina.das@citi.com">nina.das@citi.com</a><br />or<br />First Data:<br />Elizabeth Grice<br /><a href="mailto:elizabeth.grice@firstdata.com">elizabeth.grice@firstdata.com</a><br />or<br />Sprint:<br />Jennifer Walsh Kiefer<br /><a href="mailto:jennifer.r.walsh@sprint.com">jennifer.r.walsh@sprint.com</a></p>Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-23615319876104555982011-04-14T13:01:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:19.344-07:00Google Announces First Quarter 2011 Results*Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-47350661931109477842011-04-04T11:00:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:20.377-07:00Google to Announce First Quarter 2011 Financial Results*Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-55606849803084351582011-01-20T12:28:00.000-08:002020-07-30T16:41:20.627-07:00Google Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2010 Results and Management Changes*Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-36783532472635059432011-01-10T11:00:00.000-08:002020-07-30T16:41:19.914-07:00Google to Announce Fourth Quarter 2010 Results*Anonymousnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-17493354241786480042010-11-08T06:00:00.001-08:002020-07-30T16:41:19.130-07:00Google Chrome takes to the Clouds with Free Wi-Fi on AirTran, Delta and Virgin America Flights<p><em>Google Chrome provides air travelers with free Gogo Inflight Internet for the holidays</em></p><p><strong>MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (Nov. 8, 2010) –</strong> Today, the Google Chrome browser team announced that it has teamed up with AirTran, Delta and Virgin America, to provide free Gogo® Inflight Internet to their passengers throughout the holiday season. Travelers flying on AirTran, Delta or Virgin America between November 20, 2010 and January 2, 2011 will have free Wi-Fi on any of their domestic flights to check email, watch videos and surf the web from 30,000 feet above the ground.</p><p>As the three airlines that have outfitted their entire domestic fleet with in-flight Wi-Fi, this promotion will bring free Internet service to more than 700 planes and approximately 15 million expected passengers this holiday season.</p><p>“We are constantly working to help provide a better web experience to users around the world,” said Sundar Pichai, Vice President of Product Management at Google. “Whether it be building a better browser with Chrome or bringing free Wi-Fi to air travelers this holiday season, we are constantly innovating to ensure users’ access to the web is fast, simple and seamless.”</p><p>This season marks the second straight year that Google has provided free Wi-Fi to travelers over the holiday season. Last year, Google worked with Virgin America as well as more than 50 airports to provide free Internet both on the ground and in the air. This year, the Chrome team is continuing that mission by joining with AirTran and Delta in addition to Virgin America, to concentrate on connecting travelers while they’re in the sky.</p><p>First launched just over two years ago, Google’s web browser, Chrome has become known worldwide for its speed, simplicity and security. With a sleek user interface, cutting-edge speed improvements and an innovative security architecture, Chrome lets users browse the modern web faster and safer than ever before.</p><p>To read more about the promotion, please visit: <a href="http://www.freeholidaywifi.com/" rel="nofollow">www.freeholidaywifi.com</a><br />To learn more about Google Chrome, please visit: <a href="http://www.google.com/chrome">www.google.com/chrome</a></p><h3>About Google Inc.</h3><p>Google’s innovative search technologies connect millions of people around the world with information every day. Founded in 1998 by Stanford Ph.D. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google today is a top web property in all major global markets. Google’s targeted advertising program provides businesses of all sizes with measurable results, while enhancing the overall web experience for users. Google is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit <a href="http://www.google.com/">www.google.com</a>.</p><h3>Terms and Conditions</h3><p>Offers subject to change. Use of the Gogo Inflight Internet service is subject to terms of use available at <a href="http://www.gogoinflight.com/" rel="nofollow">www.gogoinflight.com</a>.</p><h3>Contact</h3><p>Eitan Bencuya<br />Google Corporate Communications<br />+1 (650) 930-3555<br /><a href="mailto:ebencuya@google.com">ebencuya@google.com</a></p><p><em>Google Chrome provides air travelers with free Gogo Inflight Internet for the holidays</em></p><p><strong>MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (Nov. 8, 2010) –</strong> Today, the Google Chrome browser team announced that it has teamed up with AirTran, Delta and Virgin America, to provide free Gogo® Inflight Internet to their passengers throughout the holiday season. Travelers flying on AirTran, Delta or Virgin America between November 20, 2010 and January 2, 2011 will have free Wi-Fi on any of their domestic flights to check email, watch videos and surf the web from 30,000 feet above the ground.</p><p>As the three airlines that have outfitted their entire domestic fleet with in-flight Wi-Fi, this promotion will bring free Internet service to more than 700 planes and approximately 15 million expected passengers this holiday season.</p><p>“We are constantly working to help provide a better web experience to users around the world,” said Sundar Pichai, Vice President of Product Management at Google. “Whether it be building a better browser with Chrome or bringing free Wi-Fi to air travelers this holiday season, we are constantly innovating to ensure users’ access to the web is fast, simple and seamless.”</p><p>This season marks the second straight year that Google has provided free Wi-Fi to travelers over the holiday season. Last year, Google worked with Virgin America as well as more than 50 airports to provide free Internet both on the ground and in the air. This year, the Chrome team is continuing that mission by joining with AirTran and Delta in addition to Virgin America, to concentrate on connecting travelers while they’re in the sky.</p><p>First launched just over two years ago, Google’s web browser, Chrome has become known worldwide for its speed, simplicity and security. With a sleek user interface, cutting-edge speed improvements and an innovative security architecture, Chrome lets users browse the modern web faster and safer than ever before.</p><p>To read more about the promotion, please visit: <a href="http://www.freeholidaywifi.com/" rel="nofollow">www.freeholidaywifi.com</a><br />To learn more about Google Chrome, please visit: <a href="http://www.google.com/chrome">www.google.com/chrome</a></p><h3>About Google Inc.</h3><p>Google’s innovative search technologies connect millions of people around the world with information every day. Founded in 1998 by Stanford Ph.D. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google today is a top web property in all major global markets. Google’s targeted advertising program provides businesses of all sizes with measurable results, while enhancing the overall web experience for users. Google is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit <a href="http://www.google.com/">www.google.com</a>.</p><h3>Terms and Conditions</h3><p>Offers subject to change. Use of the Gogo Inflight Internet service is subject to terms of use available at <a href="http://www.gogoinflight.com/" rel="nofollow">www.gogoinflight.com</a>.</p><h3>Contact</h3><p>Eitan Bencuya<br />Google Corporate Communications<br />+1 (650) 930-3555<br /><a href="mailto:ebencuya@google.com">ebencuya@google.com</a></p>Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-75714182120158891972010-10-14T12:56:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:21.527-07:00Google Announces Third Quarter 2010 Results*Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-37304298960707319872010-10-04T11:00:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:19.950-07:00Google to Announce Third Quarter 2010 Financial Results*Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-62586298947134571002010-08-30T13:00:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:20.990-07:00Google to Present at the Citi Technology Conference*Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-83977559177475063322010-07-26T10:56:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:21.849-07:00Google to Present at the Pacific Crest Technology Conference*Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-64960311974621171632010-07-15T10:30:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:21.131-07:00Google Announces Second Quarter 2010 Financial Results*Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-39788922122687124132010-07-02T10:21:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:20.093-07:00Google to Announce Second Quarter 2010 Financial Results*Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-91167786570161969282010-07-01T11:28:00.000-07:002020-07-30T16:41:22.242-07:00Google and ITA Software Sign Acquisition Agreement*Unknownnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-16278354186262556262010-05-20T11:03:00.001-07:002020-07-30T16:41:19.059-07:00Google and DISH Network collaborate to develop integrated multichannel TV and web platform<p><em>Enhanced Integration with Google TV Available to DISH Network Customers This Fall</em></p><p><strong>MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. &amp; ENGLEWOOD, Colo. – May 20, 2010 –</strong> Google and DISH Network L.L.C., America’s fastest-growing pay-TV provider, today unveiled the launch of Google TV, an open platform that seamlessly integrates multichannel television with rich web media content. This technology brings the full power of the Internet to the television viewing experience.Google TV merges traditional TV programming with the wide amount of content on the web, allowing viewers unprecedented access, control, and flexibility over all forms of digital content. DISH Network subscribers using Google TV can simultaneously search for content across DISH Network, the Internet and their DVRs. They can overlay online content related to television shows, movies, actors and more; and also hyperlink web content back to multichannel TV.</p><p>“DISH Network has enjoyed a strong partnership with Google for many years, built on a common foundation of innovative thinking and risk-taking,” said Charlie Ergen, Chairman, Presidentand CEO of DISH Network. “DISH Network’s integration of Google TV marks the next evolution in television, and DISH Network customers will be able to enjoy the best of TV and the web in one platform using their existing HD DVR receivers and a Google TV device.”</p><p>“We are excited to bring the web to television and enable developers to innovate on the Google TV platform,” said Eric Schmidt, Chairman and CEO, Google. “With DISH Network’s contributions, Google TV delivers a richer user experience and a compelling product for consumers.”</p><p>The DISH Network Google TV integration is the outcome of a joint development process between the two companies. The companies began their collaborative trial over a year ago by beta testing the technology with more than 400 DISH Network and Google users. Based on continuous feedback from the trial, Google and DISH Network built the Google TV experience that seamlessly integrates traditional TV programming with rich web content.</p><p>Google and DISH Network plan to make the optimized Google TV experience available to customers later this fall. DISH Network will integrate the software to enable this advanced integration on all HD DVR receivers. Users can then simply connect their Google TV devices to their DISH Network receivers via HDMI. For more information, visit <a href="http://www.dish.com/googleTV">www.dish.com/googleTV</a>.</p><h3>About Google</h3><p>Founded in 1998 by Stanford Ph.D. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google’s innovative search technologies connect millions of people around the world with information every day. Google’s targeted advertising program provides businesses of all sizes with measurable results, while enhancing the overall web experience for users. Google is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia.</p><h3>About DISH Network</h3><p>DISH Network L.L.C., a subsidiary of DISH Network Corporation (NASDAQ: DISH), leads the pay-TV industry in technological breakthroughs and provides more than 14.3 million satellite TV customers, as of March 31, 2010, with the highest quality programming and technology at the best value. Customers have access to the most HD channels and award-winning HD and DVR technology including the ViP 922 SlingLoaded DVR, the world’s only DVR with TV Everywhere functionality. DISH Network Corporation is included in the Nasdaq-100 Index (NDX) and is a Fortune 200 company. Visit <a href="http://www.dish.com">www.dish.com</a>.</p><h3>Media Contacts:</h3><p>Eitan Bencuya<br />Google<br />650-214-6231<br /><a href="mailto:ebencuya@google.com">ebencuya@google.com</a></p><p>Kathie Gonzalez<br />DISH Network<br />720-514-5351<br /><a href="mailto:press@dish.com">press@dish.com</a></p>Anonymousnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-5926761427816979572010-05-20T10:45:00.001-07:002020-07-30T16:41:20.773-07:00Sony and Google Establish Strategic Alliance to Deliver Compelling New Cloud-based Products and Services with the Android Platform<p><strong>Tokyo, Japan and Mountain View, Calif. (May 20, 2010)</strong> – Sony Corporation (NYSE:SNE) and Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) today announced an alliance to provide a range of new and rich entertainment experiences that combine Google’s open-source Android OS platform with Sony’s expertise in technology and product design. The two companies are exploring the joint development of compelling new Android-based hardware products for the home, mobile and personal product categories</p><p>Through this alliance, Sony aims to leverage the stability, future growth potential and open-source accessibility of Google’s Android platform to further optimize its product development processes while also providing consumers with an open, expansive and evolving user experience.</p><p>The alliance will enable Google to draw on Sony’s cutting-edge technologies, renowned engineering quality, groundbreaking design and diverse product and content portfolio to gain a comprehensive platform from which to drive the adoption of its Android OS across the CE industry.</p><p>“The combination of Sony’s industry-leading product design, engineering and development expertise with the flexibility and growth potential of Google’s innovative, open-source Android platform will provide consumers with a world of new and exciting Internet user experiences. Through this alliance, Sony will deliver new levels of connectivity and Internet integration across our range of assets and product categories,” said Howard Stringer, Chairman, President and CEO, Sony Corporation.</p><p>“We believe that open systems lead to more innovation, value and choice for consumers, which is why we are so proud to work with Sony to bring the power of the Android platform to more consumers around the world,” said Eric Schmidt, Chairman and CEO, Google Inc.</p><p>As the first step in this collaboration, Sony will introduce “Sony Internet TV,” the world’s first TV to incorporate the "Google TV" platform. Through an easy-to-use interface, consumers will be able to search and access content from their TVs and across the Internet – a rich Internet experience on consumers’ TVs. “Sony Internet TV” is scheduled to first launch in the U.S. the Fall of 2010 with the lineup featuring both a standalone TV model and set top box-type unit incorporating a Blu-ray Disc drive.</p><p>Going forward, Sony and Google aim to maximize their respective industry-leading technological expertise to deliver products and services that empower users with easy access to compelling content, whenever and wherever they require it. The two companies are also exploring extending the alliance in connection with Sony’s wide range of entertainment assets to establish new forms of cloud-based user experiences.</p><h3>About Sony Corporation</h3><p>Sony Corporation is a leading manufacturer of audio, video, game, communications, key device and information technology products for the consumer and professional markets. With its music, pictures, computer entertainment and on-line businesses, Sony is uniquely positioned to be the leading electronics and entertainment company in the world. Sony recorded consolidated annual sales of approximately $78 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010. Sony Global Web Site: <a href="http://www.sony.net">www.sony.net</a>.</p><h3>About Google Inc.</h3><p>Google’s innovative search technologies connect millions of people around the world with information every day. Founded in 1998 by Stanford Ph.D. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google today is a top Web property in all major global markets. Google’s targeted advertising program provides businesses of all sizes with measurable results, while enhancing the overall Web experience for users. Google is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit <a href="http://www.google.com/">www.google.com</a>.</p><h3>Media Contacts:</h3><p>Corporate Communications<br />Sony Corporation<br />+81-3-6748-2200<br /><a href="mailto:sony.pressroom@sony.co.jp">sony.pressroom@sony.co.jp</a></p><p>Anthony House<br />Google<br />509-720-8525<br /><a href="mailto:anthonyh@google.com">anthonyh@google.com</a></p><p>###</p><p><em>Google, Google TV and Android are trademarks of Google Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.</em></p>Anonymousnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-11170755.post-61610132560015151132010-05-20T09:56:00.001-07:002020-07-30T16:41:20.881-07:00Industry Leaders Announce Open Platform to Bring Web to TV<p><em>Google, Intel, Logitech and Sony Join Together to Deliver Google TV Platform</em></p><p><em>DISH Network, Best Buy, Adobe to Support Bringing Devices to Market</em></p><p><strong>SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (May 20, 2010)</strong> – Today at the Google I/O developer conference in San Francisco, leading industry players announced the development of Google TV – an open platform that adds the power of the web to the television viewing experience, ushering in a new category of devices for the living room. Intel, Sony, and Logitech, together with Best Buy, DISH Network and Adobe, joined Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) on stage to announce their support for Google TV.</p><p>Over the past decade, the Internet has created unprecedented opportunity for innovation and development across the world, but so far the web has largely been absent from living rooms. With Google TV, consumers will now be able to search and watch an expanded universe of content available from a variety of sources including TV providers, the web, their personal content libraries, and mobile applications.</p><h3>Search across TV, Web, and Apps</h3><p>Google TV is based on the Android platform and runs the Google Chrome web browser. Users can access all of their usual TV channels as well as a world of Internet and cloud-based information and applications, including rich Adobe® Flash based content – all from the comfort of their own living room and with the same simplicity as browsing the web. When coupled with the Intel® Atom™ processor CE4100, Intel’s latest system-on-a-chip designed specifically for consumer electronics, the new platform will offer home theatre quality A/V performance. Sony and Logitech said they would be delivering products based on the new Intel Atom processor and running Google TV later this year. While Google TV is designed to work with any TV operator, at launch the user experience will be fully optimized when paired with DISH Network.</p><p>Google TV expands video choice from the hundreds of channels available today through a pay TV provider to the vast storehouse of video content available through the web and streaming videos. The Google TV experience is complemented by the ability to watch streaming video from leading content platforms, including Netflix, Amazon Video On Demand, and YouTube. Google TV will also have the capability to run apps from the Android Market.</p><p>To navigate the array of content that will now be available through a single device and on a single screen, Google TV introduces an integrated search experience to help viewers easily find relevant content across over-the-air and pay-TV channel listings, DVR, and the Internet, as well as a picture-in-picture layout to access multiple windows simultaneously. Google TV also features an innovative home screen to help viewers quickly organize their favorite content and personalize their TV viewing experience. Some of these features are only available with advanced integration from DISH Network.</p><h3>Broad Alliance of Industry Leaders</h3><p>Eric Schmidt, Google Chairman and CEO said, “We are very proud to be working with this distinguished set of partners, all of whom have decades of experience in hardware, design and retail.”</p><p>Sony announced plans to introduce “Sony Internet TV,” the World’s first TV lineup incorporating the Google TV platform. The first models are planned to be introduced in the U.S. market in the Fall of 2010 with the lineup featuring both a standalone TV model and set top box-type unit incorporating a Blu-ray Disc drive.</p><p>Howard Stringer, Chairman, President and CEO, Sony Corporation said, “I am delighted to announce the unique alignment of Google’s rapidly growing, open source Android platform with Sony’s unparalleled expertise in the field of TV design and technology. The addition of ‘Sony Internet TV’ will further bolster Sony’s comprehensive TV lineup and will fuse new levels of enjoyment and interactivity into the TV experience.”</p><p>Logitech will introduce a companion box that brings Google TV to existing HDTV home entertainment systems, easily integrating with any brand of HDTV and set-top box. The companion box will incorporate Logitech’s Harmony® remote control technology, and will include a controller that combines keyboard and remote control capabilities. The company also has plans to introduce an HDTV camera and video chat for Google TV, along with additional choices for navigation and control, including apps to turn a smart phone into an advanced controller for Google TV and home-entertainment systems.</p><p>Gerald Quindlen, President and CEO, Logitech said, “We committed to Google TV early on because it aligns with our strategy to support open platforms that enable new immersive experiences in the digital living room. While Google TV enables seamless discovery of all your content, Logitech enables seamless control over how you experience that content. We look forward to continued collaboration with Google and the developer community to create new Google TV experiences that have yet to be imagined.”</p><p>The Intel Atom CE4100 processor will power both the Logitech and Sony devices. Paul Otellini, Intel President and CEO praised the collaborative effort and said TV as we know it was being “reinvented.” "Today marks the next step in the evolution of TV to Smart TV. TV’s are becoming smarter as a result of the microprocessor and the Internet. Traditional TV programming will be merged seamlessly with the infinite amount of content on the Internet to enable every viewer to determine what they want to watch, when they want it. This is Moore’s Law transforming television, powered by the performance of Intel microprocessors."</p><p>DISH Network has been a key partner with Google on advanced integration development for Google TV. The two partners began a joint trial over a year ago with more than 400 DISH Network and Google beta users. Based on the continuous feedback from the trial, Google and DISH Network have built the optimized Google TV experience that seamlessly integrates traditional TV, DVR and web content.</p><p>Charlie Ergen, Chairman, President and CEO of DISH Network, said, “Google TV marks the next evolution in television, and we are excited to be the first to partner with Google to bring this experience to our customers. Only DISH Network Google TV customers will be able to enjoy a unified search across TV, DVR and web; easily find related content; and manage their entire TV viewing experience. Additionally, the advanced integration will allow developers to create new and exciting applications to enrich the TV viewing experience.”</p><p>Best Buy will bring their retail experience and consumer expertise to the project, with Google TV devices being sold at Best Buy locations nationwide later this year. “Every day, our 180,000 Blue Shirt store employees and Geek Squad Agents work with our customers to get them the best home theater experience possible”, said Brian Dunn, CEO Best Buy, “We are thrilled about the new and exciting experiences smart TVs, like Google TV, provide to our customers – and we are looking forward to showcasing those experiences in our store and ensuring customers get connected to all the products and services that bring those experiences to life.”</p><p>Finally, Adobe Flash Player 10.1 will be integrated directly into the Google Chrome browser on Google TV, enabling viewers to experience tens of millions of web pages with rich Flash content including games, animations, applications, videos, audio and more. Shantanu Narayen, President and CEO, Adobe said, “An open web ecosystem offers endless opportunities for creativity and innovation. Flash Player 10.1 extends the advantages of full web browsing and consistent, rich experiences to smartphones, tablets, netbooks and Internet-connected TVs. We’re thrilled to be part of the Google TV initiative with other industry leaders who share a common vision of enabling access to the best web experiences possible.”</p><h3>Opportunity for Developers</h3><p>The demonstration at I/O highlighted the unique opportunity developers have to help shape the future of Google TV. Today Google announced that they would soon release a set of TV specific APIs for web applications, encouraging web developers to begin building unique web applications for use on television sets. Later this year Google will also release an updated Android SDK, which will support applications built for Google TV.</p><p>Google also plans to open source the Google TV platform to help spur innovation in the industry and so that other developers can benefit from the project. The long term goal is to collaborate with the entire developer community to help drive entertainment in the living room forward and to introduce the next generation of TV-watching experience.</p><p>For more information about the project visit <a href="http://www.google.com/tv/">google.com/tv</a>.</p><h3>About Google</h3><p>Founded in 1998 by Stanford Ph.D. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google’s innovative search technologies connect millions of people around the world with information every day. Google’s targeted advertising program provides businesses of all sizes with measurable results, while enhancing the overall web experience for users. Google is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia.</p><h3>About Intel</h3><p>Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) is a world leader in computing innovation. The company designs and builds the essential technologies that serve as the foundation for the world’s computing devices. Additional information about Intel is available at <a href="http://www.intel.com/pressroom">www.intel.com/pressroom</a> and <a href="http://blogs.intel.com/">blogs.intel.com</a>.</p><h3>About Logitech</h3><p>Logitech is a world leader in products that connect people to the digital experiences they care about. Spanning multiple computing, communication and entertainment platforms, Logitech’s combined hardware and software enable or enhance digital navigation, music and video entertainment, gaming, social networking, audio and video communication over the Internet, video security and home-entertainment control. Founded in 1981, Logitech International is a Swiss public company listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (LOGN) and on the Nasdaq Global Select Market (LOGI).</p><h3>About Sony</h3><p>Sony Corporation is a leading manufacturer of audio, video, game, communications, key device and information technology products for the consumer and professional markets. With its music, pictures, computer entertainment and on-line businesses, Sony is uniquely positioned to be the leading electronics and entertainment company in the world. Sony recorded consolidated annual sales of approximately $78 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010. Sony Global Web Site: <a href="http://www.sony.net/">www.sony.net/</a></p><h3>Media Contacts:</h3><p>Eitan Bencuya<br />Google<br />650-214-6231<br /><a href="mailto:ebencuya@google.com">ebencuya@google.com</a></p><p>Bill Calder<br />Intel<br />503-709-8734<br /><a href="mailto:Bill.calder@intel.com">Bill.calder@intel.com</a></p><p>Pamela McCracken<br />Logitech<br />510-713-4003<br /><a href="mailto:pamela_mccracken@logitech.com">pamela_mccracken@logitech.com</a></p><p>Corporate Communications<br />Sony Corporation<br />+81-3-6748-2200<br /><a href="mailto:sony.pressroom@sony.co.jp">sony.pressroom@sony.co.jp</a></p>Unknownnoreply@blogger.com