Traderas Customer Service

Opening hours Chat

Monday-Thursday: 8:30-19:00
Friday: 08:30-18:00
Weekends: 10:00-19:00

Public holidays: Closed

Average queue time - 5 min

Opening hours Phone

Weekdays: 9:00-18:00
Weekends: Closed

Public holidays: Closed

Average queue time - 15 min

468-52 50 20 20

Opening hours business support

Weekdays: 09:00 - 17:00, closed between 12:00 - 13:00
Weekends: Closed

Public holidays: Closed


Read about our buyer protection service here 

Are you selling at Tradera? Check out or information on net payouts. 
Click here to read more

If you need help with getting a fee credited you can send us an e-mail. E-mail support is only available during weekdays.
Don't forget to add the listing number that the credit request is regarding.

We usually get back to you within 72H, if you need help right away we recommend that you contact us by chat.

Is the credit request for a provision fee?
You can always report an unpaid item from your sold items list, once reported the fee is credited instantly.