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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"It's Lord Krylar now."

Lord Krylar is the Governor of Axia, a city located in the Quantum Realm. He was an old love interest and ally of Janet van Dyne, but betrayed his comrades and sided with Kang the Conqueror. Janet reached out to Krylar for assistance when she and her family became trapped in the Quantum Realm. However, Krylar instead sold them out to Kang. In the chaos of Janet, Hank and Hope's escape, Hank enlarged a creature that promptly attacked Krylar, attempting to eat him.


Early Life[]

Freedom Fighter[]

Krylar is a resident of the Quantum Realm. He was once a member of the Freedom Fighters who strived to fight against Kang the Conqueror who displaced them from their homes. He met Janet van Dyne during that period of time and the two became lovers, as van Dyne had ‘psychological needs’ when she was stranded in the Quantum Realm. Janet van Dyne would share her stories with Krylar, including her life with Hank Pym and their daughter Hope, and things that happened in the surface world, such as creatures called ants.[2]

Allying with Kang[]

Becoming Governor[]

Sometime after Janet van Dyne was rescued out of the Quantum Realm secretly and was presumed dead, Krylar allied with his former enemy, Kang the Conqueror and was given the title of Governor of Axia.[2]

Reuniting with van Dyne[]

Quantumania Trailer (53)

Krylar sees Janet van Dyne

One day, Krylar was notified by his men that Janet van Dyne was found in the Quantum Realm and requested an audience with Krylar, not knowing that her former lover allied himself with Kang the Conqueror. Krylar then secretly notified Kang of this news and arrived at the designated meeting area on his transport.

Seeing Janet with another male and a younger female, Krylar walked over and took off his glasses and cape. He immediately identified the other two as Hank Pym and Hope van Dyne, Janet’s husband and daughter respectively. He greeted the three of them and engaged in a conversation about the surface world, learning the fact that Hank and Hope were oblivious of his existence and Janet’s adventures in the Quantum Realm. As Janet demanded to know the locations of Scott and Cassie Lang who also were sucked into the Quantum Realm but were lost, Krylar ordered the people working in the bar to serve some food as he is hungry and wanted to eat first, possibly to buy time and keep the three of them there. When food arrived, Krylar slurped down a creature from the cup immediately.

Creature attacks Krylar and Kang's men

Krylar is attacked by a creature

As the four of them continued to talk, a team of Quantumnauts stormed into the room. Krylar ordered them to stand down, and revealed his secret to the van Dyne family, stating that the Conqueror could be very ‘persuasive’. Realizing Krylar had switched sides, Hope attacked first and took down several of his bodyguards and planned to steal Krylar’s ship, while Hank took a blaster from the body of another guard and used it to attack Kang’s soldiers who entered through the circular door. Before Krylar could do anything, Hank threw an enlargement disk to the creature that was served to Krylar not long ago, and Krylar was attacked by the creature.[2]


Krylar appeared to be a charming individual who indulges himself in the luxuries of being a governor at first, wearing sumptuous clothing and having his own team of personal bodyguards. He at first warmly welcomed Janet van Dyne and her family when they came asking for his help, and also showed a polite and friendly attitude when he talked to the trio and conversed about the surface universe and what they are doing in the Quantum Realm.

However, beneath the guise of a charming gentleman lies a power-hungry nature. Krylar left the Freedom Fighters and allied with Kang the Conqueror who was his former enemy, and then betrayed Janet van Dyne by revealing her location to Kang who sent a team of soldiers to capture her, and also tried to buy time and slow van Dyne down by eating and casually talking with them. Krylar is also a hypocrite, as he tried to pose as Janet’s friend while at the same time planning to capture them.


To be added


To be added


  • Krylar's Yacht: During his time as Governor of Axia, Krylar travelled around with his luxurious yacht. On one occasion, he went to meet Janet van Dyne with this vehicle, but when Krylar’s plans to capture and deliver Janet and her family to Kang the Conqueror were exposed, Hank Pym attacked him and took the yacht to escape.






  • In the comics, Krylar was a scientist in the Microverse who served Visis, a warlord who had a machine capable of physically generating someone's deepest fear. Appearing in only one issue, he assisted Hulk in fighting a doppelganger of his before he was killed by Visis.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Bill Murray accepted the role of Krylar despite being uninterested in superhero/comic book adaptations due to his relationship with director Peyton Reed. Murray cited liking Reed and his personal admiration for Reed's film Bring It On as reasons why he accepted the offer.[3]
  • Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania writer Jeff Loveness had Matt Berry and even his idol Steve Martin in mind when thinking about who could play Krylar, but once it became clear that Bill Murray would play Krylar, Loveness molded the dialogue to fit Murray's voice.[4]
  • According to Katy M. O'Brian, the film was initially going to confirm that Krylar actually survived his encounter with the creature he was going to eat after a chase and instead would be arrested under Kang the Conqueror's orders, leading Krylar to stay in a cell for a couple of scenes before Jentorra busted him out and he pretended to join her to escape.[5]
  • Scott Brady was a stunt double for Bill Murray in the role of Krylar.


External Links[]
