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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For the original Falcon, see Sam Wilson
For other uses, see Falcon (disambiguation)

"All we can do now is sit tight and just chill. Sometimes, there's nothing to do until there's something to do."
―Joaquín Torres to Sam Wilson[src]

Joaquín Torres is a United States Air Force lieutenant and intelligence officer and a friend of Sam Wilson.


Air Force Career[]

Surviving the Snap[]

"They think that the world was better during the Blip. Trust me, it wasn't."
―Joaquín Torres to Sam Wilson[src]

In 2018, Torres survived the Snap. For the next five years, he witnessed firsthand the hardships it brought.[2]

New Missions[]

Rescue of Captain Vassant[]
"All right, heads up! You're about to fly into Libyan airspace."
"And I assume they have a problem with that."
"Yeah, yeah. A big problem."
―Joaquín Torres and Falcon[src]
First Lt

Torres does ground control during the rescue

In 2024, Torres teamed up with his new friend, Sam Wilson, to rescue Vassant, who was kidnapped by the terrorist organization known as the LAF before they were able to get him over the Tunisian border where the U.S. could not be seen operating. While driving a Humvee, he helped assist Wilson from the ground and watched as the mission was successful. He then leapt in the air in gleeful excitement.[2]

Discussing Flag Smashers[]
Torres talks about the Blip

Torres speaking to Sam Wilson

Afterwards, he and Wilson went to a café together in Tunisia: Torres tried to help Wilson fix Redwing, but Wilson told him he had it. Two locals then walked up and thanked Wilson for his role in bringing about the Blip. Torres then told Wilson about a new terrorist group called the Flag Smashers, who believed life was better during the Blip, and showed him their symbol on his phone. Torres then told Wilson that conspiracy theories had popped up online about Steve Rogers living on the moon as the general public didn't know what happened to him. Wilson told him not to believe everything online. When Wilson got up to leave, Torres asked why he was going to Washington, D.C., only for Wilson to smile at him and say moon stuff.[2]

Robbery of Gasel Bank[]
Torres tries to infiltrate Flag Smashers

Torres tries to infiltrate in Switzerland

"I don't know how jurisdiction works here, but I'mma have to place you under arrest."
―Joaquín Torres to Dovich[src]

Deciding to go investigate himself, Torres travelled to Switzerland in order to track down the Flag Smashers and found a group of people sliding on masks. Confused, Torres put one on, but soon realized that he had wandered into the middle of a bank robbery led by the same terrorist organization he was searching for. A local policeman attempted to arrest the masked Torres, but he easily got away from him. He then filmed a Flag Smasher knocking away another policeman with superhuman force.

Torres attacked

Torres is brutally attacked by Dovich

Torres tossed aside the mask and brought out his handgun confronting the terrorist. He tried to arrest him; however, the terrorist was no match for him and knocked him unconscious.

Torres (Switzerland)

Torres giving Sam Wilson an update

After regaining his consciousness, Torres texted and then video-called Sam Wilson, updating him on what happened with the Flag Smashers.[2]

Heading to Munich[]
Torres & Wilson

Torres and Sam Wilson talking in the terminal

Returning to the United States of America to the USAF base, Torres met with Sam Wilson and walked alongside him as they headed to the aircraft, and asked him what he thought of the new Captain America.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier 36

Torres and Sam Wilson flying into Germany

Torres took Wilson and Bucky Barnes to Germany on the military aircraft and watched Wilson jump out of it. He was surprised when Barnes followed without any flight gear.[3]

Helping Sam Wilson[]

Upon being asked by Sam Wilson to look up a woman named Donya Madani, Torres called Wilson telling him that she died and that she was residing in Riga, Latvia, prompting Wilson to travel there for clues.[4]

Joaquin Torres & Sam Wilson

Torres and Sam Wilson in Latvia

Later, Torres met with Wilson and Bucky Barnes at the former Latvian GRC Resettlement Camp in Riga. Torres greeted Barnes and mentioned to him that he noticed he had gotten his sleeve back after ripping it off on the aircraft in Munich. After Barnes left them, Torres informed Wilson that Karli Morgenthau has been hiding since the brutal murder of a member of one of her teammates at the hands of John Walker. Torres also took an interest in looking at Wilson's wings. Walking away with Captain America's shield, Wilson passed on his Falcon mantle over to Torres leaving him with the EXO-7 Falcon suit.[5]

Torres calls Sam

Torres video-chats with Sam Wilson

Two months later,[6], Torres video-called Wilson and told him that the Flag Smashers were planning an attack in New York City. Wilson deduced that the Flag Smashers were planning to attack the New York Global Repatriation Council building and thanked Torres for his intel.[5]

New Mantle[]

TF&TWS Pilot EP6

Torres watches his friend on the news

Still at work with the USAF, Torres watched from his laptop as his friend gave a speech as the new Captain America, in his new Captain America suit, following the defeat of the Flag Smashers and smiled, motivated by the speech.[7]


"Sometimes you gotta get your hands dirty, or a broken orbital."
―Joaquín Torres to Sam Wilson[src]

Torres is a genuine, friendly man. This is shown with his friendship with Sam Wilson, providing answers that help him on his missions and helping with transportation means. Torres is also very motivated and courageous, going to Switzerland on his own to investigate the Flag Smashers instead of waiting for backup.


  • Expert Combatant: Due to extensive military training, Torres became a capable combatant. He easily overpowered a policeman with a jiu-jitsu movement.
  • Expert Marksman: Torres is skilled in wielding firearms, particularly pistols.
  • Multilingualism: Torres is fluent in his native English, as well as Arabic and German.



Other Equipment[]

"Wait, yo, you forgot the wings."
"Keep 'em."
―Joaquín Torres and Sam Wilson[src]






In chronological order:


  • In the comics, Joaquín Torres was genetically infused with the DNA of Redwing by the Serpent Society, changing him into a human-falcon hybrid. When Sam Wilson became Captain America, Torres became the new Falcon.
  • Lieutenant Torres is a member of the 547th Intelligence Squadron, stationed at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Falcon.

External Links[]
