We don’t store your data

As of 19 March 2021

Does Passendo share the information you own with anybody?
We have extensive data protection and data processing agreements with everybody who uses our technology, protecting your data from third parties’ illegal access. We do not look at your data, do not share it with anybody. It belongs to you and the publisher that sent you an email.

The publisher might use it to target ads towards you. If you clicked on a car ad, you might see more car ads on the basis of this click. If you responded poorly to ads about shampoo, you might see fewer shampoo ads in the future.

If advertiser Y has access to your email address (because you are a client of theirs now or you were at some point), they can use the Passendo platform to show you specific ads. The advertiser will never get access to any data about you specifically in any way.

What does Passendo potentially know about me?
We might have a one-way encrypted version of your email address. One-way encryption means that a mathematical algorithm is used to ensure we can never recover your email address just from the encrypted version. This is called hashing, and the algorithm used is called SHA256. Everybody that runs the SHA256 algorithm on the same email address will get the same result.

For example, support@passendo.com always becomes the string:

We don’t store your actual email address, which is designed to protect you and your data.

We store information about which ads have been shown to you, and if you ignored them, clicked them, or did something else. Remember, we don’t know your email address, only the one-way encrypted version of it, meaning the hash string.

Do you track me in any other way?
We might set a cookie when you click an ad. This is done so that we can get information back if you bought an advertised product or signed up for an offer. We never use the cookie for anything else and never will.

Please be aware that if you click on an ad, you are taken to a webpage of the advertiser’s choosing, where we do not control the privacy policy.

What can I opt out of?
Not really a lot. We don’t share your data, and don’t know anything else about how you responded to the ads we showed you. We need core data to operate ad serving for the publisher. To opt-out of this, simply unsubscribe from the newsletter where you saw the ad.

How long do we keep your information for?
Your data is kept in our system for as long as we have a proven legal basis to process it on behalf of our advertisers, i.e., publishers, unless you opt-out by unsubscribing from the publisher’s newsletter or the legal ground for your data processing ceases to exist for other reasons.

Your rights over your information
By law, you can ask us what information we hold about you, you can see it, and you can ask us to correct it if it is inaccurate. You can also ask for it to be erased, and you can ask us to give you a copy of the information. You can also ask us to stop using your information at any time, either by unsubscribing or by contacting us via email, phone, or mail.

Your right to complain
If you have a complaint about our use of your information, you can contact the Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet).

Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
2500 København


For additional information regarding your data protection rights, among other things, under the GDPR, please refer to the GDPR privacy statement and Privacy Policy.

Do you have more questions?
Contact our Support Team at support@passendo.com to get answers.

For additional information regarding your data protection rights under the GDPR, please refer to the GDPR privacy statement and Privacy Policy.

You can find the main passendo page here.