Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2011


Architecture/Religion: Architecture reflects the many things about the people who designed and built the structures of their times. I often like to look at a style of Architecture and think how it might look different if it were influenced my a different religion etc. In this case Classic Architecture influenced by a Pagan style religion. One that saw the four basic "elements" of life as the important items to emphasize; earth, water, air, fire " energy from the sun". I would be interested on yours views of what you might see in this model as to its symbolism. This model in in the process of being designed. It is a complex model, and it may have reached the resources of my computer. So I'm not sure how far I will get before the computer comes to a grinding halt. I need a new computer. But that is not going to happen on my retired income.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sculpture Stand

This is a Sculpture stand I just designed after looking at other examples. It's been a while since I've done some clay sculpture work. So I thought I'd get started again. Hopefully I'll have something to display in my Art Blog before too many months.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Test renders

This is a series of test renders for the current model I've been working on. Part of my motivation for this model was to see what level of detail SketchUp can take at present. I have been very pleased with the performance of the software. My computer however is showing signs of stress. Only a couple of textures have been added so far. More to come

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Still Life

These Still Life images are a result of my art background. I thought I would spend some time exploring the traditional art concept of Still Life. This form was used by artists to demonstrate their ability to create a wide variety of textures and surfaces. These first examples because glass, stone, and metal are relative easy subjects in contemporary computer art. It is obviously going to take additional work to tackle some of the textures of Traditional Still Life painting. I'm open for suggestions and guidance in this area.