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Steven Universe Wiki
This article is about the Crystal Gem member. You may be looking for another Pearl or Pink Diamond's first Pearl.

I won't give up. Everything I do, I do it for her! I do it for him! ... I do it for me!

Click here to see more of Pearl's quotes.

Pearl is a member of the Crystal Gems. She was Pink Diamond's second Pearl, and one of Rose Quartz's closest followers and her sole confidant. Pearl is one of the last surviving Gems on Earth who joined the Crystal Gems in their rebellion against the Gem Homeworld. Pearl would afterward protect the Earth over the next several millennia alongside her friends, while later teaching Steven the ways of Gems.

Years later, Pearl is no longer suffering from issues of self-worth and finds her way, knowing she is herself. Though she is struck and has her memories wiped by Spinel's rejuvenator, she gets her memories back by having Greg and Steven fuse into Steg, who reminds her of her independence.

Pearl now teaches at Little Homeschool, teaching Gems how to interact with human beings. While she previously seemed to find interaction with humans uncomfortable, Pearl now actively partakes in it and encourages other Gems to do the same.


Lars and the Cool Kids (022)

Pearl's pupil and eyelashes from "Lars and the Cool Kids".

Pearl has a slender build, an ivory complexion, light cyan eyes, a pointed nose, and thin lips. She is quite a tall Gem, towering over Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire, Peridot, and Steven alike. She is nearly equal in height (with hair) to Garnet's chin. Her hair is a light peach color (though on some occasions, it is light pink) and resembles a pixie-cut in the front, while in the back, her hair leads to a point. Like most Gems, Pearl is usually drawn without eyelashes or pupils, although they have been seen in some close-ups. Pearl's gemstone is located in the middle of her forehead and has no facets.

First Form

In "A Single Pale Rose" and "Now We're Only Falling Apart", which flashback to the time she served Pink Diamond, Pearl wears a dress resembling Pink Diamond's. The top half has puffy blue shoulders, an amber-colored top with a V neck, a diamond-shaped cutout at the bottom, and a light yellow trim along the bottom. The bottom half has a pink skirt with transparent drapes over it and pale blue ballet flats. Her hairstyle is a mix between its style during the Rebellion and its style in the 80s. This form also appears when Pearl regenerates in Steven Universe: The Movie.

1980s-90s Regeneration

In "Story for Steven", "We Need to Talk", "Greg the Babysitter", and "A Single Pale Rose", which all flashback to around the 1980s, along with Lapis Lazuli's flashback in "Same Old World" Pearl wore a cropped ruffle mesh capelet with a draped sleeveless and shoulderless heart-shaped aqua top, short lavender leggings, salmon pink leg warmers, and pale blue ballet flats. Her hair was also a little longer, somewhat resembling a bob.

Pre-Regeneration (Debut)

From "Gem Glow" to "Steven the Sword Fighter", Pearl wore a sleeveless, sky blue top that had a yellow star, and a translucent chest and transferred into a transparent silk ballet skirt around her waist. She also wore short salmon pink-colored leggings, light-green socks, and pale blue slip-on ballet flats to match. This form was also seen in the flashback of "Three Gems and a Baby".

Post-Regeneration (Previous)

From "Steven the Sword Fighter" to "Together Alone", Pearl wore an aqua blue tunic with a small yellow star on the center of her chest and a lighter satin sash ribbon around her upper waist. Her leggings were amber-colored. She also wore pink socks, and her slip-on ballet flats were colored a slightly lighter blue than before.

Current Regeneration

After regenerating in "Change Your Mind", Pearl now wears a poofy, cropped, short-sleeve cyan blazer with a pink inner lining and a yellow star on the back over a light teal top, cadet blue leggings (appearing as capri jeans), and light pink slip-on ballet flats.


In "The Answer", "Your Mother and Mine", and "Now We're Only Falling Apart", which flashback to the Rebellion, Pearl wears a translucent top (with the top-half pink and the bottom-half teal), short pink leggings, and orange boots. Her hair resembles what it looks like currently, except longer.


Pearl is like a Samurai. She is, like, incredibly precise.

Rebecca Sugar

Pearl is a perfectionist who is knowledgeable on a plethora of topics that value organization. Pearl has a penchant for symmetry (going so far as to impale M.C. Bear Bear to maintain the symmetry of a pile of appliances and school supplies) and very high attention to detail.

Despite her perfectionism and occasional bragging, Pearl suffers from low self-esteem. In "Friend Ship", she admits she is very dependent on others to validate her, which loops into a strong inferiority complex. According to Amethyst in "Reformed", she needs everyone's constant approval to feel secure. Without anyone to tell her what to do or to depend on her, Pearl feels lost without meaning or value. Pearl admits she often feels extremely weak and/or useless when compared to others who appear better than her, going so far as to describe herself as ineffective on her own; always in need of a leader she can follow, thinking she has very little power to affect others, partly because her low self-esteem leads her to believe she lacks the relevance to be influential. Her self-deprecating tendencies stem from the Homeworld caste values, where Pearls are viewed as property rather than Gems. This has led her to take drastic actions to prove herself — though, thanks to Garnet's encouragement in "Friend Ship", she has started to take initiatives instead of letting other's words define Pearl herself. It appears Pearl has taken this to her heart, as she asserted herself against Peridot when she treated Pearl in a degrading tone. Pearl even goes as far as physically punching Peridot to show that she is an individual, not a piece of property. In the past, her low self-esteem is explained in detail by Garnet that she was willing to risk her life to protect Rose to prove her worth, which goes as far as nearly making Connie into an exact low-esteem replica of her during sword training if not for Steven's intervention.

Pearl is easily flustered and overwhelmed when confronted by the unknown or when her plans fail, which can lead to her judgment being clouded or cause her to act on impulse instead of rational thinking. Her inner turmoil over her love for Rose (and her subsequent absence) has made Pearl lash out at Steven and the Crystal Gems more than once. At times, Pearl does not realize when she is being selfish because she thinks she is always doing everything for others. Her fierce desire to feel "strong" and have more victories as a Crystal Gem even caused her to betray Garnet's trust and basic principles so they could keep forming Sardonyx. When realizing how much she hurt others, Pearl will apologize and try as hard as she can to set things right, working hard to counteract the damage she may have inflicted.

Out of all the Crystal Gems, Pearl is the most poorly adjusted to life on Earth, being unaware of human social conventions and culture, such as jokes, games, arcades, food, and birthday parties. Pearl has expressed a great desire to leave Earth in "Space Race", going so far as to risk her and Steven's lives. Pearl also has a pessimistic view of humanity, as evidenced by her statement in "Keep Beach City Weird". Though, in "Political Power", she claimed to have been around during the millennium when humans lived without any light and were aware that they used to hunt and gather. She appeared quite surprised that they did not do that anymore. In "Last One Out of Beach City", Pearl takes her turn at trying to build a normal, human social life in the hopes of impressing Steven and Amethyst, voluntarily joining them in going to a show, and drinking beverages. By the end, Pearl even approached Mystery Girl that had appeared repeatedly throughout the episode, whom Pearl seemed infatuated with.

Humans just live short, boring, insignificant lives, so they make up stories to feel like they're a part of something bigger. They want to blame all the world's problems on some single enemy they can fight, instead of a complex network of interrelated forces beyond anyone's control.

—"Keep Beach City Weird"

Despite her poor image of humanity, Pearl has come to show admiration for them as demonstrated in "Three Gems and a Baby" where she admires and envies the ability of humans to adapt to changes, something that she comments that It is not normal for her or other gems, this is also demonstrated with Connie, being moved by her conviction to the point of tears in "Sworn to the Sword" and whom she considers an "Excellent Student" to the point of letting her help on missions. related to gems and even give him a vote of confidence in "Gem Hunt" and agree to separate from her and Steven to occupy more ground during the mission.

Everything should grow, and everything should change, and isn't it so great how it comes so naturally to humans? Well, it's not natural for us! It's not natural... for me.

—"Three Gems and a Baby"

Although her pessimistic perspective of humans, Pearl is extremely dedicated to her cause in protecting humanity more or less out of her love, loyalty, and admiration for Rose Quartz. She does, however, find certain aspects of Earth rather amazing. Regardless of her poor understanding of human society, she can pay for the Cookie Cats Amethyst and Garnet steal in "Gem Glow", drive Greg's van in "Ocean Gem" and repair it in "House Guest". She also watches the New Year's Eve fireworks show in "Maximum Capacity".

In "Back to the Barn", it is revealed that pearls are not created for fighting, but for following orders. However, Pearl trained to fight with Rose. Peridot also describes pearls as accessories that are meant to be put on display as status symbols and to perform menial tasks, although Pearl's appearance fits this standard.

Aside from her pessimism and perfectionism, Pearl is usually polite and reserved to others; she keeps everything set orderly and tidy. Her obsessive attention to tidiness is explained in "Back to the Barn" when it is revealed that pearls are made-to-order servants and are created to "hold stuff" for their masters.

Her body language tends to accentuate her movements like a ballerina, using the tip of her feet. Pearl tends to keep her legs straight, though she often crosses her feet. Her fighting style also displays several leaps and pirouettes, all further emphasized by her ballerina-like outfit.

Steven Universe: The Movie shows Pearl more laid back and confident, as when Greg says she's the boss she agrees, showing that she's accepted she's her Gem. When reformed after being hit by the rejuvenator she returns to being servile to Greg, whom she imprints on.

"Volleyball" shows how far Pearl has come. Having overcome most of her problems and almost moved completely past her relationship with Rose/Pink, Pearl shows a strong and confident attitude with a dry sarcastic sense of humor, remarking snidely how Pink Pearl still had an infatuation with Pink Diamond and scoffing at the items for Pearls in The Reef. "Snow Day" shows how far she's moved past her trauma over Rose/Pink when she shapeshifts into 14-year-old Steven for Steven Tag.


Click here to view the history of Pearl.
Click here to view the history of Pearl.


I am a Gem of many talents. A dedication to fact is just one of them.

—"Historical Friction"

Pearl possesses standard Gem abilities: bubbling, shapeshifting, fusion, regeneration, agelessness, gravity shifting, weapon-Summoning, photokinesis, gem storage, and superhuman strength/durability.

Throughout the series, Pearl has been shown to know multiple aspects of technology, from fixing Greg's van, making a semi-functioning spacecraft out of leftover machine parts, creating a functional robot to battle Peridot, to fixing Peridot's escape pod and even reverse-engineering it to track Peridot's Warp Pad movements. In "Back to the Barn", it is implied that Pearl's engineering skills are mostly self-taught much to Peridot's astonishment. Her engineering and constructing abilities rival Peridot's considering the tie between them in the robots challenge. Despite this talent, she cannot craft or upgrade weaponry and has to rely on Bismuth for that task. Furthermore, due to Pearl's lack of update in terms of current Gem technology for thousands of years, she is unfamiliar with some current Gem technology like the operating system in the Roaming Eye in which she needs Peridot to check the system for her and the Crystal Gems.

While Pearl is lithe and quite graceful, she has a surprising resilience to injury. In "Coach Steven", she took a headbutt from Sugilite and could still move, given Steven's encouragement. In "On the Run", she took an explosion from Amethyst's whip directly and recovered almost immediately after being briefly immobilized and scratched.

In "Historical Friction", she mentions that one of her talents is a dedication to the fact. She has shown this skill in the past while displaying examples using her holograms. Her immortality and attention to detail have allowed her to recall historical events as they truly happened, such as the beginning of the Crystal Gems' rebellion and the founding of Beach City.


  • When fused with Amethyst, they form Opal.
  • When fused with Rose Quartz, they form Rainbow Quartz.
  • When fused with Ruby and Sapphire, they form Sardonyx.
  • When fused with Ruby, Sapphire, and Amethyst, they form Alexandrite.
  • When fused with Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, and Rose Quartz, they form Obsidian.
  • When fused with Steven, they form the hybrid fusion Rainbow Quartz 2.0.
  • When fused with Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, and Steven, they form the hybrid fusion Obsidian.
  • When fused with Pink Pearl, they form Mega Pearl.


  • Spear Proficiency: Through her many years of training, Pearl can summon her weapon, a pearlescent spear. Pearl is very skilled in the art of spear-wielding and goes in tandem with her pattern of fighting that involves formal (Ballet) dancing. She moves gracefully and swiftly, attacking with grace and poise. She stays calm and collected during melee battles, duels, and skirmishes. Pearl also has great skill in throwing her spear. This was proven in "Giant Woman", and "Beach Party". As of "Bismuth", Pearl's spear has been upgraded to be able to turn into a trident.
    • Dual Wielding:
      Pearl vs

      Pearl, firing an energy projectile.

      Pearl is capable of wielding dual spears in battle, implying she is ambidextrous.
    • Energy Projection: Pearl can fire arrow-like blasts of energy from the tip of her spear. This can be done as rapid-fire or charged to unleash a more powerful blast. In Attack the Light, this ability is named "Fireball". It is implied in "Bismuth" that this ability may have been developed sometime after the title character was bubbled by Rose.
  • Swordsmanship:

    Pearl summoning her swords.

    Pearl possesses expert knowledge and skill with a sword. For one on one dueling, Pearl's preferred weapon is a straight-bladed saber. Pearl's parries are tight and minimalist; her offense is a pattern that is specific to the environment. This pattern consists of lunges, thrusts, and horizontal slashes.
  • Engineering: On multiple occasions, Pearl has demonstrated a high level of skill in mechanical engineering, ranging from reverse-engineering Flask Robonoids to constructing a combat-ready robot on short notice. She also constructed a rocket in an attempt to leave Earth, proving herself able to compete with an "expert" mechanic such as Peridot.
  • Gem-tech Interfacing: While not to the extent of Peridot, she is first shown in "Jail Break" and later shown in "Friend Ship", to be able to interface and control Gem technology such as the Gem Warship and, to a greater extent, Peridot's escape pod. When she interfaces with Gem-tech, her eyes become overlapped with what looks like a programming code.
  • Driving: Pearl is the first known Gem, before Steven, to be able to drive a car, as she has driven Greg's Van before. In "Last One Out of Beach City", she is shown to be an extremely skilled racer.
  • Mentoring: According to Steven Universe: Too Cool for School comic, Pearl homeschools Steven effective enough to make him score a perfect mark in human conventional school. This is also shown in how effectively she has trained both Steven and Connie to fight.

Natural Abilities

  • Enhanced Strength:

    Pearl kicking Amethyst.

    Pearl, like all Gems, is superhumanly strong, she is able to easily lift humans with one hand and can also jump massive heights. In "Coach Steven", she is able to kick a large stone away. In "On the Run", her kicks were strong enough to send Amethyst flying. In "Hit the Diamond", a ball thrown by her broke Ruby's bat.
  • Enhanced Durability:

    Pearl's durability.

    Pearl is also decently durable. She was able to endure multiple hits from Sugilite, and she can survive falling from great heights. In "On the Run", she was able to withstand Amethyst's violet fire explosion. In "The Return", Pearl and Amethyst were able to survive without damage an blast from Peridot's ship.
  • Shapeshifting: Pearl, like most Gems, can shapeshift, she mostly uses her shapeshifting skills to change her clothes. In "Beach Party", Pearl shapeshifts a sundress. In "Space Race" and "Back to the Barn", she shapeshifts a space suit. In "Hit the Diamond", she shapeshifts a human disguise. Besides outfit changes, she was only seen shapeshifting into different forms in two occasions, when she shapeshifted into Rose Quartz and Steven.
  • Photokinesis: Pearl can use her gemstone to light up dark places. She uses this in "The Test", "Keeping It Together" and "It Could've Been Great".
  • Bubbling: Pearl is able to bubble objects. Her bubbles are mint cream and are sent to the Burning Room inside the Temple.

Unique Abilities

  • Holographic Projection:
    Cheeseburger Backpack Pearl 01

    Pearl using her Holographic Projection to teach Steven about the Lunar Sea Spire.

    Pearl can project holographic images from her gemstone, which she uses mainly as a visual aid when lecturing Steven. While most of the holograms seem to be intangible, some, like Holo-Pearl, can interact with solid matter. Furthermore, the holograms can function without Pearl's presence for up to two weeks, still implying that her holograms can live independently. In "Chille Tid", it is shown Pearl's dreams are projected as holograms as she sleeps.
  • Self-Duplication:
    Pearl Self-Replication

    Pearl self-replicating while playing volleyball.

    Aside from Holo-Pearls, which is projected through her gemstone, Pearl also replicates herself several times into hologram-Esque clones of herself, as seen in "Beach Party".
  • Psammokinesis:
    Fusion Dance

    Pearl's psammokinesis.

    Pearl is shown manipulating a small amount of sand to create figurines in "Giant Woman". It is currently unknown how much sand she can control at one time. This ability has only been shown once so far.
  • Nephelokinesis:
    Sworn to the Sword 170

    Pearl summoning mist.

    In "Sworn to the Sword", Pearl can channel clouds in the mist, reducing visibility and able to dissipate quite a direction of her choice, being able to gather clouds surrounding the arena her to create a finicky. However, it is not known if she can do this in other locations. Additionally, in "Mr. Greg", Pearl forms overhead clouds into depictions of herself, Rose, and Greg during the song "It's Over Isn't It", though this may have been for dramatic effect and not her manipulating the clouds.
  • Interdimensional Storage: Pearl can store objects inside a dimension in her gemstone, including other gems and humans. This ability was shown in "Lars and the Cool Kids," "Mirror Gem," "Sworn to the Sword," and "Familiar," but it was most notably used in "A Single Pale Rose," where Pearl had Steven go inside her gem to retrieve her cell phone.

Clandestine Abilities

  • Levitation: While controlled by White Diamond, Pearl could, indirectly, suspend her body.
  • White Burst: While controlled by White Diamond, Pearl was capable of shooting a white energy beam equivalent to White Diamond's aura through her eyes, which can also mentally control the affected gems.

Additional Tools

  • Swords: Pearl possesses a vast collection of swords consisting of cutlasses, Persian Talwars, and sabers which she stores within the central fountain in her room.
    • Pearl's preferred sword when teaching sword fighting lessons is a standard adult training saber, as seen when training Connie and Steven.
  • Battleaxe (mentioned only): In "Onion Trade", Pearl demands Amethyst to reveal the location of her battleaxe.
  • Replicator Wand (formerly): Pearl has a wand capable of creating identical copies of any physical object. However, Garnet destroys it in "Onion Trade" because she did not want to individually destroy the thousands of cars, "Dave Guy"s, and other objects that Onion replicated.

Attack the Light

  • Quick Strike: Pearl jumps to an enemy and slashes with her spear, then following up with a stab if the player times a tap. This move is notably weaker than Garnet's punches, but only costs 1 Star Point.
  • Spear Throw: Pearl rears her spear back, allowing the player to aim where the spear is thrown and how fast. This attack can pierce through enemies if aimed properly and costs 4 Star Points.
  • Holo-Pearl: Pearl summons a Holo-Pearl, and if the player times a tap in time with the meter, can stun an enemy for up to 3 turns. Costs 4 Star Points.
  • Fireball: Pearl assumes a stance and can fire multiple energy balls from her spear. The player can aim where the shots are fired and each shot takes a bit to charge up. Costs 5 Star Points.
  • Alexandrite: If Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst are all at full Harmony, they can fuse to form Alexandrite, which functions as a screen clearer, dealing large damage to every enemy in the battle. Costs 7 Star Points.

Save the Light

Normal Attacks

  • Quick Strike: A quick and precise attack! Deals extra damage when attacking an enemy from behind!
    • This attack was nerfed from Attack the Light, costing 2 Star Points instead of 1, but can deal extra damage from behind.
  • Spear Throw: Aim Pearl's spear and throw it through multiple enemies!
    • This attack was buffed from Attack the Light, now costing 3 Star Points instead of 4!
  • Fireball: Aim up to three high-damage fireballs at multiple enemies.
    • This attack was nerfed from Attack the Light, now costing 6 instead of 5 Star Points, but you get it earlier than Attack the Light.
  • Holo-Pearl: Create a Holo-Pearl! Holo-Pearl will continuously deal damage to selected target for a limited time.
    • This attack was vastly changed from Attack the Light, costing 2 instead of 4 Star Points, and dealing periodic damage instead of a stun.

Fusions/Team Attacks

  • Opal: Pearl and Amethyst can fuse into Opal at any time, but both Gems need to be in the party. As Opal, they can use the two attacks, Rain of Arrows, and Super Shot Arrows.
    • Rain of Arrows: Unleashes a rain of arrows that continuously generate damage in a specific location on the battlefield. This attack costs 3 Star Points.
    • Super Charge Shot: A super powerful aimed shot that deals high damage, breaks shields, and lowers enemy Defenses. This attack costs 6 Star Points.
  • Sardonyx: Garnet and Pearl can fuse into Sardonyx at any time, so they can be in the comedian show.
    • Lovely Hammer: Generates a quake that damages multiple enemies and lower their Attack. Costs 4 Star Points.
    • Try Your Luck: Try your luck on Sardonyx's prize wheel. This attack can generate various buffs or negative effects, based on what the wheel says. Costs 3 Star Points.

Unleash the Light

  • Obsidian: Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, and Steven can fuse into Obsidian at any time.


Steven Universe

All that matters is that Steven is happy.

—"Gem Glow"
Rose's Scabbard 192

Steven comforting Pearl.

Pearl acts as a kind but overprotective mother figure towards Steven. She loves teaching Steven about Gem history and culture, as well as teaching him other things such as the art of sword-fighting.

As opposed to Garnet's more pragmatic and Amethyst's more fun-loving personalities, Pearl acts as a mentor. She always tries to speak gently to him and is usually the first to show concern when taking him on a dangerous mission. However, in "Space Race", she allows her interest in returning to space to cloud her better judgment despite trying to attain her original goal of showing Steven the cosmos.

Pearl also tends to patronize Steven and frequently underestimates his abilities, expressing maternal feelings towards him and treating him like a fragile child rather than a fellow Crystal Gem, although over time she does respect the fact he is growing up. She is surprised to find that Steven is able to summon his shield in "Gem Glow", return to normal after transforming his fingers into cats in "Cat Fingers", think of strategies to escape the obstacles that they encounter in "Cheeseburger Backpack", as well as the Pyramid Temple in "Serious Steven". Pearl occasionally ignores Steven, such as when he brings up the idea of everyone eating breakfast together in "Together Breakfast". She also does not feel that Steven is prepared to learn about the dark side of Gem history, when she tells Amethyst that Steven "isn't ready" to learn about the harsher reputation of Gems in "On the Run". In "Sworn to the Sword", it is shown Pearl's maternal feelings towards Steven stems from her love and admiration for Rose Quartz, and she views Steven as a crucial asset to the Crystal Gems.

Despite recent events and her guilt, she is shown to support Steven and his endeavors in "Historical Friction". She compliments him on his wisdom when he describes the flaw in Mayor Dewey's portrayal of William Dewey in his play. She helps rewrite the play to be more accurate and is the only Gem to watch it, being ecstatic to see Steven onstage.

Pearl's maternal feelings for Steven are notably shown in "I Am My Mom", in which she sheds tears of horror when Steven decides to leave Earth with Aquamarine, and in "Lars' Head", in which she tears up in joy upon realizing Steven's return home from space.

Over time, Pearl gradually comes to have more faith in Steven, recognizing his development in both his physical abilities and maturity. In "Gem Hunt" and "Kindergarten Kid", she demonstrates she trusts Steven to handle encounters with corrupted Gems while having only limited support. "A Single Pale Rose" shows Pearl's utmost trust in Steven's maturity: she decides that he is ready for her to divulge the truth that Pink Diamond is his mother. In "Reunited", Pearl mentally states that everything she does is for Pink/Rose and Steven.

"Volleyball" showcases her full faith in Steven when she is fused as Mega Pearl, where she says it's up to him to stop the Reef security system before throwing him through a hole in the doors she made, and "A Very Special Episode" where she needs his help to fuse into Rainbow Quartz to deal with onion though in "Snow Day" she still mothers him slightly when she dresses him in winter clothing and multiple scarves.

In "The Future", Pearl at first acts like she is fine with Steven leaving but when he comes back to check her, Garnet and Amethyst for the last time, she finally cries hysterically and admits that the ukelele he gives her will be the only instrument she plays. After giving him one last hug, she wistfully watches him drive away into the unknown.


You are your own Gem. You control your destiny. Not me, not Rose, not Steven. But you must choose to be strong, so we can move forward. So I can trust you again.

—Garnet, "Friend Ship"
Cry for Help 081

Garnet and Pearl fusing.

Like the other Gems, Pearl respects and follows Garnet's orders without question. She does, however, believe that the Gems are a team and so may not exactly see Garnet as the leader, most likely because she will always see Rose Quartz as leader despite her absence. When situations are requiring executive decisions, however, Pearl usually defers to Garnet. In "Secret Team", it is clear that she shares an unprecedented fear towards her, along with Amethyst, to such an extent that both she and Amethyst willingly set aside their differences to keep the popped Gem-bubble a secret instead of facing the consequences. She has known about her true identity as a fusion for several thousand years. In "Cry for Help", it is apparent that Pearl looks up to Garnet as she is excited to fuse into Sardonyx to destroy the Communication Hub that Peridot rebuilt. Pearl enjoyed fusing with Garnet so much that she rebuilt the Communication Hub twice so she and Garnet could just fuse into Sardonyx resulting in Garnet's anger and temporary estrangement for the deception. In "Friend Ship", Pearl repaired her relationship with Garnet, making peace with her insecurities in the process. She is shown to idolize Garnet, or rather Ruby and Sapphire's relationship, as in that same episode she claims that they are the perfect relationship, and she wanted to fuse so badly because she craved being a part of a stable relationship.


I don't feel like forgiving Pearl!

—Ruby talking through Garnet, "Keystone Motel"
Gem Heist 163

Ruby commanding Pearl to open the door.

During "Keystone Motel", Ruby is greatly angered by Pearl's trickery regarding the Communication Hub. In the episode "Hit the Diamond", Pearl seems delighted to see Ruby and Sapphire when they unfuse from Garnet. In "Gem Heist", Ruby commands Pearl to open the door, and Pearl responds by asking what else she's good for. In "Now We're Only Falling Apart", Pearl apologizes to Ruby for the disappearance of Sapphire, meaning that she cares about Ruby's feelings even if she is not fused as Garnet. At the same time, Ruby saved Sapphire from Pearl in "The Answer".


Sapphire: Oh, Pearl! How will I ever get her back?!
Pearl: I... I don't know! You two are incredible together! It can't be over! It can't be over!

—Sapphire and Pearl, "What's Your Problem?"
What's Your Problem (54)

Sapphire and Pearl sobbing over Ruby.

During "Keystone Motel", Sapphire is more willing to forgive Pearl's trickery regarding the Communication Hub. In the episode "Hit the Diamond", Pearl seems delighted to see Ruby and Sapphire when they unfuse from Garnet. In the episodes "Now We're Only Falling Apart" and "What's Your Problem?", Pearl and Sapphire share a lot of individual interaction. In the former, Pearl willingly explains the backstory of Rose to Sapphire, who is furious over the revelation. Sapphire then finds out Rose was following their example, claiming Pearl "swept Rose off her feet." In the latter episode, Pearl attempts to comfort a crying Sapphire but ends up crying with Sapphire herself. In "The Question", Pearl is briefly seen comforting Sapphire before Steven enters the Beach House.


I hope you can forgive me...You're the one good thing that came out of this mess, I always thought you were proud of that.

—"On the Run"
Pearl and Amethyst hug

Amethyst hugging Pearl.

The two used to share a strained relationship, which was likely due to their contrasting personalities. Pearl is often seen scolding Amethyst, who often teases Pearl in return. However, Pearl and Amethyst can put their differences aside on multiple occasions to work together. For example, in "Secret Team", Pearl and Amethyst are forced to fight together, and complement each other's skills, even sharing appreciative smiles; in "Warp Tour", they praise and admire each other's fighting techniques; in "On the Run", the two reveal that they really do deeply care about each other, despite their differences and frequent fights. In "Story for Steven" they are shown having a much closer relationship before the events of the series, close enough to be perfectly content hugging and resting in each other's arms. It can be assumed that Rose's departure and Steven's birth somehow lead to their relationship deteriorating over time, as Amethyst implies that they used to fuse more often in "Giant Woman". Their relationship seems to have been slowly improving throughout the series. In "Log Date 7 15 2" it is shown that it has improved enough for them to form Opal with little effort. In "Know Your Fusion", Pearl hugs Amethyst and tells her that she is amazed at what Smoky Quartz was able to do with their yo-yo, and lets Amethyst know how good an influence she has been on Steven, while Amethyst blushes. In "Last One Out of Beach City", Pearl is eager to go to the rock concert with Amethyst after Greg has to cancel the show due to a previous request from Barbara to play cards with her and Vidalia. In the same episode, Amethyst compliments Pearl about how hardcore and cool she is and is also shown to be concerned that Pearl might get rejected by the mysterious woman. In "Together Alone", Amethyst enthusiastically agrees when Pearl suggests they form Opal to join Garnet in supporting Stevonnie, and they can fuse easily. In Steven Universe: The Movie, when Pearl has lost her memory and Steven's attempts to restore it prove futile, Amethyst shows concern for her and shapeshifts into Rose Quartz as a last-ditch effort. Though this also fails to make Pearl remember, she later fuses with Amethyst to celebrate her newfound independence after Steg's formation finally succeeds in making her recall her identity.

Connie Maheswaran

Well, Connie, your sword-fighting skills have far exceeded my expectations. And, with my careful supervision, of course, I'm confident that you can handle a simple gem-recovery mission like this.

—"Gem Hunt"
Sworn to the Sword 139

Pearl teaching Connie to sword fight.

Pearl originally sees Connie as just Steven's friend. When Connie asks her if she can take sword-fighting lessons in "Sworn to the Sword", Pearl initially expresses doubt. However, she is touched to the point of tears by Connie's passion and willingness to defend Steven, and thus mentors her in the art of sword fighting. During early training, Pearl relates Connie to herself and Steven to Rose, and, as such, she begins to instill in Connie a precept that she once followed herself with regards to Rose: to risk her life to protect Steven. However, Pearl soon learns from her mistake, realizing how much Steven and Connie care for each other. Now, Pearl thinks that Connie is an expert on sword fighting and that she and Steven can be great knights together.

"Gem Hunt" further shows the trusting mentor-student relationship between Pearl and Connie when the latter accompanies Steven on her first Gem mission. Pearl agrees to leave Connie and Steven to their own devices while they are searching for a corrupted Ocean Jasper and keeps in touch with them via Walkie Talkie but rushes to their aid as soon as they run into serious trouble.

Greg Universe

Our Greg is clearly the superior one.

—"Gem Harvest"
We Need To Talk (149)

Young Pearl being condescending towards young Greg.

She is on speaking terms with Greg and has shown to at least try to be civil towards him, even fixing his van after it is wrecked in "Ocean Gem". In "House Guest" she is anxious about him living with the Crystal Gems, and she is usually the first (and often the only one) of the Crystal Gems to get irritated or even mad at him as shown in "The Message". Because of Pearl's close relationship with Rose Quartz, her negative view of Greg may stem from her blaming him for his part in Rose's "death" in giving birth to Steven, much like she harbors a similar resentment towards Steven as revealed in "Rose's Scabbard".

In "Reformed", however, the two are seen casually tinkering with his van together and seemingly getting along very well, showing an improvement of their relationship.

The episode "We Need to Talk" further explores their relationship in the past when Rose was still alive. Pearl is shown to be very jealous of Rose's newfound affection for him and goes to great lengths of trying to challenge him and dissuade him from pursuing a relationship with Rose. This, combined with the fact that she sees Greg partially responsible for Rose's demise, explains why she seems to be uncomfortable, condescending, and resentful towards him in episodes set in the current time.

In "Chille Tid", Pearl has a dream in which she suggests to Rose that they forget about Greg and explore the galaxy together. Much to her horror, Rose's face turns into Greg's.


"Mr. Greg" goes in-depth on their relationship. Pearl expresses her feelings about Greg and Rose's relationship through song while she thinks Greg and Steven are asleep. In this song, Pearl says she feels lost without Rose, and that at first, she was able to stand Greg before Rose fell in love with him. She holds a grudge against him but seems to have given up at a certain point, accepting the fact that Rose had chosen Greg over her. Greg was awake the whole time and after the song is finished, he says that he does not think things can ever be normal between them. Steven reveals he brought Pearl with them to try to repair their relationship and sings "Both of You" to show how much they have in common. Their bond shows great improvement throughout the rest of the episode, and at the end, Steven quotes Pearl's song, singing the line "It's over, isn't it?" while watching them laugh with each other, implying Pearl no longer holds Rose's love for Greg against him and the two can finally work towards a good friendship.

In "Gem Harvest", when the Gems meet Andy DeMayo for the first time, Amethyst resents "some new Greg" intruding in their business, to which Pearl adds, "Our Greg is clearly the superior one," showing that Pearl has come to hold Greg in genuine esteem, a marked improvement from her previous resentment-tinged chilly détente with him.

In Steven Universe: The Movie, after Pearl is struck by Spinel's rejuvenator, she is reset and loses her memories. Upon reforming, Pearl ends up believing Greg is her new owner and refers to him as "Um-Greg Universe". Much to Greg's chagrin, she continues to serve him up until he and Steven fuse into Steg.

In "Rose Buds", Greg notices Pearl with the three Rose Quartzes staying at the Beach House. Pearl gives him a gesture of how uncomfortably awkward the situation is. Greg takes her silent message to avoid adding to the awkwardness, and promptly leaves; now they get along better.

Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond

Everything I ever did, I did for her. Now she's gone... but I'm still here.

—"Rose's Scabbard"
We Need To Talk (102,5)

Pearl and Rose fusing.

Pearl's closest relationship before the series started was with Pink Diamond, who, as Rose Quartz, was the leader of the Crystal Gems. Pearl was originally made for and given to Pink Diamond to make her happy, though Pearl was never able to do so before Earth's colonization. Pink was bored of Pearl, as she wasn't like her old pearl and was much more formal. She was also afraid of "breaking" her. But Pink still wanted a friend and confided in her on the moon base. Pearl really wanted to make her happy and developed a crush on her.

After Pearl unintentionally inspired Pink Diamond to disguise herself as a Quartz soldier to have fun on her colony, Pink began to have second thoughts about her invasion after becoming enamored with the organic life on Earth. Pink and Pearl finally developed a true friendship, with Pearl hugging and thanking her. When Pink's pleas to end the colonization were dismissed by the other Diamonds, she began a rebellion against her Homeworld as Rose, and Pearl was the first to fight alongside her. She looked up to Rose for guidance and support, and she developed romantic feelings for her over time, even imagining that she met her on Earth. Rose did not force Pearl to fight with her, and even told her that she didn't have to, but Pearl wanted to. Rose then called her, "My Pearl", and held her hand, which indicated she saw Pearl as her own person and looked up to her. Rose and Pearl's original goal was to wipe every gem off of earth and live together.

In "The Answer", it is confirmed that Pearl and Rose had been together since, at least, the year 3734 BCE. After they saw Garnet's fusion, they went to the woods as Rose was amazed after seeing the fusion. As they talked, Pearl tried to fuse with Rose but immediately apologized, saying that a pearl and a diamond couldn't fuse, and asked to be replaced. Rose protested, and Pearl finally told Rose the fantasies she had about her while blushing, and asked if she should stop imagining. Rose told her to never stop and they almost fused into Rainbow Quartz for the first time,

As revealed in "A Single Pale Rose", she was the only person who was aware of Rose's true identity as Pink Diamond and, as a result, believed herself to be Rose's "sole confidant" and, therefore, the only living being privy to all of Rose's secrets, a position she took great pride in. Due to Pink Diamond ordering Pearl to never speak of their plan again, Pearl was unable to tell anyone else the truth until Steven revealed it in "Now We're Only Falling Apart". Pearl deeply regretted that she went through with it and wanted to tell Steven, which caused her immense trauma.

In "Story for Steven", when Rose explains that she attended Greg's concert, Pearl is quick to note as soon as he is out of earshot that she can also sing, much to the amusement of the other Crystal Gems.

Sworn to the Sword 104

Pearl risking her life to protect Rose from a Gem Warrior on the Battlefield during the Rebellion.

"Sworn to the Sword" reveals that she was so devoted to protecting Rose that she sacrificed herself constantly for her, having adopted the human title of a "knight" to the point of obsessive recklessness.

"We Need to Talk" further explores the relationship between the two. Set in the 80's like the previous episode "Story for Steven", it reveals that Pearl was very jealous of Greg, constantly trying to persuade him that Rose's affections for him were just a "phase" because as a human he was eventually going to pass away while Rose, being a Gem, would live on. She also challenges him by convincing Rose to fuse with her in front of Greg, and later gloating that as a human he would never know such intimacy with Rose. Pearl's jealousy of Greg implied that her feelings for Rose were romantic. This was later confirmed by show writer Matt Burnett via a tweet[2] after the episode aired.

We Need To Talk (100,5)

When asked if Pearl's feelings for Rose were supposed to be a one-sided crush, Matt Burnett described the situation as "much more complicated".[3] In any case, their relationship was a very close one, as they easily and casually fused into Rainbow Quartz. In "Chille Tid" Pearl has a dream in which she suggests to Rose that they forget about Greg and explore the galaxy together.

In "Reunited", Pearl mentally states that everything she does is for Pink/Rose and Steven. Despite this, she expresses willingness to acknowledge Pink Diamond's flaws in "Now We're Only Falling Apart", going as far to call her selfish, and criticizes her piloting skills in "Legs From Here to Homeworld". This, combined with Steven's statement in "Made of Honor" that the Crystal Gems will no longer side with Rose, implies that Pearl may not hold Pink/Rose in the same loving regard as she used to, even if she still respects her.

In "Rose Buds", she is shown to be uncomfortable around the three Rose Quartz as they remind her of Rose/Pink.

In "Volleyball", it is shown that she has come to resent Pink's secrecy and is unaware of her destructive powers. It is stated by her and Pink Pearl's fusion, Mega Pearl, that she knew Pink Diamond was trying to change, but she couldn't understand why. She also shows how far she has come from her relationship with Pink in how she remarks on how Pink Pearl still "has it bad" for Pink Diamond. However, in the same episode, she has a revelation that she is still making excuses for Pink's actions. Even though she knows that Pink never meant to cause any harm, she is still aware of the pain she unintentionally caused others, whether it was her actions, or her giving her life to create Steven. When Pink Pearl asks her how she stopped hurting from Pink's demise, she replies that she hasn't, showing that she still misses her, and acknowledging that Pink hurt her deeply.


I have to admit, it's remarkable that a Pearl such as yourself could become such a... knowledgeable technician.

—Peridot, "Back to the Barn"
Back to the Barn Number (232)

Pearl and Peridot reach an understanding.

Like the rest of the Crystal Gems, Pearl initially treated Peridot like an enemy and always attacked her on sight with extreme hostility and disdain.

Pearl shows great anger towards Peridot until she came on even terms during the episode "When It Rains" and forms somewhat of an alliance with Peridot. During the events of "Back to the Barn" Pearl is treated as an inferior being to Peridot, as the gemstone pearl is revealed to be a servant class on Homeworld. This causes Pearl to become rather angry at Peridot during the episode, to the point of punching her in the face after Peridot's continuous jabs and belittling. Eventually, the two end up on even terms following the events of the "Robolympics". In "Message Received", Pearl officially accepts Peridot as a Crystal Gem. Pearl and Peridot currently seem to be on good terms.


Oh, come on Pearl. You know I can't take it when you cry like that!

—Bismuth, "Bismuth"
Bismuth 088

Bismuth holding Pearl in her hands and both laughing.

When Steven brings Bismuth out of Lion's mane, Pearl is overjoyed and runs up to Bismuth to embrace her. Bismuth then jokes about who Pearl belongs to, which Pearl laughs along with. This shows that they have a strong relationship, as in any other circumstance, being a servant is a sensitive topic for Pearl.

Bismuth learns about the aftermath of the war from Pearl. When Pearl starts to cry, Bismuth tells Pearl that she starts to cry whenever Pearl does, implying they had a close relationship previously. Pearl apologizes, but Bismuth says that it is okay, and they comfort each other.

In general, they appear to be close (at least in comparison to the still extant Crystal Gems), having bonded over their common disregard of the Gem caste system.

It's hinted at in "Bismuth Casual" that Bismuth may have romantic feelings for Pearl, which Pearl does not know about.

Pink Pearl

Pink Pearl: I was badly hurt. How did you stop hurting?
Pearl: I didn't...

—Pink Pearl and Pearl, "Volleyball"
Volleyball 189

Pearl hugging Pink Pearl.

In "Volleyball", it is shown she is initially jealous of Pink Pearl and the bond she shared with Pink Diamond. However, as the episode progresses, she bonds with Pink Pearl and fuses with her, the both of them coming to terms with the negative and hurtful things Pink Diamond had done. At the end of the episode, Mega Pearl remarks how they now have each other, indicating a deep bond that has now formed between them.


Pearl: You're just too much!
Sugilite: Maybe you're just too little!

—Pearl and Sugilite, "Coach Steven"
Coach Steven (224)

Pearl fighting Sugilite.

Pearl dislikes Sugilite due to her reckless and violent nature. While singing "Strong in the Real Way", Pearl almost grudgingly admits that she is jealous of Sugilite's strength through, but she cuts herself off before finishing the line. Her dislike for Sugilite also stems from concern over Garnet and Amethyst as she believes it is dangerous for them to stay fused for long periods; they might start losing their individuality. Also, Pearl's own competing desire to feel "stronger" (when fused as Sardonyx) may play a role in her feelings towards Sugilite.

Mystery Girl

I asked her about her hair, and then she asked how I colored mine. I told her, "My appearance is just a conscious manifestation of light." and she said, "I know how that is." although, heh, I highly doubt it. Oh! And then I added, "By the way, I saved your planet, and your species, and you're welcome."

—"Last One Out of Beach City"
Mystery Girl and Pearl

On the night she planned to see a rock show with Steven and Amethyst, Pearl met a mysterious woman and was surprised by her pink hair. She attempted to communicate with her but failed due to her clumsiness. Steven later pointed out the obvious resemblance between the woman and Rose, and Amethyst realized that Pearl was infatuated with her. The woman later drove by Greg's Dondai and Pearl tried to meet her gaze, blushing blue all the while. At the end of the night, the trio managed to arrive at their rock show, which the woman happened to be attending as well. Pearl confidentially spoke to her as herself, and the two discussed their hair colors and the Rebellion. The mysterious woman gave Pearl her phone number, suggesting that she would like Pearl to call her on the phone sometime.


♫ Her cut is perfect and she's pink, as well.
She'll bring you endless entertainment.
Your new, best friend, Spinel! ♫

Steven Universe: The Movie
SU Movie 325

Spinel flicking Pearl's nose.

The two were acquainted with one another as members of Pink Diamond's court, but presumably never interacted much. When Spinel and Pearl encountered each other for the first time in thousands of years, Pearl experienced shock over Spinel's return.

While the two never interact properly it seems that Spinel holds a fair amount of resentment towards Pearl since Pink Diamond took Pearl with her to Earth but left Spinel behind. This is evident when Spinel mentions it and is barely able to keep herself from screaming in anger.

Blue and Yellow Pearl

Familiar 155

Blue Pearl welcoming Pearl back to Homeworld.

Due to being Pink Diamond's Pearl, Pearl likely knows Yellow and Blue Pearl fairly well, though their interactions shown thus far have mostly been limited to them standing next to each other while their Diamonds converse. Both of them seemed to remember her after thousands of years, as shown by their shocked reactions at the mention of her whereabouts in "The Trial." Pearl seems to care about Yellow Pearl's well being in "Familiar," since she told Steven to stop asking Yellow Pearl to call him by different names out of concern that she might break. Also in the same episode, Blue Pearl appears to be friendly with Pearl as she welcomes her back to Homeworld.


Rose's Scabbard 023

Pearl shooing Lion.

Originally, Pearl saw Lion as just an average wild animal, being a little uneasy about Steven keeping him because of his probably dangerous nature. However, in "Rose's Scabbard", she gains a different kind of unease due to him containing Rose's sword and thus having some connection to Rose. This knowledge distressed her greatly as Rose supposedly told her everything, causing her to resent Lion to the point where she ran away with Rose's Scabbard to the Gem Battlefield. After gaining encouragement from Steven, she seems to respect Lion a bit more while still feeling tenuous about him in general.


Pearl appears to fear Jasper. When Garnet's physical form is brutally distorted by Jasper's Gem destabilizer, Pearl screams in fear. In "Gem Hunt", when Pearl notices Jasper, she screams Jasper's name in a frightened voice and immediately points her spear towards her. Despite Pearl's fear of Jasper, she was still willing to attempt to save her from falling into the fissure that was caused by the earthquake from The Cluster in "Super Watermelon Island".

Smoky Quartz

Know Your Fusion 135

Sardonyx asking Smoky Quartz questions about themself.

Pearl was very shocked and excited to meet Smoky Quartz. It has been shown that she cares about them, seen when she asks them questions in "Know Your Fusion" as Sardonyx. Smoky is also shown to care about Pearl too, saving her in "Know Your Fusion" and "Change Your Mind".

Episode Appearances



Pearl's evolution.

  • In the transition from the pilot to the series, Pearl underwent the most drastic change of the three Gems, to the point where she is almost unrecognizable to seasoned viewers seeing the pilot for the first time. Among these changes are:
    • Removal of a bronze (moss green in the intro) ring around her gemstone.
    • Removal of earrings (and visible ears altogether).
    • Skin color changed (from blue to white).
    • Pointier nose.
    • Rounder face.
    • Slimmer, more cartoonish build.
    • Drastically different outfit.
    • A different hairstyle, covering ears and pointing backward instead of forwards.
    • Rose-pink hair color to light peach.
    • Eye color changed (black to a light blue).
    • Removal of hearts on slippers and slipper color changed (dark blue to light blue).
    • Higher-pitched voice.
    • Different personalities (in the pilot, she enjoyed and readily joined Amethyst in heckling Steven).
  • According to the dialog in "Volleyball", Pearl is approximately 8,000 years old.
Temple Door Pearl

Pearl's door.

  • Her pilot design bears a striking resemblance to the singer Eleanor Jackson from the English synthpop act La Roux.
  • Despite being called a spear, based on the shape of the blade and the slashing action Pearl employs in combat, Pearl's 'spear' is technically a glaive.
  • In "Back to the Barn", it is confirmed that there are multiple Pearls on Homeworld. It is also confirmed that the Pearls on Homeworld are considered inferior and, as Peridot put it, "made-to-order servants".
  • In "Together Breakfast", it is revealed that Pearl owns a wide collection of swords.
  • The Gems' fighting styles are based on dance styles. Pearl's fighting/dancing style is ballet.[4]
  • In "Fusion Cuisine", Pearl states that she hates eating. She has stated that the digestive process is what disgusts her the most.
    • Pearl agrees to consume human food, expresses interest in eating, or admits to a preference for certain foods in "Together Breakfast", "Bubble Buddies", "Serious Steven" and "So Many Birthdays". These episodes all take place before "Steven the Sword Fighter". This could mean that Pearl used to like human food.
    • In a Twitter response to a fan, Matt Burnett explained that Pearl likes the process of pie, i.e., baking, rather than the consumption of it.[5]
    • However, she is shown to enjoy tea, as shown when she brings a teapot to Funland Arcade in "Serious Steven", and when she talks about finding out Connie's favorite tea in "Bubble Buddies".
    • In "Last One Out of Beach City", Pearl is disgusted by drinking apple juice, a similar occurrence to when she unfused from Alexandrite in "Fusion Cuisine" (though this is at least partly due to her surprise at seeing the Mystery Girl as well).
    • Pearl's disgust for eating might be from watching Pink Diamond eat the gem shards she created to fake her shattering. Pearl looked disgusted before Pink Diamond ate them.
Pearl (Distance Model)

Pearl's previous far-distance render.

  • Pearl's ability to store things in her gemstone may be unique for pearls since Peridot did say in "Back to the Barn" that pearls hold "stuff" for the leader assigned to them, more likely for easier accessibility.
    • However, Garnet can summon the Pyramid Temple Key in "Serious Steven", which may indicate that, though Pearls were made to hold items, most if not all Gems are capable of doing so.
  • In "Steven and the Stevens", she is seen playing the violin.
  • It is seen in "Monster Buddies" that Steven keeps a framed picture of Pearl on the side of their fridge. It is later destroyed by the Centipeetle Mother. In "When It Rains", it is revealed that it has been replaced by a new picture of her in her post-regeneration outfit.
  • Pearl appears to have her face on several coin-types.[6]
  • When Pearl blushes, it's light-blue.
  • Pearl is the first Gem shown to be able to harness the energy within their weapon for an attack in "Watermelon Steven".

Pearl water-clone.

  • In "Lion 3: Straight to Video", Pearl admits that she often watches Steven sleep.
    • Though stating during the same episode that Steven no longer wishes her to watch him sleep, she is observed intently watching him sleep when he wakes up from his first dream during "Chille Tid".
  • It is confirmed by Steven in "Steven the Sword Fighter" that organizing messes is one of Pearl's favorite hobbies.
  • It is revealed in "Reformed" that Pearl was always bothered by Amethyst's crooked shoulder strap.
  • Pearl is ambidextrous, shown in "Ocean Gem" where she can wield two spears at the same time.
  • Rebecca Sugar stated in a 2015 interview that the Crystal Gem Steven knows the least about at this point is Pearl.[7]
  • In "Sworn to the Sword", Pearl says she was only a few thousand years old when she began fighting alongside Rose Quartz.
    • It was Earth where Pearl learned of sword fighting.
    • In a flashback, it appears that Pearl engaged a Gem (similar to Jasper) multiple times for Rose Quartz.
  • All of Pearl's fusions have been dubbed "Giant Woman" or something similar by Steven except Rainbow Quartz.
Pearl GTTCG Page

Pearl's entry in Guide to the Crystal Gems.


Pearl's handwriting as seen in the first Steven Universe comic and in "Keeping It Together".

  • All of Pearl's fusions except Rainbow Quartz and Rainbow Quartz 2.0 share Pearl's large, sharp nose.
  • Pearl's reason for protecting Earth is to carry on Rose's fight.
    • Her lines from the extended opening are "I will fight in the name of Rose Quartz! And everything that she believed in!"
  • Pearl finds life jackets very lame, puny, and unnecessary, as shown in "Chille Tid" as they are used to prevent drowning which opposes to pearls being formed underwater.
  • Her dancing is similar to how Princess Tutu dances from Princess Tutu.
  • Rebecca Sugar has stated Pearl represents the group-dependency stage in the human emotional development spectrum.[8]
  • When asked what songs would be on the Crystal Gems' playlists, Rebecca Sugar listed Sunmi's "24 Hours" and William Bolcom's "Graceful Ghost Rag".[9]
  • In "Back to the Barn", it is stated that pearls are used as servants on Homeworld who can be "owned".
  • In "Too Far", Peridot has stated that Pearl is prone to spontaneously singing and crying. This is a tongue-in-cheek reference to how many characters cry and sing on Steven Universe.
    • Aside from Steven, Pearl is the most prone to crying and singing.
  • During the early days of the Rebellion, Garnet considered Pearl "terrifying".[10]
  • In "Message Received", when Pearl is asked by Steven who Yellow Pearl is, she is offended and states that not all Pearls know each other.
    • It is revealed in "Now We're Only Falling Apart", however, that she has met both Yellow and Blue Pearl. She likely deflected the question at the time to avoid revealing secrets regarding her past.
  • Pearl replaces her usual star symbol with a pink diamond on her spacesuit, as seen in "Space Race" and "Back to the Barn".
  • According to Aivi Tran and Surasshu, "Pearl's piano is often written in minor, with blocked chords and gentle jazz influences", as well as an expanded palette of "harp and some pads".[11]
  • Excluding Obsidian and Mega Pearl, all fusions involving Pearl are in some way multi-colored, thus named after multi-colored gemstones.
    • Opal - Color play via diffraction.
    • Rainbow Quartz - Metal coating.
    • Sardonyx - Multi-colored bands of various colors.
    • Alexandrite - Color change due to exposure to different forms of light.
      • This is likely due to Pearl being implied to have been created with "gemetic material" from White, Yellow, Blue, and potentially Pink Diamond together.
  • In "Know Your Fusion", an illustration of Pearl is seen on a "test your strength" device. As the only non-fusion on this device, Pearl is the weakest one shown, being weaker than Stevonnie, Garnet, Opal, and Sugilite.
  • In "Last One Out of Beach City", Pearl admits that she does not have a license or legal citizenship in the country, fully aware of the absurdity of registering for either, having lived before such systems were installed and being unable to confess she is from space.
  • Pearl's clothes in "Last One Out of Beach City" resemble Jesse Zuke's Bad Pearl drawing.
  • Pearl was implied to be famous during the Rebellion, considering both Garnet and Hessonite labeled her as "The terrifying renegade Pearl."
  • It has been confirmed in "A Single Pale Rose" that Pearl was formerly a subordinate of Pink Diamond. Before this, other hinted moments include:
    • In "Space Race", her spacesuit bore what appears to be the insignia of Pink Diamond.
    • Sardonyx, the fusion of Pearl and Garnet, has pink diamonds on her shoes.
    • In "Bubbled", Garnet mentioned one of the reasons for Rose Quartz shattering Pink Diamond was so Pearl could be free.
      • However, she also listed herself being together as a reason.
  • Deedee Magno Hall thinks Pearl would shapeshift into a graceful bird (like a ladybird, a dove, or a swan) if she was interested in changing form; McKenzie Atwood thinks it would be a flamingo.[12]
  • In the podcast, Pearl reveals that she was the one who pulled Excálibur out of the stone, and since then she has it in her collection.
  • Both Ian Jones-Quartey and Rebecca Sugar made Pearl an anti-hero as a way to make her relatable - Pearl displays some of the vices characteristic of an anti-hero, such as selfishness, that viewers can easily relate to and understand.
  • Pearl is the second Gem to own a phone, the other being Steven.
    • It is heavily implied that Amethyst also owns a phone or has owned one in the past. She knows how to use one and also has a few phone cases in her room.
  • In "A Single Pale Rose", Pearl is shown to have a handful of cellphone numbers stored within her gem, aside from the one she acquired from Mystery Girl.
  • In "Three Gems and a Baby", it was revealed that Pearl threw a jungle gym at Steven's babysitter because she thought she was kidnapping him.
  • Joe Johnston confirmed that Pearl was specifically made for Pink Diamond.[13]
  • Pearls are thought to give wisdom through experience, to quicken the laws of karma, and to cement engagements and love relationships. They are thought to keep children safe.
  • Many of Pearl's outfits have elements that resemble different variations of a Filipiniana which is a nod to Pearls being the national gem of the Philippines as well as her voice actress's cultural background.
  • It is implied in Steven Universe The Movie that the reason why Pearl is multicolored (instead of being single-colored like the other Pearls) is that she had default settings instead of having specific customizations.
  • Pearl says the final line of the Steven Universe franchise, in Steven Universe Future.


Image Description
Pearl Gemstone New
Pearl's gemstone is located in the center of her forehead. As seen in "Steven the Sword Fighter", the front and back are symmetrical, and it has a light blue ring around it, which is usually hidden inside her body unless she is regenerating. It is a smooth ellipsoidal cabochon in the shape of an oval.


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Design Gallery

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  1. The book "Steven Universe: End of an Era" says that Pearl is 11,000 years old, but the series contradicts this information, as Pearl is younger than Pink Pearl, who was replaced about 8,000 years ago.
    Q: "Hello Matt Burnett! I have noticed a trend of ppl assuming Pearl + Rose's feels were one-sided. Can we get confirmation?"
    A: "Much more complicated than that, and future episodes will continue to share their story."
  5. Tweet by Matt Burnett
  10. "The Answer"
  12. The Steven Universe Podcast
  13. Joe Johnston's Tumblr
    Q: So we know that Rose is able to order Pearl around if Rose so chooses to (and that Pearl only has to obey her IF Rose orders her to). I just want to know if Pearl is the only one Rose is capable of ordering around in that way (forcing someone to do something). Is it part of her being a Diamond, or does it only apply to Pearl?
    A: It only applies to Pearl. BECAUSE our Pearl was made for Pink Diamond, she must follow her orders. Rose did not have this power or control over anyone else, and its ONLY because Pearl was made for her that Pink/Rose had this power over her. Pink is a Diamond, she could order around lots of gems, but they follow because of hierarchy, not because the Diamonds are mind controlling them. Is this making sense? I’m try to clear this up for everybody, but people still seem confused.
ve Crystal Gems

Redo PearlNav Redo SapphireNavv2 FusionTemplateGarnet3 RubyNavv3 AmethystNavNew
Peridorito Infobox Stereo Lapis Infobox Stereo Bismuth - Navi
Biggs Jasper Nav icon SnowflakeObsidianNavbox NavboxCrazyLaceFixed LarimarNAV
ConnieNavbox Lion head


Redo RoseNav

ve Characters in Steven Universe
Crystal Gems Human-Gem Hybrids: Steven Universe

Unfused Gems: AmethystBiggs JasperBismuthLapis LazuliLarimarPearlPeridotRubySapphireSnowflake Obsidian
Fusion Gems: AlexandriteCrazy Lace AgateGarnetMega PearlObsidian (Rose Quartz Fusion)OpalRainbow QuartzSardonyxSugilite
Hybrid Fusions: Obsidian (Steven fusion)Rainbow Quartz 2.0Smoky QuartzStegStevonnieSunstone
Inactive Gems: Rose Quartz
Humans: Connie Maheswaran
Pets: LionPumpkinCat Steven

Homeworld Gems Unfused Gems: CombyEmeraldPebblesSapphiresSpinel

Fusion Gems: MalachiteTopazZebra Jasper (fusion)Giant RubyRuby (triple fusion)Lemon JadeBluebird Azurite
Inactive Gems: Pink Diamond

Off Colors Unfused Gems: PadparadschaRutile Twins

Fusion Gems: FluoriteRhodonite
Humans: Lars Barriga

Other Gems (Formerly) Corrupted Gems: AlbiteAngel Aura QuartzBig BirdBiggs JasperBixbiteBlue ChalcedonyBlue Lace AgateCherry QuartzChrysocollaDesert GlassEarth BeetleElectric SkullsGrossular DiopsideHeaven BeetleJasperLace AmethystLarimarMoonstoneNephriteOcean JasperOrange SpodumeneSnowflake ObsidianTongue MonsterUnknown Giant Gem MonsterWater BearWatermelon TourmalineWhite TopazZebra Jasper (singular)Minor Corrupted Gems

Corrupted Gem-produced monsters: CentipeetlesCrab Monsters

Other Gems: Smoke MonsterMinor GemsUnknown Gems (Morganite • Nephrite-XJ Cut-763 • Unknown Quartz Warrior • Blue Diamond's Court • Pink Diamond's EntourageUnknown Crystal Gems67 Elite CitrinesPyritesKyanites)

Forced Fusions: Cluster Gems (The Cluster)

Comic Gems: Ant Gem MonsterClock Tower GemFrozen FragmentGlass GhostInvisible Manta RayMole Gem MonsterMolluskMonster Lizard GemObeliskOld Book GemPlant MonsterPerils of PweepweeRainbow Cloud MonsterRed Bird Gem MonsterRed Eel MonsterScorching ShardSlime Gem MonsterSlug MonsterSnowbeastTentacle MonsterUnknown Giant BirdVine Monsters

Other Major Characters Humans: Greg UniverseSadie Miller
Recurring Characters Humans: Andy DeMayoBarbara MillerBill DeweyBuck DeweyBuddy BuddwickDante and Martha BarrigaDoug MaheswaranPriyanka MaheswaranHarold SmileyJamieJaneJenny PizzaKevinKiki PizzaKofi PizzaMartyMr. FrymanMystery GirlNanefua PizzaOnionPeedee FrymanQuentin FrowneyRonaldo FrymanShepSour CreamSuitcase SamVidaliaYellowtailZoomans (F-3Jay-TenU-12Wy-Six)

Others: Baby MelonBlue CrabsCactus StevenHolo-PearlMagic MossSteven Jr.Watermelon Stevens

Minor Characters Humans: The Best Diner in the World's WaitressEmpire City Wildlife Rehabilitation Center EmployeeGaryGreg's family (Aunt and Uncle • Aunt DebGrandfatherParentsGreat-aunt Gregargia) • Hospital Employees (Dr. GeroDr. StrombergDr. West) JeffKhajima, Jaime, and BrandishMarty's RoadiesMayoral BodyguardsMike KrolOnion's Friends (Garbanzo • Pinto • Soup • Squash) • Patricia and DanielRickySabinaSteven's BabysitterSunshine JusticeWilliam Buford BuchananWilliam DeweyMinor Human Characters

Animals: Butt LobsterCrystal BasiliskDogGiant BirdMask Island BirdsMask Island FishMask Island WormOnion's MouseOnion's SnakeParty GuyRaccoonSeagullsSnakeSteven The ThirdSusanMinor Animal Characters
Aliens: Beetle AliensBird Blob AliensUngulate AliensWorm AliensFlower-Like AliensMinor Alien Characters

Fictional Characters Cookie CatDogcopterMearlPizza JennyMinor Fictional Characters

Camp Pining Hearts: PaulettePercyPierre
"Garnet's Universe": FoxmanHopperHoppyRingo
Golf Quest Mini: AceAce's Father
Li'l Butler: Li'l ButlerMr. MoneyMrs. MoneyDaughter Money • Dirtbike Money
Lonely Blade: Evil JanitorLonely BladeLonely Blade's Brother
Rose's Room: Cloud ConnieTiny Floating Whale
The Spirit Morph Saga: ArchimicarusLisaPlinkmanWind Lizard

Non-Gem Antagonists Blood PolypCrystal ShrimpDrill ParasitesFableFryboHolo-ConnieShadow ConnieWater Clones
Alter Egos Billy Bank AssetsChunk TruckConcrete HeatDashing Danny DooberHandsome Hank HackleschmidtHowl JonesLoch Ness BloggsterPurple PumaSea WaspShark-O-ManiaTiger Millionaire
Attack the Light Blue LightGreen LightIndigo LightOrange LightRed LightViolet LightWhite LightYellow Light

Groups: Light ArmyBlue Monsters • Green Monsters • Indigo MonstersOrange MonstersRed Monsters

Groups The Cool Kids • Crystal GemsCrystal Temps • The "Famethyst" • The Great Diamond Authority • Homeworld Gems • Off ColorsSadie Killer and the SuspectsSecret Team • Steven and the Stevens • ZoomansSpecies
Gem Types Aquamarines • BismuthsDiamonds • GarnetsJades • Lapis Lazulis • Nephrites • Pearls • PebblesPeridots • Quartzes • Rubies • Sapphires • Topazes • Zircons
Crystal Gem