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Account Settings and Email Notifications
Account Settings and Email Notifications

Learn how to edit your user details and modify notifications

Elise Gwizdak avatar
Written by Elise Gwizdak
Updated over a week ago

Editing your account settings

To access your account setting, click on your name in the bottom left corner of your dashboard and select the option for account settings. You will be redirected to a new page.

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User details

On this page, you can edit your name, email address, profile picture, or even delete your account.

Note: If you change your email address, it does not change the email connected to your account. It only changes your display email, which is visible on your profile under contacts.

Email notifications

You can modify what kind of email notifications you receive from Ocast.

  • Open requests: Send me whenever I receive an open request that matches my media kits

  • Direct requests: Send me an email whenever I receive a direct request to my organization

  • New messages: Send me an email whenever I receive a new message in one of my request conversations

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There is also the possibility to delete your account. The action cannot be reversed.

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