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This article is about the Fear character. For other pages with the same name, see: Troy

It doesn't have to be. I'll do everything in my power to make sure I'm worthy of the second chance that she gave me and everyone on that island too. Things have changed. You have to believe me.
―Troy vowing to be a better person for Madison before she stabs him.[src]

Troy Otto is a main character and a former antagonist, as well as a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. He is the youngest son of Jeremiah and Tracy, the half-brother of Jake, and the last surviving member of his family. Troy is also a former high-ranking member of the Broke Jaw Ranch community before being exiled.

Over a decade after his apparent death, Troy is unexpectedly revealed to have survived and seeks revenge upon Madison and to take PADRE for himself. However, Troy comes to regret his actions and seeks to make amends with Madison. Unwilling to give Troy a second chance in the belief that it had gotten Alicia killed by Troy, Madison kills Troy. After being reunited with a still-alive Alicia, the two take in Troy's daughter Tracy. He served as the secondary antagonist for the second half of Season 3 and the primary antagonist for the second half of Season 8.


The youngest son of Jeremiah Otto, Troy is considered to be psychopathic but hides it with his intense charisma and has embraced the violence of the apocalypse. He would kill to protect his father, his family, and his people – and often does. Despite growing up in the same environment as his brother, he developed a wilder personality without the tempering that his brothers education has given him. He is intensely suspicious of outsiders and more militant than his older brother.

Troy has a dark side and while he presents as something of a psychopath and a sadist, he has an intense charisma that draws people to him. Troy's isolationist viewpoint is more in line with his father's beliefs, and that may make him better-suited to leading in this new post-apocalyptic world. It may also make him more popular among his father's followers.

In "Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame", he thinks through killing Madison, and eventually withdraws the knife from her throat. This proves that he is not fully psychopathic and has a more humane side. His childhood is the main influence of his dark side and his killing instinct, as a negligent father and hateful mother didn't provide him with love throughout his life. Even when she was dying, as he helped her, she still resented him. He is shown to be quite intelligent and quick thinking despite his lack of education.

In "Things Bad Begun", Troy shows a more human side while discussing his affection for Nick with her. Troy reveals that he feels genuine affection for Nick and sees him as a brother. However, the episode shows the extent of Troy's darker side with Troy displaying no remorse for the lives he took when destroying Broke Jaw Ranch. Troy shows a belief that it was his to destroy as his family founded it and despite everyone there dying, he states that he would do it again in a second without hesitation.

In Season 8, 12 years later, Troy has become vengeful towards the Clark family and blames them for taking "everything" from him, particularly his wife Serena who had rescued Troy when the dam fell. However, Troy retains his affection for Nick, telling Charlie that he had genuinely seen Nick as a friend and a brother and had thought that the two of them would survive everything. Troy is devastated by Nick's death and confused that Madison had forgiven and kept around Charlie his killer. Troy is more ruthless than ever, plotting to use an army of the dead to attack PADRE, threatening Charlie to get its location and threatening Strand's people at the Emissary Suites hotel for the same reason. In addition, Troy sacrificed most of his own people in a battle with the PADRE residents and the Gearheads, killing a large number of them in return, knowing that he had his walker army to take PADRE with. Despite having the relatively safe location of the hotel, Troy wants PADRE for the dual purpose of a location that no one can take from him and because it means taking everything from Madison. Troy also chops off the arms of walkers so as to make Madison think that they're Alicia and make it harder for Madison to find her daughter.

However, Troy has also shown himself not to be entirely unreasonable. Troy tries on several occasions to make a deal with Madison to take PADRE, even promising to let her people evacuate and offering a compromise that guarantees the safety of both sides when he intends to send Russell with Strand to check out the location. When Charlie kills herself to keep Madison from having to give up PADRE's location, Troy checks that one of his men hadn't stopped her suicide and appears to be as distressed as everyone else about it, admitting that he genuinely hadn't intended for things to end the way that he did. After making a deal with Madison to help her stop the herd in exchange for her help, Troy states that he intends to keep their deal even when Ben Krennick offers Troy the chance at everything that he wants if Troy helps him to take PADRE.

By this time, Troy has also become a loving father and husband with Troy's grief over his wife's death driving Troy to revenge upon Madison and Alicia. Although the two women had not been directly involved in Serena's death, Troy blames them because Serena was following in their footsteps of helping people when she was killed, something that Serena had continued to believe in even after it had cost her her life. Troy's grief and anger had caused him to forget what Serena had wanted for him in favor of a path of vengeance. However, he continues to be a loving father to Tracy, becoming frantic when she disappears and making deals with June and Strand so that Troy can get her back. Troy has also become more compassionate as well. When a grief-stricken Daniel attacks him and accuses Troy of being responsible for Charlie's death, Troy appears to show compassion for the man, softly confirming that Charlie's gone and looking away as Daniel lunges at him rather than defending himself or taunting Daniel. However, he continues to lack compassion and remorse for his role in the death of Daniel's daughter Ofelia, although this may stem from Ofelia's role in poisoning the militia which Troy had told Tracy about, claiming that Ofelia died had because she had tried to poison a lot of innocent people. While still upset by the loss of his brother, Troy appears to have finally recognized his father's true nature and lost all of his love and loyalty for the man, telling Madison that he no longer cares about Jeremiah or his death at all.

Despite being at renewed odds with Madison, the two are briefly able to work together with Madison coming to Troy's rescue when Tracy is in danger and making a deal after Troy is injured in a car crash caused by the PADRE Exiles while enacting his plan to take down PADRE. Seeing how much Madison has changed from the woman that he knew, working with her again, and opening up about the loss of his wife causes Troy to realize that he and Madison aren't so different after all and to remember what Serena had wanted. As a result, Troy saves Madison's life and helps to stop his walker army, seeking a second chance to redeem himself. However, feeling that Alicia giving Troy a second chance got her daughter killed, Madison kills Troy rather than give him another chance. In his last moments, Troy lies that Tracy is actually Alicia's daughter whom he had kidnapped which Madison, Alicia and Tracy later speculate was so that Madison would look after and fight for his daughter as hard as Madison had fought for her own children. In effect, despite their many differences, Troy entrusts his daughter to Madison's care with his last action, something that Madison honors even after learning the truth.


Rurals of San Diego, California

Troy, the youngest son of the Otto family, lives on Broke Jaw Ranch with his father Jeremiah and his half-brother Jake, the two having different mothers.[1] His family were founders of a survivalist organization preparing for the fall of democracy - "but didn't anticipate the rise of the dead".[2] Unlike his half-brother, he was not educated.[1]


Fear the Walking Dead

Season 3

"Eye of the Beholder"

Troy is first seen when he enters a locked office where Madison and Alicia are being held. He offers them tea and seems hospitable, until he starts interrogating them. Madison explains to Troy that she's looking for her son, Nick. Madison then demands to know where they've taken Travis. Troy avoids answering, but promises to let them go once he's finished “processing” them. He shows particular interest in Madison.

Troy joins his soldiers in the barrack bathroom, which is being used as a secret lab for Troy's men to test Infected resurrection times. His men select people of varying body types, health and ethnic backgrounds, to determine such variations have any effect. Troy stares into the vacant eyes of a dead body, waiting for him to turn. The Infected reanimates and the soldiers settle their bets.

In the storage room, Troy questions Travis about his connection to Madison, and his ethnicity. He's impressed by Travis' Maori "warrior" heritage. Travis tells Troy that Luciana is dying and requires immediate medical attention. Troy shrugs and declares that “everyone here dies", and orders Travis to sit.

Troy takes notes in a journal as he watches Madison and Alicia sleep. Madison wakes up and asks Troy if Travis is dead. Troy still doesn't answer. She tells Troy that she loves Travis' life more than her own.

Troy tells Madison that they're getting ready to evacuate the depot. He offers to release Travis if she and Alicia travel home with him. They hear a gunshot outside. Troy runs out of the office and locks the door behind him. His men fire at Travis, Nick, Luciana, and Steven as they flee the barrack. The soldiers are gaining on them, so Travis tells Nick and Luciana to go on without him, and he stays behind. Steven is killed by Willy while Nick and Luciana escapes.

Troy orders his men, who have captured Travis, to take him to the pit around the back of the compound. Troy returns to the office and Madison attacks him with the knife, but Troy knocks the weapon out of her hand. She grabs hold of a spoon and plunges it into his eye socket, nearly gouging his eye out. Madison tells Troy if he tries to break away he will lose his eye. Madison yells for Alicia to find Travis and a vehicle.

Madison drags Troy outside, holding the spoon in his gouged eye, as armed soldiers surround them. Troy tells the soldiers to back off. Alicia hides in a truck as the soldiers pack for the impending evacuation from the base. Jake, Troy's brother, arrives and urges Madison to release Troy. He acknowledges that Troy probably brought this on himself, but she's surrounded and has no where to go. Madison releases Troy who lunges for her but is subdued by Jake who demands to know where Madison's family is. Jake agrees to take her to her family and Troy admits that Travis is in the pit. Meanwhile, Troy brings Madison to the pit, where they find an exhausted Travis surrounded by brained Infected and covered in blood. He climbs out of the pit and attacks Troy, but is quickly restrained. Alicia is brought to Madison, followed by Nick and the Clark family reunites.

Later, Jake offers to take Travis, Madison, Nick, Alicia and Luciana to his family's ranch. It's safe there, and Jake assures them that Troy will behave. Madison and Travis reject the offer. As the soldiers continue preparations for the evacuation, Jake finds Troy in one of the barracks and chastises him for killing innocent people. Troy insists he was conducting research and says that their father would understand. Jake informs Troy their father sent Troy here for a reason, "Cast one out to protect the many."

Suddenly, the infected Nick and Luciana encountered have emerged from the sewer and breached the barracks. The soldiers scramble to keep them back. The compound has been compromised, and chaos ensues.

Madison and Nick fight the infected, while Travis and Alicia help Luciana into a helicopter. Troy arrives in a truck and urges Madison and Nick to hop on board. The helicopter takes off with Travis, Alicia, and Luciana while Madison and Nick depart in a truck with Troy. Troy tells Madison that they're all going to the same destination.

"The New Frontier"

While driving, Troy blasts heavy metal music as he drives Madison and Nick to his father's ranch. Madison keeps her guard up, still leery of Troy and his motives. Eventually the caravan pulls up to Broke Jaw Ranch. A guard tells Troy that Jake never arrived. Troy orders Madison and Nick to get out of the truck. He drives inside the gate, leaving Madison and Nick outside looking in.

Nick refuses to stay at the ranch, but Madison reminds him that this is their best shot at medical treatment for Luciana. Troy's father, Jeremiah Otto, introduces himself to Madison and Nick and orders the guard to let them in. Otto shows Madison and Nick around the ranch and explains that he initially started the camp to prepare for the fall of democracy. Madison is critical of Troy, but Otto defends his son's behavior by stating that he was just carrying out his mission at the depot. Sensing Madison and Nick's hostility, he points out that most people would be grateful to be at the ranch.

Troy later appears, when Madison joyfully reunites with Alicia. She looks for Travis, then falls to her knees with grief upon realizing that Travis is dead. Troy predicts that Luciana will soon die and takes out his gun to put her down. Nick begs him not to shoot, but Troy explains it's their policy to keep dying patients out of the infirmary in case they turn. Nick offers to be the one to kill Luciana and Troy hands him his gun. Nick then turns the gun on Troy and demands Luciana receive treatment. Otto intervenes and agrees to treat Luciana in the infirmary if Nick hands back the gun and provided she has a pulse. Nick complies and Luciana is taken to the infirmary.


Troy is lounging in Nick's bed in the bunkhouse, where Madison finds him. He opens up to Madison and says that he picked her, not Nick, to join his community. Madison insists Nick will earn his keep, and orders Troy to make the bed before he leaves. Madison asks Jeremiah to protect her family from Troy and other hostile community members. She goes as far as threatening to expose Troy's twisted experiments at the fuel depot. Otto refuses to tell people how to behave, but offers to teach her the culture of this ranch. He asks Jake to show her his video lectures.

Jake sets Madison up to watch Otto's old video tapes. He promises to protect her family from Troy. Madison tells Jake she wants to find whoever shot down the chopper. He understands her desire to know who killed Travis. Jake talks to Troy and orders him to stay away from the Clark family. He reminds Troy that he's protecting him by hiding his psychopathic nature from others in the community. He gives his word to stay away from them and leaves.

Troy invites Nick on a nighttime boar hunt. Nick agrees and climbs into Troy's truck. The two of them hunt boar in the darkness of night with a group of fellow ranchers. Troy stalks Nick around a corner, but then Nick tackles Troy and holds a gun to his face. Troy dares Nick to shoot and guesses it would take him 87 minutes to turn. Disgusted, Nick asks Troy what's wrong with him. "I just need to know why we spoil," Troy explains. Nick shoots the ground next to Troy's head and lets Troy go. Then, Troy tackles him. Nick grabs Troy's "scientific" journal, rips up the pages and laughs hysterically. Troy declares that they can now be friends.

Otto announces to the community that it's been 36 hours since they dispatched a unit to investigate the chopper attack. He asks for volunteers to accompany Troy on a search mission to find their men. Madison volunteers. At mealtime, Madison sits next to Troy instead of eating with Nick and Alicia. She lays out a napkin on Troy's lap.

"Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame"

Troy is shown helping the ranchers as they fight to put out the fire that recently burned. Jeremiah orders everyone to stop so they can save the water since Russell and Martha are already gone. In the morning, Madison leaves with Troy on his mission to find the missing team that went to investigate the downed chopper.

Troy spots a herd on the side of the road and orders his team to kill the Infected. One of the militiamen argues that they should stick to their mission, but Madison agrees with Troy that the militia should taken out in case the horde makes it to the ranch. Troy's team eliminates the Infected, giving Madison a chance to prove her fighting skills to Troy's men. Troy's team arrives at the helicopter crash site only to discover that whoever shot it down dragged it away. They find shells from a gun owned by Phil and deduce that Phil engaged the assailants before retreating to his outpost.

Troy's team drives to the outpost. On the way, Troy and Madison talk about those they lost. Madison confides that seeing the place where Travis died shook her. She wonders if Troy grieved for his mother after she died. Troy declares that dead people are dead. Troy's group arrives at the outpost to find a pile of charred bodies. They discover Phil, partially scalped and babbling nonsensically as a crow pecks at his exposed brain. Horrified, Madison stabs Phil in the head, and insists they leave. Before the militiamen can move, a Native American man named Walker confronts them with his soldiers.

Troy is furious at him for what he has done but Walker claims McCarthy deserved it as he killed two of his men the previous day and Troy counters that he and all the rest of his people will die as well. Walker orders Troy and the rest to drop their weapons and they comply once they realize they are surrounded by Walker's men. He then tells the group he will be taking all their weapons, their vehicles and their boots and that the time for justice has come and Troy and his people must abandon the ranch. Troy refuses and Walker threatens that he will feed them all to the crows (like McCarthy) if they do not leave.

Troy's group makes their way back toward the ranch without their shoes and weapons. Madison insists they take a break, but Troy orders his men to keep walking. When Madison challenges him, Troy pulls her aside and says she's not his mother. Madison speculates that Troy's mother must have hated him. As Troy reels from her words, Madison asks the team if they want to rest. Everyone raises their hands. Troy begrudgingly allows his militia to rest until dawn. Madison wakes up in the middle of the night to find Troy holding a knife to her neck. She urges him to be a better man. He relents and withdraws the knife.

"Red Dirt"

Troy and Madison's team arrive, who all have bloody feet from walking without shoes. Troy pushes on and walks in. Alicia and Nick give Madison water. Troy wants to talk privately with Jeremiah. Others want to hear about what happened. Mike Trimbol bursts out and says that a group of Native Americans slaughtered Phil McCarthy and the others from the outpost." Troy insists he stop yelling to everyone but he tells everyone, "If we stay, we die!"

Jeremiah, Troy, Jake and Madison discuss a course of action. Troy is being scolded by Jeremiah for leading the group to a bad situation. Madison defends him. Troy insists they fight Walker, but Jeremiah refuses to go to war. Jake suggests they negotiate with Walker and points out that he beat Walker in court when Walker filed lawsuits in the past. Madison asks if they stole Walker's land. Jeremiah maintains that the ranch was sold to his forebears.

Nick heads into the basement where all of the supplies are. Troy cuts him off and asks about Luciana. Nick doesn't want him saying her name anymore. Two residents try to leave with supplies and Troy stops them, insisting they put the supplies back. They insist to have spoken with Jeremiah about it. Troy walks out, frustrated.

Moments later, Vernon approaches Jeremiah and wants to have a word. He starts by recalling the long-lasting friendship and says his priority is his family and to protect them he will leave. Jeremiah encourages him to leave if that's what he wants. Troy asks if Mike is going, too, and Vernon yells, "My family's leaving Troy!" Jeremiah says men have kids and it turns them into women. Madison encourages him to provide a reason to stay and Jeremiah thinks he offered enough already.

Troy charges toward the gate and insists they keep it closed. He tells Vernon to open the door. He refuses. Troy approaches and insists they can't leave with Ranch property. They have Ranch gas and supplies. Jake tries to stop him but they ultimately get into a fight. Jeremiah rushes in and punches Troy as a result and Madison breaks it up. The gate is opened and Vernon drives off with his family and his horses.

In the armory, Troy preps weapons. Madison approaches him and asks if he is going after his family. He says he's not. Troy explains that all he ever had in his life was this place. Troy is struggling to accept how Mike and Vernon quit on this community, and he tells her Mike was his loyal childhood friend. Madison insists they were just doing what they thought best for the family and that she will help prevent any one else from leaving. Troy gathers a small militia in the pantry and charges them with defending the ranch, with Madison proudly looking on.

At the gate, Troy is waiting. The pick-up truck and RV pull in. Madison reveals the dead bodies of Vernon and his family to the community. She gives a speech to the community, including a wish that her husband Travis could have made it here but the same people who killed him are the people who killed Vernon and his family. Nick isn't buying it. She insists there is nothing outside of Broke Jaw Ranch for these people and they have to fight for this land.

Madison approaches Troy at the fence and confronts him about killing the Trimbols. Troy admits that he pursued them to confront Mike over abandoning him. He wanted Mike to look him directly in the eye and Madison realizes he didn't want to do that. Troy says, "He said some things and I did some things and it went bad." Madison reassures him he did what was right and they he is the survivor here. She says the only thing that matters is that Troy can control his rages, claiming he is integral to saving them from the fight that is coming. She hopes Troy is up to the task of protecting the Ranch from Walker. Troy says he is. Madison walks away from Troy, leaving him at the gate.

"The Unveiling"

Nick tries to train with Troy's militia, but he questions whether or not his mother gave him permission, belittling Nick's efforts. Nick is carrying the guilt of Travis' death and his sister missing, going on to say he needs an occupation. He also wants to protect the community from whoever killed the Trimbols. Troy hands him a gun.

Troy talks to Madison after Jake returns with Ofelia as leverage, who Troy calls her "stupid", Madison says she is choosing the winning side. "She thinks he's gonna beat us," Madison says. She asks Troy to help rescue Alicia. Troy hesitates, preferring to see how Jake's parley plays out. Madison points out that he owes her a favor for not turning the ranch against him, about murdering the Trimbols as leverage.

Troy, Nick and several militia soldiers sneak into Black Hat headquarters and rescue Alicia. Troy grabs Alicia and silences her. The small group is trying to get her out of there. They didn't want to kill the Native American man who approached, but he tries to flee so Troy doesn't hesitate to stab him in the head. Nick is watching from the distance and sees someone coming. He rushes in, instructing Madison to meet them down there with the truck. Nick attacks the man out of nowhere but ends up on the bottom of the fight with a knife in his face. Troy saves Nick's life by shooting the man in the head. A gunfight ensues as the group tries to escape, killing at least two more men. Madison picks up the rescue team with Alicia in a truck.

Madison's group returns to the ranch. Jake admonishes them for essentially declaring war on Walker's nation. Troy admits that he killed four of their people. Madison admits that she convinced Troy to help save Alicia. Jake argues that it is not Madison's place to make calls. She accuses Jake of getting played by Walker. Jeremiah says this was Jake's show, and tells him she has to make a hard call someday. The next day, Jake is seen loading water into the truck. Troy takes one for himself. Troy insists Jake has a deathwish but Jake swears he plan to reason with him. "Brother, you leave I don't think you're coming back," Troy tells him, but Jake leaves anyway.

Troy, along with Jeremiah, Madison and Jake question Ofelia, who claims that Walker kicked her out because he suspected her of helping Alicia escape. A guard takes her to the infirmary. Madison regrets letting Ofelia return to Walker, given her promise to Ofelia's father that she would look after Ofelia. Troy orders his militia to guard the perimeter for the next 48 hours.

"Children of Wrath"

Troy is ordered by Jake to gather the remaining militia, but Troy is the only one left, since all of them are sick or dead. Madison suggests they recruit the ranchers but Jake tells her she doesn’t lead the ranch and storms out. Troy follows him out. Jake eventually agrees with Madison's plan to fight and instructs Troy to arm anyone who isn’t sick. Alicia suggests they try to negotiate with Walker again, but Troy admits talk is cheep and they already gave them waters. Jake points out that they have no leverage to broker a deal. Alicia hatches a plan.

Troy and a team of ranchers start a fire outside their place, The Nation rushes to extinguish the fire. Madison and Alicia hitch a wagon to her truck. Some of Walker's men spot the militia and begin gunning them down. Madison rushes back to the truck. Troy covers them and kills some of the Native Americans before leaping into the truck. The truck starts to pull away with Walker's trailer in tow. The next day, Troy, Madison and Alicia bring the reliquary back to the ranch. Walker follows with a host of soldiers. Troy tells Jeremiah they brought the reliquary, so Jake can make a deal, Jeremiah isn't happy about it. Nick asks if he is scared. Jeremiah tells him to be careful and he may not like his hospitality, but it is better than Walkers and walks away.

At the gate, Troy is there when Madison meets with Walker and offers to return the relics in exchange for peace and ownership of the ranch. She gives him the skull of his father. He rejects her terms and gives the remains back. She tells Troy, Jake, Alicia, and Nick that they have until sundown the next day to clear out or die. Later at night, a gunshot is heard, Troy and Jake run to Jeremiah's house to find him dead, staged to look like a suicide by Madison and Nick, who is the one who killed him. Troy rushes to him, emotionally. He and Jake remove Jeremiah's body from the house. Madison, Alicia and Nick stand on the ranch's balcony where Jeremiah used to overlook the community. They watch Jake and Troy deliver Jeremiah's body to a coffin.


Troy, Nick and the militia lure Infected into an ambush. Troy's militia walk on a path to their four wheeler. Troy calls Nick a poet and says that's not a bad thing. Nick and Troy spot Walker's convoy as it approaches the ranch. Jake greets the convoy and shakes Walker's hand. The ranchers warily look on as Walker waves the convoy through the gate: The Nation has officially come to live at Broke Jaw Ranch.

Jake leads Walker into the pantry to discuss details of the Nation residing at the ranch. Troy walks out after voicing his disdain for the Nation and butting heads with Crazy Dog, Walker's right-hand man. Jake assures Walker that, unlike Troy, most ranchers have accepted the peace deal. Troy and Nick stand at Jeremiah's grave. Troy is angry at his father for leaving them with this situation. Nick tries to give Jeremiah a heroic legacy but Troy calls him a drunk. Nick tells Troy he lost his dad, too, so he can relate. Nick believes his dad's death in traffic was suicide.

Troy complains to Jake about the peace deal. Terrance, one of the ranchers, points out that Walker's people killed Gretchen. Jake reminds them that Walker denied killing the Trimbols. After Jake leaves, Troy complains about the people the nation has killed. Terrence tells him Gretchen was good, and Troy agrees, despite that he was the one killed her. Meanwhile, Madison, Nick and Walker go to Troy's house and demand his weapons.

Troy is curious about his own safety. Nick helps convince him by saying, "You don't want to die on your doorstep." Troy allows everyone inside. He sits in his father's chair and discusses his father dying in it. When Walker attempts to search upstairs, Troy draws a gun on them. Nick stands in the way of Troy who fires a warning shot into the ceiling and orders everyone to leave, closing the door behind them. Inside, Nick questions what Troy is doing. Troy reveals a cache of weapons. He wants to go upstairs and start sniping the enemies. Nick tries to talk him down but Troy is adamant. He hands Nick a rifle and heads to the window. He sees Madison first, who tells him everyone handed over their weapons so no one will follow him. He does not want to surrender but Madison wants to survive. Gunfire bursts out and Walker's men begin shooting at Troy. Nick and Troy run for cover.

A gun fight ensues. Troy gets one of Walker's men. Troy saves Nick from Crazy Dog and gets a knife through the hand in the process. Nick and Troy take cover in an upstairs bedroom. Troy prepares for his final stand. The gunfight continues at the Ranch. Nick tells Troy he doesn't wanna die, but he tells him he backed the wrong horse. Troy insists they're at no point of return. He insists he is taking some back.

Nick attacks Troy and starts yelling out, "We surrender!" The two fight in the room until Troy gets his rifle again. The men are about to enter the room. Nick starts telling Troy the truth about Jeremiah, saying he was going to let everyone die. "He didn't kill himself," Nick said. "I killed him." Troy turns the gun to Nick. He ultimately drops it and hangs his head. Walker's men barge into the room. The next day, Madison and Walker discuss punishments for Troy and Nick. Madison worries that killing Troy would only turn him into a martyr, so they agree to exile him. Madison forbids Walker from killing Nick or exiling him.

Jake tells Troy the punishment that's been handed down. Troy takes the news in stride and tells him Madison is the one who takes him into exile. Jake wants to go but Troy insists on Madison, who he trusts to protect him. Walker gives Troy provisions, a knife, a gun and one bullet, in case he doesn't want to live. A Nation warrior escorts Nick to an outhouse for imprisonment as Walker states he will suffer for what he did. Madison and Klah get in a truck to drive Troy into the desert. Madison parks in the middle of the desert. Troy slams his own hand down on Klah's knife and stabs Klah, wounding him. Madison aims a gun at Troy and orders him to go. He wrestles her and reveals that he knows about Nick killing Otto. Madison regains control and points the gun at him. Troy walks off into the desert alone.

"The Diviner"

Nick awakens in his hot box and sees Troy approaching. He looks like a walker but rolls toward him and jokes with him. He gets close and starts talking to him about how hard it is to be in this box. They discuss Jeremiah's death again and Nick insists he saved Troy. He asks Jake to "Please, open it," and after toying with him he pulls out a key. "I owe you," he said. Troy finally opens the door. He kneels down and offers his hand to Nick. Nick reaches forward but realizes it was an hallucination. He is still locked in the box, while the real Troy is still out in the desert.

"Brother's Keeper"

A short time after his exile, Troy kills a snake for food. He's been out alone for a while based on his dirty appearance. Troy is consumed by delusions brought on by hunger, dehydration, sleepless nights, and whatever venom was lingering in that rattlesnake he cooked up over a fireplace. He continues his important work of scribbling in his journal, walks deeper into his isolation. He finds Phil's body, who Walker fed to the crows much earlier, before exploring further. Troy comes upon a barn. He walks inside and looks around, scavenging for supplies. He eventually finds canned food and scarves it down before venturing to another part of the house, finding a frame message reading, "God help those who help themself." He opens the pantry door and smiles before heading outside.

He starts digging, night has taken over. He's keeping notes by a fire. The next day, he heads to a chair on the edge of mountain, gun in hand. He analyzes the gun and looks around. He stands up, points the gun in the air, and uses his only bullet to fire straight into the sky and attract a herd of walkers.

Later that night, he visits Nick in his house as Troy is waiting in the doorway, startling him. He won't sit down because he'll pass out but he says he is here to "return the favor" of saving him. He warns him of a "reckoning." He says there's a beast from the desert. "It's bigger than you can imagine," Troy said. "Biblical." Nick isn't interested, offering Troy the options to either sneak out or be hidden for a couple of days. Troy claims there is a third way. He closes the door and tells Nick this whole place will be obliterated in a few hours and he wants Jake to see it. Nick finds a way in, searching for Troy, but can't find him.

The next day, Nick and Jake confront Troy at the desert, They stop the truck and look at it. It's a massive herd of walkers. Nick radios to Alicia, and tells her the horde is coming. They devise a plan to move the herd away from the Ranch but Troy is leading them with explosives. Jake approaches Troy but Nick insists on speaking to him first. "You're not in your right head, man," Nick said. Troy has been leading the group for two days. Jake cocks his gun and asks Troy to stop but Troy says he loves that sound. Troy rises up and talks about how accomplished Jake always was. He is proud now, though, of the art he's created with this horde. He takes aim with his launcher and fires. Jake pins him to the ground and starts wailing on him.

Jake orders Nick back to the Ranch. Nick tells Jake not to kill his brother because he'll never live it down. He mentions the rabbit screaming, and Nick tries to reason with him. He says he'll never be able to live it down, which leads Troy to wonder if Nick is having trouble dealing with his own conscience. Jake wants to know what he's talking about and Troy tells Nick to tell Jake the story. Jake slowly realizes what Nick did and though Troy tries to instigate the situation, Jake says he doesn't care that Nick killed their father and that Alicia might have known. Jake says none of it matters and aims the gun at Troy. Nick uses the rifle to knock Jake out of the way, sending him rolling down the hill toward the Infected. Before Nick and Troy can get to him, Jake gets bitten, and with his brother in such a state of shock, Nick asks Troy how much time he has, but Troy's not sure, and Jake tells Nick to chop off his arm to contain the infection. Troy holds Jake's arm and Nick chops it off with his machete and Jake screams in agony. Meanwhile, Nick races back to the Ranch in the pick up truck as Troy holds Jake in the back. He tells Troy to keep pressure on the arm until they make it back, but Troy is convinced that the Ranch is gone.

In the distance, Jake has succumb to his wound and dies. Troy kneels beside him. Troy says his brother wasn't supposed to die. He looks stricken. His brother was "the one who wasn't supposed to die." Nick tells Troy that he needs to put him down. Troy had wanted his brother to see what he did. Nick drags him to the edge and shows him the attack on the Ranch, telling him that's all on him. He radios Alicia but she doesn't answer. Troy tells him to do what his brother should have done and kill him. Nick kicks a gun at him and tells him to kill himself.

All the while, Troy is left broken and raw by the weight of his sins. His brother's head rests in his lap, and Jake awakens as a walker. Troy covers his brother's eyes and slips a blade through Jake's skull. He says he needs sleep but Nick insists they need to find a way to save everyone he tried to kill. "You can sleep when you're dead," Nick said.

"This Land Is Your Land"

Troy begins digging a grave for Jake. Nick tells him they don't have time and they have to save everyone Troy tried to kill with his walker horde attack. Nick wants to come up with a plan to rescue everyone. Troy wants to drive right through the dead but Nick insists there are too many. They will work around them. Nick and Troy devise a plan to direct the herd away from the pantry by blowing up the fuel reserve. They get in the truck and head toward the ranch.

Troy and Nick have stopped the truck. Troy plans to create a scene to draw the infected away. Nick steps out with his grenade launcher, firing a shot into the horde. The explosion claims a few and sends the rest walking toward it. Nick hops in the truck and Troy punches the gas. He plows through infected and laughs maniacally as walkers surround the helicopter. Nick is having a harder time. The truck rams into an RV and is quickly surrounded. Troy and Nick try fight their way out with a gun and a machete. They make their way to helicopter and close the doors, having narrowly made it. Troy is loving it and Nick finally shares a smile.

In the helicopter, Nick and Troy are completely surrounded. Nick starts trying to activate the rotors. Troy helps him and the rear rotor slices up a few walkers before turning off. Troy insists this is where they will die. Troy offers Nick a gun to kill himself as walkers overrun the chopper. They're interrupted by a massive explosion. They are rescued by Madison, Strand and Walker. The five of them return to the ranch to rescue Alicia, Ofelia and Crazy Dog. Then, Alicia continues shooting walkers then starts killing them with her knife when she runs out of ammo. The doors open. Madison runs in with Strand, Walker, Nick and Troy. Alicia stabs Christine in the head.

In the distance, Troy and the group gazes upon the decimated ranch. Madison tells Nick that they are driving to the trading post and then to the dam. She gives a look to Troy. The group huddles and prepares to move on. Alicia asks Nick about Jake, only to learn he didn't make it. She asks how he died, Troy covers for Nick saying he got bit and he put him down. Alicia asks where the horde came from. Nick covers for Troy and says that Troy spotted the mass of walkers but was too late in warning them.

Alicia decides to leave the group, and tells Madison that she wants to find a way to live for herself that doesn't involve running from place to place in fear. She reveals a plan to live alone in the cabin that Jake told her about. Alicia leaves in a truck. Nick tells Madison he will meet her at the dam after he follows Alicia to make sure she reaches her destination safely. Madison tells him to take Troy. Alicia drives across the plain. Nick and Troy follow her at a distance.

"El Matadero"

Troy and Nick catch up with Alicia as she fires a warning shot before noticing that it's them. Nick tries to tell her that her plan is crazy and she says that she almost died while surrounded by people. Alicia knows that it's Madison who is talking. She knows Nick is trying to make up for what happened before they came to the ranch and she says she forgives him. Troy listens and sees their bond.

Troy goes to the truck while Nick begs Alicia to reconsider but she won't. He prefers that she doesn’t die and she says she won't. He gives her the map and gives her a hug while Troy starts the car and they drive off. She smiles when she's alone. Troy asks Nick why everyone seems to hate him. Nick says that's old news, and the only reason he stayed at the ranch was because Travis was dead and Luciana was sick. Troy calls him out and says he stayed because Nick loves him. He says they're both black sheep but Nick wishes he wasn't. Troy and Nick arrive at El Bazar, Nick goes to Madison while Troy stays at the bar, being freaked out by all of the Mexicans.

Troy asks the waitress what he's eating, he doesn't understand her when she speaks Spanish, and Nick walks up and orders beer. Troy says he doesn't drink, and Nick shows him the pills and says they need to get started. The waitress brings drinks back and Nick is smitten with her. She shuts him down but offers information about where he can find the man he's looking for. Nick takes a pill and downs it with a shot and insists Troy take his shot, too, as he owes him for saving his life. Troy agrees and they both drink a shot. Later, Nick is in the middle of a drug induced haze as he and Troy make their way to the Butcher. Neither one is sober. Troy follows him but isn't sure what to think of all of this. Inside the Matadero's private area, they go to the bar and the bartender welcomes his fellow Americans. He offers Nick a variety of drugs and Nick wants something more. Troy wants to leave, but Nick wants to go higher. He offers Nick a pure adrenaline gland for free. Nick downs it and he offers one to Troy, who realizes that they are all watching him. He downs it as Nick laughs.

Nick climbs the fence and Troy follows him. Nick tells him not to fight it. Troy spots a herd ahead and Nick gleefully kills an Infected and then smears it all over them, then he goes to face the herd. Troy watches as the Infected pass them by, and when he rejoins Nick, he tells Troy that he can't go back to his mother. Troy hugs him as the Infected surround them without noticing them.

The next day, Troy and Nick go to Madison. She says they're going to the dam. He tells his mom he wants to stay a few days with Troy and establish a foothold there. She doesn’t fight it and tells him to do what he needs to and that he know where to find her and she leaves.

"Things Bad Begun"

After learning that the Proctors are targeting Gonzalez Dam, Troy warns Nick and the two rush to warn Madison. When a plan is made to destroy the dam, Troy offers his help in laying charges despite Daniel Salazar's doubts.

While helping Madison set up explosives, Troy admits to truly caring for Nick, seeing Nick as a brother. Troy claims to have put behind him his father's death and Madison's role in it.

As the two finish, Nick arrives with the news that they must flee as the Proctors are coming. He also states that they can't warn Daniel as Daniel will kill Troy if he sees him. When Madison questions Nick's meaning, Troy finally confesses to leading the horde to Broke Jaw Ranch and shows no remorse for his actions. Enraged, Madison bludgeons Troy twice in the head with a hammer, which seemingly kills him as he rolls down a small hill and stops moving. Madison and the shocked Nick leave Troy's body behind as they attempt to flee.

"Sleigh Ride"

Troy appears in Madison's dream sequence attending her dinner party.

In reality, Nick is horrified by Madison's apparent killing of Troy, and it begins to drive a wedge between Nick and his mother. Madison is later forced to admit that she killed Troy to Alicia.

When Nick blows up Gonzalez Dam, Troy's unconscious body is seen being washed out in the ensuing flood.

Season 8


Troy is rescued from the dam's wreckage by a woman who he eventually falls in love with, and they have a daughter together whom Troy names after his deceased mother. Over the next 12 years, Troy forms his own group, looking for a home for them. However, at some point, he loses Tracy's mother to an event that he blames - correctly or not - on Madison Clark, only increasing his hatred for her.

"All I See Is Red"

Troy is seen in a dark room as he listens to Madison's broadcast over the radio. He then writes down the coordinates Madison gives out for PADRE. Troy grabs a map, Strand's glasses, Madison's hammer and Alicia's prosthetic arm before stuffing them into a bag and leaving to find Madison after a decade of looking for her.


Strand awakens tied to a chair at the hotel and finds his people bound sitting on the floor. Russell threatens Strand with his sword when Strand kicks out at him, stating that this could've all been avoided if Strand had just handed Madison over to them. Russell reminds Madison and Strand that what happens next isn't up to him and decides to let his boss tell them himself. Russell's leader enters and Madison and Strand stare at him in shock as the man drops a duffle bag on the floor. "Hey there, Madison. Been a while. Yeah, see, I'm as surprised as you are. I mean, I knew I'd find you when I heard your radio broadcast but uh ... I didn't think you'd still be keeping the same company from Mexico," greets Troy.

Frank insists that Troy is making a mistake, and that Strand isn't who Troy thinks, but Troy knows that it's Victor Strand. Troy acknowledges that his eyesight isn't what it once was, but Frank is the one who is confused about Strand and certainly about Madison. Troy decides to show everyone the truth about who Madison is and removes his sunglasses, revealing that Troy is now blind in his left eye which is visibly messed up. Troy explains that it can happen from something like a bad hit to the head from a hammer like what Madison did to him before leaving Troy for dead in Mexico. Madison flashes back to when she had bashed Troy twice in the head with a hammer at the Gonzalez Dam, apparently killing him, before dropping the hammer on the ground next to him. Troy blames the loss of his brother, his father and his family's ranch on Madison even though Troy himself was responsible for the destruction of the ranch and the death of his brother with Troy adding that Strand helped.

Troy explains that he wants the same thing that he's wanted since the day that Madison took it from him, the same thing that he's been helping all of his people find ever since Troy pulled himself out of the dam's rubble in Mexico: a home. Since Madison took Troy's home from him, he intends to take Madison's home from her. Pulling out the hammer that Madison had hit him with, Troy threatens to do to Strand what Madison did to him if Madison doesn't reveal where PADRE is to him. Troy grabs Strand from behind and raises the hammer, but Strand orders Madison not to give in and to hold onto PADRE as it's what Alicia would've wanted. Frank pleads with Madison to tell Troy what he wants to know, and Troy threatens to not stop with Strand if she doesn't. Looking at Frank, Strand finally admits that his name is Victor Strand and he'd lied to Frank about so much, but what he felt for Frank was real. Strand reaffirms his love for his husband and his son in German, prepared to meet his fate at Troy's hands.

Before Troy can swing the hammer, Daniel comes in using one of Troy's men as a human shield, ordering Troy to drop the hammer. June, Sherry and several others enter from another doorway with June reiterating Daniel's order. Troy complies and Daniel knocks out his hostage and Daniel cuts Madison and Strand loose. Strand thanks Daniel, greeting him as an old friend, but Daniel tells Strand that they're not friends. Troy comments that he'd hate to do to Daniel what he did to Daniel's daughter and Daniel finally recognizes Troy, promising to make sure that Troy really dies the next time that they meet. Troy asks if Daniel really thinks that what he's doing right now is going to stop them, pointing out that they know where the hotel is now, and they'll just keep coming back. However, Madison announces that if Troy does that, there won't be anyone left there for him to hurt. PADRE is about to expand with Madison offering to take in the hotel residents since they had helped her when Madison needed help. Troy asks how they can be sure that Madison won't do the same thing to them that she did to him, and Madison admits that she's done some things that she regrets, but the place that Madison is building is not about her, but rather about keeping something bigger alive. Troy asks what that is while Daniel warns Madison that they don't know how many people Troy has, and they have to get out. Madison tells Troy that she's going to build PADRE into what it should've always been for her kids, for Alicia.

As the group prepares to move out, Troy tells Madison that she can do that, but she's making a mistake "'cause that's the same thinking that got her killed in the first place." Madison angrily demands to know how Troy would know that and Troy claims to have been the one to kill Alicia. As proof, Troy kicks his duffel bag to Madison who opens the bag while ignoring Daniel's orders to leave and not listen to Troy, finding Alicia's Prosthetic Arm inside. Although Madison doesn't recognize it, Strand, June and Sherry are visibly devastated as they realize the implications of Troy having it. Troy reveals that it belongs to Alicia, claiming that he took it off of Alicia's corpse after Troy killed her. In grief and rage, Madison grabs the fallen hammer and charges at Troy, but Strand holds her back telling Madison not to let Troy get into her head. Troy states that he would've put Alicia down, but after all of the wandering around that Troy did in Mexico, he thought that it was only right that Alicia should do the same. Troy suggests that maybe one day Alicia will find Madison or vice versa and finish the job. Cradling the duffel bag while Strand carries the hammer, Madison and her allies back out of the room. "You want a fight, Madison? We'll give you that. Oh, we'll give you a fight. My question for you is... what are you even fighting for?"

"Iron Tiger"

Luciana makes contact with Charlie and Madison tells the girl to come back and that she was right about Nick, and he does deserve better. If Charlie brought Nick all the way back from Texas for Madison, then she should be there when they say goodbye to him. However, Charlie tells Madison that she can't come back. Having finally realized that Charlie was telling the truth about caring about Nick and regretting killing him, Madison forgives the girl, telling Charlie that she was just a kid and doesn't have to make up for what she did to Nick and do what Madison asked her to do. However, Charlie clarifies that she physically can't come back as several members of Troy's Group stand outside of the tanker pointing guns at her. Troy bangs on the door, ordering Charlie to turn off the radio and step out of the truck, and Charlie explains that Troy and his men had found her before Charlie could get to the hotel and that they're not going to let Charlie leave. Daniel furiously slams his hand on the table and Charlie explains that her plan didn't work, that Troy's men were patrolling the road. Troy opens the tanker door and reiterates his order for Charlie to get out. Charlie offers to trade her gas with Troy, but Troy intends to just take it from her. Hearing Madison asking Charlie for her location over the radio, Troy asks why he would trust anyone who is talking to Madison Clark. Troy tells Charlie that they have a lot to talk about and knocks her out.

Luciana disconnects the radio, telling Madison that they can't give away their location, and Daniel states that Madison should've never put that idea in Charlie's head. While Madison insists that she was trying to do the right thing, Daniel asks Madison to do the right thing now by helping him to rescue Charlie. Luciana agrees with Daniel, but Strand worries about Daniel having told them earlier that they would suffer major losses if they got anywhere close to the hotel. Daniel insists that they have to try, and Madison agrees, stating that it looks like they're finally taking the fight to Troy.

At night, Charlie awakens in the hotel bound, barefoot and with broken glass on the floor. Nearby, Troy chops off the left arm of a walker which Russell places into a cage full of similar walkers. Noticing that Charlie is awake, Troy orders Russell to just release the walkers after Troy's finished with Charlie. Charlie tells Troy that she's not scared of him before Troy, much to her surprise, cuts Charlie's hands free so that they can talk on a more equitable level. However, Troy warns Charlie against trying to run, revealing that the last person who did that cut their feet up so badly because of the broken glass on the floor that they only made it half a mile before the dead found them. Charlie questions why Troy is cutting off the arms of walkers, but he just brushes it off as a way of passing the time. Charlie realizes that Troy wants Madison to think that the walkers are Alicia and asks why Troy killed her.

Troy again brushes off Charlie's questions and, noting that it sounds like he's not the only person to have killed a Clark, asks if what Madison had said about Charlie killing Nick was true with the look on Charlie's face confirming it for him. Troy sadly admits that Nick was like a brother to him, and that they were both better suited to this world than the last one, or at least that was what Troy had thought until he had heard about what had happened to Nick. Troy wonders why Madison is trying to protect her, and Charlie tells him that Madison is giving her a second chance. Troy asks whether Charlie really believes that, stating that it's going to get her killed if it does and no one gave Troy and his people a second chance. Troy reveals that he wants to know where PADRE is because they need a safe place to set up shop, somewhere that people like Madison can't take from them. While Troy has the hotel, he was able to take it in an afternoon and Troy needs someplace more secure that nobody can take from him. Charlie realizes that Troy needs someplace that he can take from Madison, but Troy just calls that the icing on the cake.

Charlie insists that she doesn't know where PADRE is, but Troy doesn't believe her and threatens Charlie with his blade. Charlie explains that the Gearheads had made gas for the settlement, but they left tankers at drop points and Charlie has never actually been to PADRE. Refusing to believe Charlie, Troy prepares to release the caged walkers and force Charlie to run with glass in her feet. Charlie finally appears to give in, telling Troy that there's a map in the tanker truck listing all of the drop sites and Troy might be able to figure out where PADRE is from them. Troy orders Russell to send someone to check and make sure that Charlie is telling the truth, when the hotel is suddenly rocked by a massive explosion. Looking outside, a shocked Troy sees a fireball from where the tanker had just exploded nearby. Troy quickly orders his men to secure the compound, get a headcount and find out where everyone is. Troy realizes that Charlie had rigged the tanker to blow on a timer and had wanted the group to bring it inside, but they were careful to park it nearby instead. One of Troy's men reports in that the walls are still intact and they're working on the headcount, but they need to put the fire out before it draws more walkers. Drawing his gun, Troy tells Charlie that she's going to help him find PADRE whether she knows where it is or not.

On the road near the hotel, Madison and the others hear an explosion and pick up radio chatter between Russell and the rest of Troy's men in which Russell expresses concern that the explosion will draw back the walkers that the group had released and the whole tanker had gone up and the fire is spreading fast. Russell orders his men to look for leaking fuel and contain it and Daniel guesses that the tanker must've exploded. Strand tells the others that the hotel is 10 minutes away by foot, but Daniel refuses to drive in as Troy's people will hear them coming and they need to find a way to get in quietly.

Troy calls Madison over the radio, explaining that her tanker had just exploded outside of his hotel, but Madison claims that she doesn't know what he's talking about. Daniel realizes that Charlie had purposefully allowed herself to be captured as a part of her plan and Troy, aiming his gun at Charlie tells Madison that he knows that she sent Charlie to kill him, and she wasn't in the truck when it exploded, much to the relief of Strand, Daniel and Luciana. Troy admits that he was wrong about Madison as he'd thought that Madison would never be able to forgive the girl who had killed Nick, but he figures that Madison must trust Charlie if she had sent Charlie to kill him or maybe Madison had just thought that Charlie would die in the explosion. Madison orders Troy not to hurt Charlie, confirming for him that Madison does care about her. Troy wonders what Nick would think about that, but Madison believes that her son would get it, stating that people change and they can do shitty things and come back from them. Holding his gun to Charlie's head, Troy tells Madison that she'll have to do something that will upset a lot of people if Madison wants Charlie back alive: Troy wants PADRE's location. Strand warns Madison that Troy is going to hit them with everything that he's got if she does it, but Daniel points out that Madison knows that Charlie doesn't deserve this fate. Charlie yells at Madison not to do it and that she knew what she was doing, causing Troy to kick her chair over. Holding the radio near the gasping Charlie, Troy threatens to kill her if Madison doesn't tell him what he wants to know. Daniel furiously swears to strangle Troy with his bare hands and Madison accepts the deal, telling Troy to meet her in front of the hotel.

Madison's group parks near the burning tanker as walkers, drawn by the fire, begin to gather on the hotel grounds. Madison notices that a burned walker is missing an arm too before Strand stabs it in the head, leaving the two confused as to where the armless walkers are coming from. Troy, Russell, and several of his heavily armed men greet the group near the hotel entrance with Troy warning Madison that there are a lot more of them inside and it had better not be a trick. Madison promises that it's not a trick, but Troy doubts her word. Troy promises to hand Charlie over once they get the location of PADRE and has one of his men put Charlie on the radio. Daniel warns Troy that if Charlie has been harmed, he'll make Troy wish that Daniel only took his other eye. Charlie reassures Madison that she's fine, but she again tells Madison not to make the trade for her.

Knowing that Charlie is only in danger because of her, Madison refuses and tells Troy to hand Charlie over and they'll give him the location of PADRE. However, Troy wants the location first and proposes having one of Madison's people take his right-hand man Russell to the location so that he can verify it at which point Troy will release Charlie. Troy tells Madison that he really doesn't care about Charlie, he just wants a safe place to live. Madison questions why Troy cares so much about PADRE, and he claims that Madison took everything from him, and Troy is just returning the favor. Madison wonders if it's about Madison's role in Jeremiah's death, but Troy makes it clear that he doesn't care about his father at all. Troy refuses to clarify his meaning, stating that PADRE is the only thing that matters and Madison orders Strand to escort Russell there. Strand insists that there must be another way to bring Charlie back, but Madison doesn't see another choice. Strand reminds Madison that there are other people to consider such as Frank and Klaus, but Troy promises that he's not interested in the people living there, just the settlement and everyone will have ample time to leave. Strand agrees and he and Russell prepare to turn over their weapons as a gesture of good faith to ensure that they won't try anything.

As Madison radios Charlie that they're getting her out of there, Charlie suddenly stabs the guard holding the radio for her in the neck with a piece of glass that she had picked up when Troy had shoved her to the floor, killing him. Grabbing the man's gun and radio, Charlie enters into a standoff with the other guard in the room, telling Madison that she took out one of Troy's men and she'll take out another. Madison tries to talk Charlie down, but Charlie refuses to let another place that Madison had built fall because of her actions. Madison promises Charlie that this is not on her, and this is not the stadium, reminding the girl that Charlie is only in this position because Madison had set her on this path. Troy tells Charlie that Madison is right and asks why she's taking the fall for Madison. However, Charlie explains that "it's not for her. This place she's building, it's what Alicia wanted. And it's how Nick's death can mean something. On the rafts, when we left the Tower, Victor told me that's what Alicia said to him when she thought she was dying -- make it mean something." Madison insists that they can do it someplace else, but Charlie points out that, since this is about Madison, Troy will just go after the next place that she finds.

Charlie knows that Troy's people won't kill her because they'll lose their leverage otherwise with Daniel pointing out that Troy will never find where PADRE is otherwise. Troy attempts to defuse the situation, telling Charlie that no one's going to shoot anybody and to just put the gun down so that they can work it out. Madison offers Troy a map to PADRE if he lets Charlie go, telling Troy to send Russell to verify it, but just don't hurt Charlie overruling Charlie's objections. However, Charlie knows that Madison won't have to give Troy PADRE if Troy doesn't have anything to trade and puts the gun to her chin, preparing to sacrifice herself to protect PADRE and Nick and Alicia's legacy. Charlie recalls several fond moments with Madison, Nick, Alicia, Daniel and Luciana ending with herself on the beach saying goodbye to Alicia. Ignoring Daniel and Madison's attempts to talk her down, Charlie shoots herself in the head, killing herself much to the shock and horror of her friends. Troy contacts the second guard to see if the shot was the man stopping Charlie, but he confirms Charlie's death instead. A heartbroken Daniel breaks down and has to be dragged away by Hawk and one of his men as he tries to attack Troy in retaliation.

Visibly affected himself by Charlie's actions, Troy promises Madison that he really didn't want things to go down like this, but he can't let her leave with the map. Madison refuses, putting the map away, and Russell interrupts with the news that Tracy's missing. Russell calls a young girl forward, shocking Madison that there's kids with the group. Troy reveals that they wanted PADRE for the same reason as Madison and the others and questions the girl who explains that Tracy had wanted to see the tanker truck as Tracy has never seen a truck running before. Troy orders his men to stay on Madison's people and frantically runs off shouting for Tracy as Madison's people and Troy's group enter an armed standoff.

Troy makes his way to the burning tanker truck through the fire and the growing herd. Troy shoots a few approaching walkers and, running out of ammo, switches to his blade as gunfire sounds from Troy's men fighting the herd that has been drawn to the hotel. Troy clears a path to the truck but is grabbed from behind by a walker that he had missed. As Troy struggles with the walker, Madison takes the walker out with her sledgehammer, saving a surprised Troy's life. Madison explains that Troy's men are overwhelmed, and that she wasn't going to let another kid die after what had just happened. Opening the cab door with a piece of metal, Troy finds it to be empty and realizes that Tracy wasn't inside, much to his relief. Russell reports that they can't hold back the dead who are everywhere, but Troy frantically orders his men to search the area for Tracy.

Madison realizes from Troy's behavior that Tracy is his own daughter which he confirms, asking why Madison thought that they wanted PADRE. Madison is confused as to why Troy didn't just tell them what they wanted instead of trying to take PADRE by force, but Troy once again accuses Madison of taking someone from him and admits that he's afraid that Madison would take Tracy from him too. Troy reveals that Madison is supposedly responsible for the death of Tracy's mother, but Madison has no idea what Troy's talking about. Troy frantically continues his search for Tracy, fighting off more walkers. Madison notices that the walkers coming from the direction of the hotel are all missing an arm, as are many of the corpses and puts the pieces together that it's Troy who has been cutting their arms off and purposefully making Madison think that she's been seeing Alicia everywhere that she looks. Madison attacks Troy with her sledgehammer, knocking him to the ground, and struggles with him, demanding once again to know who Troy thinks that Madison took from him. Troy identifies Tracy's mother as the woman who had rescued him from the dam and gave him a second chance before begging Madison to let him go to find his daughter. Madison spitefully tells Troy that he's now going to know what it's like to wonder where your kid is, but Troy points out that Tracy could still be alive. Knowing that they need to go, Strand pulls Madison off of Troy and drags her away as Troy's men rush around fighting the herd and searching for Tracy.


The survivors at PADRE overhear Troy and Russell on the radio discussing their still unsuccessful search for Troy's daughter Tracy who has been captured by Strand and his men.

"Keeping Her Alive"

On a boat heading for the mainland with Dwight, Sherry, Odessa, Strand and a blindfolded Tracy, June attempts to contact Troy, letting him know that they have his daughter who is safe and will be returned to him once they can agree to terms. Tracy questions if she really has to be blindfolded, but Strand tells her that they're not going to remove her blindfold so that she can see where they are as PADRE has lasted so long because it's impossible to find. Tracy tells Strand to stop trying to be her friend, reminding Strand that he's the one who had brought her in. Strand insists that no matter what Troy says, he's going to kill him and hurt Tracy. Tracy tells Strand that he doesn't know her dad who will do anything to protect her, but Strand says that he thinks that he knows Troy better than Tracy thinks he does, and that Troy is not the man that she thinks he is. June points out the hypocrisy of the idea that Strand can change but Troy can't. "He's a sociopath on a revenge tour. I have issues. There's a difference," states Strand. Strand wonders why he's the only one looking out for the girl, but Sherry implies that Strand is just looking out for himself. Strand again insists that this isn't about him, but about Tracy, and PADRE and about building the place that Alicia had wanted him to build, but no one believes Strand.

Troy finally responds, demanding to know who is calling him. June introduces herself as one of the people who had freed Madison and Strand from the hotel and allows Tracy to talk to her father who tells Troy that they're going to bring her back to him. June confirms this, but asks for Troy's assurance that he will not try to take PADRE. Troy points out that they took his daughter and asks why he would make a deal with them, but June clarifies that it was Strand who took Tracy, promising to bring both Tracy and Strand to him. Troy tells June that the one problem is that his people still need a place to live, but June tells him that Troy already has one with the hotel. June promises that they won't bother him there and reveals that Madison's no longer at PADRE anyways, meaning that whatever problem Troy had with her, he doesn't have with everyone else who is left there. Troy agrees to the deal as Strand tries to protest, instructing June to bring both Tracy and Strand to the hotel. Strand pleads with June not to do this, but Dwight tells him that it's too late. As they approach shore, a desperate Strand removes Tracy's blindfold and orders her to remember a lighthouse that they're passing. Strand informs his friends that they can't hand Tracy over now as she'll tell Troy where PADRE is. Tracy escapes over the side of the boat while Strand breaks free as well, cuts his bonds on the railing, yanks a wire out of the electrical panel and jumps overboard. Sherry orders Dwight to turn the boat around, but Strand's sabotage has disabled the power and the engines.

At Lowcountry Landing, Madison hotwires one of the Gearheads' trucks, reporting to Strand that it has a full tank of gas, while Tracy looks over a map. Strand finds a gun in the glovebox and quips "thank you, Luciana" and that the sign says to take what they need when Madison wonders if Luciana is going to mind. Madison shows Tracy their location on the map and asks where they need to go while on the radio, Troy tells his men that he doesn't care how many people are at the hotel, they are to push west along the access road. Strand reports that Troy's people are nowhere near them and, while flicking through channels looking for June, Dwight and Sherry, picks up a transmission by people who are looking for Madison and who are checking out the coordinates that Madison gave. Tracy's never heard the voices before, but Strand dismisses it as they will be long gone by the time that the people catch up with them. Tracy asks to see a bigger map as Troy's fight with Alicia happened way further away than the map depicts. As Strand searches the glove compartment for a bigger map, Tracy grabs his radio and gives their location away to Troy. Madison furiously warns Tracy against doing that again and demands to know if she even knows where Alicia is. Strand reassures Madison that they still have time because Troy's people are by the hotel.

Later, with Ada's permission, Strand attempts to use the SWAT van's CB radio to call Madison, asking to talk to Tracy, but he is unable to reach her. As Ada adjusts the radio, Troy responds to Strand's hail, demanding to know where his daughter is and warning Strand that he'd better not have lost her. Strand tells Troy that he hasn't lost Tracy, and he knows exactly where she's going: to wherever Troy hid Alicia with Daniel and Madison. Strand promises that he can help Tracy, but Troy needs to tell him where to go to. Troy asks why he would do that, and Strand tells him that he doesn't know what's going to happen to her after they find Alicia and Strand might be his daughter's last chance. Troy points out that Strand was the one who took her, but Strand argues that he's the only one who is trying to save Tracy now and Troy will never catch up on foot. Approaching Lowcountry Landing, Troy tells Strand that his people aren't going to be on foot for much longer.

Luciana and the Gearheads confront Troy, Russell and the rest of his people and Troy recognizes Luciana from the ranch as Nick's girlfriend, asking her in Spanish "shame about Nick, isn't it?" Luciana tells Troy that they don't want any trouble, but Troy states that it's too late for that as his daughter's already in some. Luciana is willing to let Troy use their roads to get to Tracy as long as none of her people get hurt. Troy asks if Luciana is going to help him even though Nick chose the ranch instead of her, but Luciana's people are more important to her than her pride. Troy warns Luciana to stand down if she really cares about her people as the Gearheads are outnumbered and outgunned and Troy orders his men to fan out and to take anything worth taking.

Luciana warns Troy not to as this won't end well from him. A large number of PADRE residents emerge from hiding and surround Troy's group, amongst them June, Dwight, Sherry, Odessa, Frank, Hildy and Marietta. Surprised but impressed, Troy realizes that he's fallen into a trap and Luciana admits that she had just needed him to get close, ordering Troy to stand down. Troy warns Luciana that he had trained every one of his men and that they will take out more of Luciana's people and the PADRE residents than they will of Troy's people if it comes down to a fight, but Dwight is happy to test out that theory while Frank quips that they want to make some room in their hotel again. Troy expresses concern about his daughter being in danger while they delay, and Luciana and June try to convince Troy to stand down and negotiate a ceasefire for his daughter's sake. Russell looks to Troy for directions, but he orders Russell not to act. Grabbing his radio, causing a moment of tension as everyone thinks that Troy is going for his gun instead, Troy contacts Strand and tells him that he's been held up, meaning that Strand is the only person that can help him. Strand promises to make sure that Tracy is okay, and Troy tells him where to find Madison, Daniel and Tracy.

After Tracy's escape with the location of PADRE, Madison, Daniel, Strand, Ada, Della and Sara arrive at Lowcountry Landing which has been destroyed by a gunfight that has left most of both sides dead and more wounded. Tending to a wounded woman, Luciana explains to Daniel that they had Troy and his men surrounded, but it was like they didn't care whether they lived or died. Daniel reassures Luciana that Strand and Madison had no part in this and June runs over with a medical kit to tend to the woman as one of the PADRE fighters dispatches a member of Troy's group who reanimates. Strand finds Frank desperately tending to a dying Hildy who has been shot in the chest and is bleeding out fast. Frank begs his husband to get more dressings, but Hildy dies, and Strand sadly informs Frank that it's too late. Frank refuses to give up on Hildy, but he quickly reanimates, so Strand grabs Hildy's knife and stabs his friend in the head with it. The devastated Frank declares that they need to stop the man who did this to all of their friends and Strand promises his husband that they will.

Sherry dispatches another of Troy's men who had reanimated and tells Madison that Troy isn't here. Luciana explains that someone had stolen one of the Gearheads' trucks after the shooting broke out, and Madison knows that Troy is going to find his kid and PADRE. Luciana points out that Troy lost most of his men in the gunfight, wondering what it matters that Troy knows where to look, but Madison has realized that Troy isn't going to use his men to take it: Troy's going to do the exact same thing that he did at Broke Jaw Ranch 12 years before. "The dead. That's what they were for. They are his army," explains Daniel. Dwight doesn't know how many people they have left, and he and Sherry set out to do a headcount. Madison asks Luciana how far her roads are cleared, but Luciana doesn't want to get involved any further, having lost too many people already by getting involved. However, Madison is more interested in using the Gearheads' roads to reach the mansion near Fort Worth where Tracy had told her that Alicia was killed, and Luciana promises to take Madison there after this is all over.

Unwilling to risk anyone else's lives, Madison declares that she can help them by finishing what she had started at the dam and, watched by Strand, Daniel, Luciana, Frank, Ada, Della and Sara, Madison drives off alone in the SWAT van to confront Troy.

"Fighting Like You"

Troy will appear in this episode.

"The Road Ahead"

Tracy finds a zombified Troy tangled up in some vines. Tracy tells her father that she shot Madison and she thinks that everyone on PADRE died. Telling her father that she loves him, Tracy tearfully shoots Troy in the head and buries him nearby.

Alicia is later revealed to be still alive. Alicia reveals that Troy had lied about her being Tracy's mother which Madison, Alicia and Tracy realize was so that Madison would fight for Tracy as hard as she had fought for her own children.


Killed By

Unwilling to risk giving Troy a second chance, Madison impales him with Alicia's Prosthetic Arm. Troy dies moments later and he is left to reanimate.

After finding her zombified father, Tracy shoots Troy in the head.

Killed Victims

This list shows the victims Troy has killed:


For a more in-depth look at Troy's relationships, read here; Troy Otto (Fear)/Relationships




Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3 👁
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8 👁
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


For more images of Troy, please visit Troy Otto (Fear)/Gallery.


  • Troy is the second and final major recurring primary antagonist in Fear the Walking Dead, the first being Victor Strand.
  • Troy possesses the third highest kill count on Fear The Walking Dead with a total of more than 40 victims, Theodore Maddox has the second highest number of victims with a total of 107, with 24 being directly killed, and Daniel Salazar has the highest kill with a total of 121 living people directly killed.
  • It was said in an interview with Dave Erickson that Troy wasn't originally going to die in the season 3 finale. "Jeremiah was always going to go", Erickson says. "Troy was a hard one because I actually had a conversation with Daniel [Sharman] earlier in the season where I said that at that moment my intention was to not kill Troy. And then when we got to a place where I realized I had to have a bit more closure than I had originally intended, I had another conversation with Daniel where I said, 'You know how I said I wasn't going to kill you? Well, unfortunately, now I am.' From a story perspective, it made sense and it actually worked with the narrative. And the truth of the matter is he deserved it. I mean, if anybody on our show deserved to go it was Troy — just based on the place where we met him, based on the things we've seen him do, and frankly, the things that Madison's abided by." Erickson believes Troy's death is a key moment for both Madison and Nick. "I think it was in that moment [where she kills him] she realizes that I tried to do the right thing, I tried to offer charity and I tried to offer kindness and I let him go and now because of that the ranch is gone, the dam is compromised, and I think that's the moment where Madison comes full circle", Erickson says. "That's the moment where she realizes, this is who I am. Nick's not wrong. That violence is ingrained in her and what she realizes is that she deviated from that course. She wasn't true to herself and people suffered because of it, and so in that instance, she decides to put him down. And that has a direct impact on Nick as Nick moves into the last episode because he wants to reject that and find another way."[3]
  • Troy is the only member of his family to not be named after another member of his family.
  • Troy has the longest period of absence than any other character to eventually reappear on Fear the Walking Dead; having been absent for 5 seasons (70 episodes overall).
    • The second longest belongs to Madison, who was absent for 3 seasons (55 episodes overall).
    • Troy also has the second longest in the franchise overall, only Morales had a longer absence with 95 episodes.
    • Troy is one of five characters in Fear the Walking Dead to return after being confirmed dead, the others being Madison, Cole, Vivian and Douglas.
  • Troy is the final living character to be killed by Madison Clark. He is also the final named character to die in Fear the Walking Dead, albeit as a walker. In addition, Troy is the last character to be directly killed by another person as Russell is killed by walkers after Dwight shoves him into the herd.
  • Troy was the last living character to apparently be killed by Madison before her own apparent death in "No One's Gone". In "Fighting Like You", Troy is once again the last living character to be killed by Madison before her supposed death.
  • Troy is the fifth main character to become a walker, the first being Jake Otto, and the second being John Dorie, the third being Dakota, and the fourth being Grace Mukherjee.
  • Troy is the sixth main character to be killed by another main character, the first being Elizabeth Ortiz, the second being Jeremiah Otto, the third being Nicholas Clark, the fourth being John Dorie, and the fifth being Wes.
  • Troy is the last main character to die on Fear the Walking Dead.
    • With Troy's death, a total of 15 main characters died in Fear the Walking Dead.
    • Troy was also the last series regular from Season 3 to die on the show.
  • Coincidentally, both of Troy's death scenes happened in the penultimate episodes of their respective seasons with his body being seen in the season finales.
  • Technically, if Madison had given Troy another chance rather than killing him, it would've been more than just a second chance as Madison had already given him several chances after his actions.
    • Madison gave Troy another chance in "The New Frontier" and "Eye of the Beholder" after he attempted to experiment upon and kill her family in their very first meeting.
    • Madison chose to exile Troy in "Minotaur" rather than killing him after the ruckus that he and Nick had caused and even after he had wounded Klah Jackson while they were kicking him out. Madison warned Troy that if he were to return, she would kill him.
    • Madison gave Troy another chance in "This Land Is Your Land" after the destruction of Broke Jaw Ranch until she learned that Troy was actually responsible for it.
  • Troy is one of the four reformed antagonists in the franchise to convert back to their antagonistic ways. The other three being Bonnie (Determinant), Dwight, and Anne.

International Dubbers

Language Dubber Other Characters Voiced
Czech N/A N/A
French Clément Moreau N/A
German David Turba N/A
Hungarian N/A N/A
Italian Simone Veltroni Jack Kipling
Japanese N/A N/A
Portuguese N/A N/A
Spanish (Latin America) Edson Matus N/A
Spanish (Spain) Marcel Navarro N/A


  1. 1.01.1 Davis, Brandon (30 May 2017) "Meet Fear The Walking Dead's Most Interesting New Character" ComicBook, Valnet Inc, Retrieved on 30 May 2017
  2. Fletcher, Alex (3 April 2017) "Fear the Walking Dead season 3 air date, new characters and images revealed" BT, Retrieved on 30 May 2017
  3. Chapman, Tom (16 October 2017) "Fear the Walking Dead showrunner answers season finale burning questions" Screen Rant, Retrieved on 22 August 2023