When you enable that option, an employee who adds a work account to a new device will be asked if the organization owns that device. Once confirmed, the Google Apps Device Policy app will automatically install and complete the steps necessary to provision the device and the user’s work account. That employee will then be ready to go—they can easily find approved mobile apps in the Google Play for Work store, and they’ll be signed in to any Google applications (like Gmail and Drive).
Once set up, an employee’s company-owned device will be governed by full device management (MDM) and application management (MAM) capabilities, meaning you’ll be able to require passwords, remotely wipe company information, and approve apps to be used at work. Furthermore, you’ll now be able to restrict select wireless and network settings (like mobile network, WiFi, and VPN), sharing settings (like screen capture and USB file transfer), user/account creation, and the ability to factory reset the device. Support for company-owned devices can be enabled at the domain or OU level.

In addition to the changes outlined above, which apply to company-owned Android devices running 6.0 (Marshmallow), we’ve streamlined the account setup flow for user-owned devices running 5.x (Lollipop). Employees with these devices no longer need to manually install the Google Apps Device Policy app from the Play for Work store to set up their devices; instead, the Device Policy app will be automatically installed and activated.

Check out the Help Center articles below for more information. These features will roll out gradually over the course of the next few weeks.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid release and Scheduled release

Rollout pace:
Gradual rollout (potentially longer than 3 days for feature visibility)

Admins and end users

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: Set up device owner on company-owned devices
Help Center: Configure mobile device settings

  • View existing filters in Sheets - If you apply filters to your data in Sheets on the web, those filters will now appear in the Sheets Android app as well (previously, you might not have known that you were viewing filtered content).

  • Paste only values, formatting, and more in Sheets - Already available in Sheets on the web, the Paste special feature in the Sheets Android app allows you to copy content and then paste only the associated values, formatting, formula, data validation, or conditional formatting. You can also paste everything but borders or paste your content in a transposed order.
  • Hyperlink text and shapes in Slides - You can now insert new and edit existing links in your presentations directly from the Slides Android app toolbar and context menu.

  • Use superscripts and subscripts in Docs and Slides - Create superscript and subscript text in the Docs and Slides Android apps using the text formatting palette.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid release and Scheduled release

Rollout pace:
Gradual rollout (potentially longer than 3 days for feature visibility)

All end users

This is what Role management looks like in the Admin console, but now you can also do this programmatically with the Roles API.

Today’s launch of the Roles API (one of the Admin SDK Directory APIs) enables developers to build admin tools that can perform role management programmatically.

This new API will be useful to admins who have built internal admin tools using the Admin SDK and to developers of third-party admin tools. Both can now use the Roles API to provide selective access to Delegated Admins (DAs) to specific admin capabilities within third-party applications.

Here are some examples of use cases where the Roles API can be leveraged:
  • A third-party user management app that relies on the Admin SDK to perform various user-related operations can now use the Roles API to selectively show the capabilities of user management DAs, such as creating/deleting users and resetting passwords.
  • A mobile device management (MDM) app developer looking to build a tool for access by Mobile Management DAs can use the Roles API to determine the privileges of the logged-in DA and selectively display MDM-related admin functionality.
  • Admins (or admin tools) can now programmatically create reports on admin role assignments which can help super admins better manage access to DAs.

For more information and to get started, please check out the Roles API documentation. We look forward to helping more admins manage their domains in a more programmatic way so they can focus on more critical aspects of managing their corporate IT infrastructure.

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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Launch Details
Release track:  
Launching to both Rapid release and Scheduled release

Rollout pace: 
Gradual rollout (potentially longer than 3 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center
Download the latest Google Drive app on Google Play

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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Launch Details
Release track:  
Launched to both Rapid release and Scheduled release

Rollout pace: 
Full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center
Download the latest Google Drive app in the App Store

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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(Cross-posted on the Google Apps Developer Blog)

To provide developers and administrators with more fine-grained control, the Google Apps Admin SDK now includes new domain management features. These new APIs let you programmatically manage domains for your Google Apps account, similar to other RESTful resources like UsersGroups, etc., providing a superset of the domain management capabilities available on the Domains page in the Admin console today.

Change your primary domain
The Customers API gives enterprise developers and administrators the ability to swap the current primary domain with a selected secondary domain for a Google Apps installation. The “change primary” operation is essentially transparent to the user, but users moved to the secondary domain will be subject to certain restrictions (refer to this Help Center article for details). Customers who want to rebrand their business with a new primary domain can follow this up by renaming users from the old (now secondary) to the new (now primary) domain using the Users API.

Add and remove domains and aliases
The Domains API lets developers create tools for administrators to add and remove domains, similar to the functionality available on the Domains page in the Admin console. In addition, the API lets you programmatically add aliases for any domain, primary or secondary, but aliases for secondary domains can only be added via the API.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid release and Scheduled release

Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

Admins only
Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: Rename a user
Help Center: Limitations with multiple domains

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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