New text links to add users 

To add users individually or in bulk, use the text links at the top of the user table. Note that these options change when rows are selected (see ‘dynamic table title bar,’ below).

A new way to add users  

Dynamic table title bar  

Options in the table’s title bar will change when you have user rows selected.

Helpful links 

Help Center: Add and manage users 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default? 
This feature will be ON by default.

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End users:

  • For users in domains which enforce “Any” or “Any except verification codes via text, phone call” 2-Step Verification policies the feature will be enabled by default. 
  • For users in domains which enforce an “only security key” policy, no action is needed until an admin turns the feature on. 
  • Once enabled, when a user who can use security codes navigates to a page which requires a security key, they will see “Having trouble” or “Try another way.” Once they click on one of those options, they will be able to “Get a one-time security code”. This will link to a page that prompts them to enter their security code, and also tells them where to go ( to generate a security code if they don’t have one yet. 

Helpful links 

Help Center: Deploy two-step verification and allow security codes 
Help Center: Security controls and two-step verification


Rollout details 

  • Rapid Release domains
    • For domains which currently enforce an “Any” or “Any except verification codes via text, phone call” policy, the feature will be enabled for users in a gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on June 24, 2019 
    • For domains which enforce an “only security key” policy, the admin console setting to allow users to utilize security codes will appear in the admin console in a gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on July 8, 2019. 
  • Scheduled Release domains
    • For domains which currently enforce an “Any” or “Any except verification codes via text, phone call” policy, the feature will be enabled for users in a gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on June 24, 2019 
    • For domains which enforce an “only security key” policy, the admin console setting to allow users to utilize security codes will appear in the admin console in a gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on July 8, 2019. 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default? 

  • Security codes will be ON by default for domains which currently enforce “Any” or “Any except verification codes via text, phone call” 2-Step Verification policies. 
  • Security codes will be OFF by default for domains which currently enforce an “only security key” policy, security codes will be off by default and admins enable them at the domain, OU, or group level.

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You can already make Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides files available offline. Now, as part of a new beta, you can mark also PDF, image, Microsoft Office, and other non-Google files for offline access using Google Drive on Chrome.

To learn more about the beta and to apply, see here.

Who’s impacted 

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it 

This feature helps complete the offline experience for Google Drive. Now, users can access their important non-Google files in an offline setting, like when they’re traveling or when there’s poor internet connectivity.

How to get started 

Additional details 

Note that while this feature is not currently supported in ChromeOS, we’re working on bringing these offline capabilities to ChromeOS in the future.

Additionally, users can also right click and open any non-Google files using native applications. By doing so, you can make an Office file available offline and—while offline—open that file using the native Microsoft Office application.

Helpful links 


G Suite editions 

On/off by default? 
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How to get started 

Additional details 

This beta is covered by Classroom’s terms of service and privacy policy. This means teachers and instructors can request to be individually whitelisted for this beta. Admins can request access for their domain or a specific group of users.

Helpful links 


G Suite editions 

On/off by default? 

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Gradebook for Google Classroom

Who’s impacted 

End users

Why you’d use it 

Better grading in Classroom 
One of the top requests from educators is an improved grading workflow. Gradebook allows teachers to easily input and view grades across their classes and students. With the ability to view all assignments and grades in one place, teachers can stay organized and holistically follow the performance of an entire class over time. To learn more about our grading improvements for Classroom, see our post on the Keyword.

How to get started 

Helpful links 


Rollout details 
G Suite editions 
On/off by default? 
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Helpful links 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default? 
This feature will be ON by default.

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Rollout details 
G Suite editions 
  • Available to all G Suite editions 
On/off by default? 
  • If 2-Step Verification or Security Key Enforcement is turned on for an organization, Android phone will be available as an option for security keys by default. 

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Additional details

Currently, G Suite users can choose to sync Photos to Drive. This means that when they upload a file to Photos, it’s automatically uploaded to the Google Photos folder in Drive. Once these changes go into effect, this folder will stop receiving updates. It won’t go away; it will just stop syncing with Photos.

Unlike consumers, G Suite users do not have the option to show photos from My Drive in Google Photos. If Google Photos is disabled in your organization, your users will not be impacted.

See our post on the Keyword for more details.

Helpful links

Help Center: Upcoming changes to Google Photos & Google Drive
Keyword: Changing how Google Drive and Google Photos work together


Rollout details

G Suite editions

On/off by default?

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Additional details

Below is a list of frequently asked questions.

Helpful links

Help Center: Authorize unverified third-party apps
Help Center: Whitelist connected apps
OAuth API Verification FAQ


Rollout details

G Suite editions

On/off by default?

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Who’s impacted 

End users

Why you’d use it 

Tracking edits made by collaborators is important for keeping information accurate and understanding why specific changes were made and by whom. This is especially critical when there are several collaborators working in a sheet.

Previously, you would need to open up Version History and manually look through past versions of a sheet to determine who changed a cell and when. With Show edit history, you can quickly surface the edit history of a cell: who edited, when, and the previous value.

How to get started 

Additional details 

The following changes are considered previous edits to a cell:

Note: Some changes may not show up in the edit history. Some examples are:

Helpful links 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 

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A new document will be generated that shows all existing suggested edits from both docs as accepted. Users will be able to see the differences between both documents as suggested edits labeled with the name defined in the Attribute differences to field.

Additional details 

Doc owners and those with edit access can use this feature to compare documents.

Helpful links 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 

On/off by default? 

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Who’s impacted

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it

With dynamic email, you can easily take action directly from within the message itself, like RSVP to an event, fill out a questionnaire, browse a catalog or respond to a comment.

Take commenting in Google Docs, for example. Instead of receiving individual email notifications when someone mentions you in a comment, now, you’ll see an up-to-date thread in Gmail where you can easily reply or resolve the comment, right from within the message.

How to get started

Additional details

This feature is currently only available in Gmail on the web, with mobile coming soon.

Helpful links


Rollout details

G Suite editions
Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default?
This feature will be ON by default beginning on July 2, 2019.

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Find specific sites by their published URLs. Use our Help Center to learn more about searching for Sites data in Vault.

Preview and navigate through the site in the Vault interface, and export sites for further analysis.

Scope of functionality available through the beta: 

Helpful links 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 

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Additional details

The “Activity” event is triggered when a second- or third-party application calls a Google Product API using the OAuth protocol on behalf of one of your users. If your organization uses multiple second- or third-party apps, you may see a large increase in event traffic.

Helpful links

Developers Guide: OAuth Token Audit Activity Events
Help Center: OAuth Token audit log


Rollout details

G Suite editions

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Additional details 

In addition to the Admin console, these updated metrics will also appear in the G Suite Admin SDK Reports API and BigQuery exports.

Helpful links 

Developers Guide: Reports API 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 

Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default? 

This feature will be ON by default.

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Check out the latest "What's New in G Suite" launch recap (pdf) for a roundup of all G Suite launches from May 2019.

Archive and translated versions (coming soon for May issue)

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