We had previously announced this top-requested feature and are now beginning to roll it out to G Suite Enterprise and G Suite Enterprise for Education customers using Meet on the web. We will bring the feature to mobile users soon, and will announce on the G Suite Updates blog when it’s available. 

Getting started 

Rollout pace 

  • Now available to all web users in most countries. 
  • For users in Australia, Brazil, India, Japan, and New Zealand, extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on June 30, 2020. 
  • Not currently available in some countries (currently including South Africa, the UAE, and surrounding locales). See our Help Center for more availability details


  • Available to G Suite Enterprise, G Suite Enterprise for Education customers* 
  • Not available to G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G Suite for Education, and G Suite for Nonprofits customers 



*Availability in alternative packages is variable and based on your services.

Rollout pace

  • Rapid and Scheduled Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially more than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on June 30, 2020. We expect rollout to complete within a month. 


  • Available to G Suite Enterprise and G Suite Enterprise for Education customers* 
  • Not available to G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G Suite for Education, and G Suite for Nonprofits customers 



*Availability in alternative packages is variable and based on your services.

In 2018, we began making changes to our API and service infrastructure to improve performance and security. As a result of these changes, some older versions of G Suite desktop and mobile apps may stop working on August 12, 2020. In particular, versions released prior to December 2018 may be impacted.

To ensure their workflows are not disrupted, your users should update the following Google apps to the latest versions as soon as possible:

Getting started
  • Admins: Encourage your users to upgrade their apps. If you deploy Drive File Stream to your organization, ensure you’re using the latest version.
  • End users: Upgrade the apps listed above to the latest versions as soon as possible.
Rollout pace

  • This impacts all G Suite customers and users with personal Google accounts.

Customize the location and style of tick marks. 

Set the spacing between tick marks and grid lines. 

Choose to show or remove axis lines 

Getting started 

Rollout pace 


  • Available to all G Suite customers and users with personal accounts 


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The flexibility of connecting to Meet via this integration with Google Assistant helps your users to easily connect as a group from their own personal Nest Hub Max.

This beta program launched November 2019 and also allows G Suite users to use Google Assistant for certain Google Calendar and Gmail functions, such as:

  • Let you know when your next meeting is
  • Create, cancel or reschedule a Calendar event
  • Dial into a meeting on your mobile device
  • Send a note to event attendees via email on your mobile device
  • Send an email on your mobile device

Getting started

Admins: Apply to the beta for your organization. If your organization is already in the G Suite with Google Assistant Beta program, you will have access to this feature in the coming weeks.

End users: Once your domain is enrolled in the beta, connect your G Suite account to your Nest Hub Max to access these features. Visit the Help Center to learn more.


  • All G Suite Editions are welcome to apply to this beta program


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Getting started 

Rollout pace 



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Calendar OAuth 2.0 setup in the Admin console 

Rollout pace 



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Getting started

Rollout pace




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Phone prompts verify your sign-in attempt via your smartphone 

Who’s impacted 

End users

Why it’s important 

Phone prompts, also known as “on-device prompts,” are more secure than text or voice codes as a form of 2-Step Verification. They’re also easier to use, as they avoid requiring users to manually enter a code received on another device. By making prompts the primary method for more users, we hope to help them take advantage of the additional security without having to manually change settings—though they can still use other methods of 2-Step Verification if they prefer.

Additional details 

How phone prompts work 
After you enter your password to sign in to your Google Account, Google sends a "Trying to sign in?" prompt to every eligible mobile device where you’re signed in. This prompt tells you when and where your password was entered, and then asks you to confirm or block the sign-in attempt by simply tapping your mobile device. You can still select a different verification method during sign-in if one is available on your account. You’ll also stop receiving prompts on a phone if you sign out of that phone. Learn more about phone prompts.

Users with security keys are excluded from this change 
Users will not have prompts as their primary 2SV method in two situations:

Additionally, if a user doesn’t have 2-Step Verification turned on, this will not apply.

Getting started 

Rollout pace 



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Who’s impacted

End users

Why you’d use it

Meet in Gmail will allow users to start a new meeting, join a meeting by entering the meeting code, or join upcoming meetings scheduled in Google Calendar without leaving the Gmail app.

Additional details

Meet in Gmail is already available on the web. This launch introduces the same functionality, and more new features, in the Gmail mobile apps. Note that as we get closer to the launch, your users may notice the following when they try to join meetings from their phones:

Note that if you click on a link in the Meet app, you will still stay in Meet and not be redirected to the Gmail app.These changes will roll out over the next few weeks.

Please note, during this rollout the experience for iOS users may differ. iOS users may see the Gmail app launch briefly and then close when they click on a Meet link. They’ll then be redirected to join the meeting in the Meet app. Joining meetings in the Meet app will only happen during the rollout phase and IOS users will eventually be able to join the meeting directly in Gmail.

Users with the Meet service turned off and EDU users who have video call creation turned off will not be able to see the Meet tab in Gmail or join meetings in Gmail app.

Getting started

Rollout pace



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Getting started

Admins: There is no admin control for this feature.

End users: There is no end user setting for this feature. Visit the Help Center to learn more about using Calendar in the side panel.

Rollout pace



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Saved layout preference
When you choose a new layout, this layout will be automatically saved as your preferred layout. This means it will be automatically applied for your future meetings, until you select a new one.

Additional UI improvements
We’ve made some minor improvements to the meeting UI to better utilize the space on your screen.

Getting started

Admins: There is no admin control for this feature.

End users: To learn more about the different layout options in Meet, check out the Help Center

Rollout pace



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Who’s impacted 

End users

Why it matters 

Commenting is a powerful way to collaborate on documents while remote. Comments can help you ask questions, document discussions, make sure other users see something, assign action items, and more. They’re particularly useful when working remotely, enabling multiple users to be part of discussions whenever and wherever it's convenient for them.

Getting started 

Rollout pace 



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The saved file indicator is now next to the document name and features more descriptive text 

You can enable offline by clicking the document status icon 

Rollout pace 



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Group-based controls for LDAP clients in the Admin console 

Getting started 

Rollout pace 



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The new interface for domain-wide delegation in the Admin console 

Improved and expanded G Suite Marketplace apps (GSM) settings section 

The GSM section helps you control which GSM apps your organization can use. Updates in this section include:

Visit the Help Center to learn more about how to manage Marketplace apps for your organization.
An example of the improved GSM app information page 

Easier to manage admin role assignments 

We’ve made updates to the area where you can view, create and assign admin roles within your organization. Improvements include:

Use our Help Center to learn more about administrator roles in G Suite.
The new interface to manage admin roles 

New interface for domain management in the Admin console 

We’ve updated the interface you use to manage your primary domain, secondary domains, and domain aliases. When you go to Admin console > Domains > Manage domains, you may notice:

Use our Help Center to learn more about how to add and manage domains in G Suite.
The new domain management interface in the Admin console 

Updated the unmanaged users and consumer account invite section 

We’re making improvements to the interface you use to find and manage users who have personal Google Accounts that use your organization's domain. Through this interface you can invite them to join your domain so you can better manage their accounts and any company data within it.

Specifically, when you go to Admin console > Tools > Transfer tool for unmanaged users, you’ll find an updated interface that makes it easier to:

Visit the Help Center to learn more about managing existing personal accounts for your organization.
Unmanaged user section in the Admin console

Getting started 

Rollout pace 



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Using an NFC security key on iPhone 

Getting started 

Rollout pace 



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If you enable Chat preferred for your organization:

Who’s impacted

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it

The Chat preferred setting allows you to migrate all of your users at once for the most effective and seamless transition. If some people use classic Hangouts and others use Chat, it can lead to missed messages and become burdensome for admins. And if you have a remote or distributed workforce, unifying your users onto a single chat network can help everyone communicate successfully.

You’ll also get access to exciting Chat features within Gmail in your browser. These include:

Getting started

Admins: The Chat preferred setting is OFF by default and can be enabled at the domain level. Visit the Help Center to learn more about migrating your users to Chat with Chat preferred.

Chat preferred setting enabled in the Admin console

To enable Chat preferred and migrate your users away from classic Hangouts, you must have Google Chat turned on for your domain. We strongly recommend that admins keep both Chat and classic Hangouts enabled to maximize the Chat network.

At the moment, enabling Chat preferred will migrate all users in your domain at once. We recommend this to minimize fragmentation within your organization. If you’d like to migrate at the organizational unit (OU) level, that option will be available in the coming weeks. Stay tuned to the G Suite Updates blog for more information. You can also visit the Help Center to learn more about our overall upgrade timeline from classic Hangouts to Chat.

End users: Visit the Help Center to learn more about how to turn Chat in Gmail on or off for your account.

Rollout pace




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Autocorrect makes it easier to write in Google Docs 

Smart Compose helps you write more quickly and accurately 

Getting started 

Admins: There are currently no admin controls for these features. However, we plan to add an admin control for Smart Compose by the start of the 2020/2021 school year.

End users: 

Rollout pace 



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