Building a movement for change@Content.TitleType>

At Active Surrey, we work in a targeted way to decrease inactivity levels, to challenge health inequalities and to create a happier, healthier and more active Surrey by co-creating programmes to target the people and places who need it most and by re-wiring physical activity back into everyone’s lives.

In 2023-24 we’ve seen real momentum behind a ‘Movement for Change’ in Surrey. 

Connecting communities through physical activity@Content.TitleType>

  • 60,000 young people benefitted from the Holiday Activity and Food programme, receiving physical activity and food in the main holiday periods.
  • 1000 beginners to sport, including 20% from ICADI 1-4, received access to a range of free activities as part of the annual Specsavers Surrey Youth Games.
  • 27 Friday Night Projects are running across the county offering teens a safe space to meet friends and be active. We even established our first Friday Night Project for young people with additional needs and disabilities.
  • We sustained our efforts to increase the physical activity levels of ethnically diverse ladies in Surrey, offering fully funded physical activity coaching qualifications and increased provision in our more diverse communities.

“X is on the autistic spectrum. She struggles in school and is often in trouble for defiance which has led to exclusion. Before the Friday Night Project X and her group would hang out in the local parks or be a nuisance in local supermarkets. Now she is involved in the Surrey Youth Games Street basketball.”

- Friday Night Project

Creating positive experiences of being active in schools@Content.TitleType>

In 2023/24, through our Active School Movement we:

  • Created an inclusive and innovative School Games programme for 1200 young people who might not otherwise have had the opportunity.
  • Inspired and trained teachers to leverage the power of movement to enhance learning, improve attendance and support good mental health.
  • Trained over 1500 young people to be sports leaders and volunteers.
  • Invested £250k into opening school facilities for community use in our target neighbourhoods.

“The School Games Judo is absolutely invaluable to the type of child it is offered to. The children have had the chance to not only give a new sport a go but have learnt key life skills such as teamwork, communication and how to improve self-esteem.”

- Teacher

Linking physical activity and health and wellbeing@Content.TitleType>

The health team has:

  • Enabled physical activity to be better embedded in falls pathways –through training, resources including distribution of 6000+ Fall Proof booklets and investment in local provision for older adults
  • Integrated physical activity into primary care by establishing ‘Active Practices’, developing a professionals resource hub and facilitating better connections between health and leisure.
  • Successfully run the Family Weight Management Service, Be your Best and supported a whole system approach to obesity.
  • Exposed the barriers to ethnically diverse communities with type 2 diabetes being active

“The training was fantastic. It certainly opened my eyes around the benefits of physical activity, both for my own health and my patients.”

- GP

Creating active environments@Content.TitleType>

  • In line with our commitment to the environment, we established a circular economy directing recycled bikes to those who need them most in the community, including displaced people, children looked after and care leavers.
  • We’ve been working with local businesses to increase uptake of active travel
  • In partnership with Surrey Libraries, we’ve set up the loan of activity trackers and are working establishing two bike libraries.

Looking forward@Content.TitleType>

We will keep striving to tackle inactivity and reduce inequality in Surrey.  Here's what's in store for 24/25​:

  1. Read our Business plan.
  2. View our Annual Report including our 23/24 financial statement.

We see a healthier, happier and more fulfilling future where no one gets left behind.And it starts with a more Active Surrey.