• Play (is Cbs) Model Exists (True) Video Thumbnail
    Booth & Paschall Talk Villanova Pavilion (2:48)

    Phil Booth and Eric Paschall Talk About Villanova's Remodeled Pavilion

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    Nova's Phil Booth talks playing Michigan in the National Championship (1:55)

    CBS Sports Senior College Basketball writer Matt Norlander catches up with Villanova's guard Phil Booth to discuss Villanova's win over Kansas and playing Michigan in the National Championship game.

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    Phil Booth Talks with Pat Lawless from Giv... (1:42)

    Phil Booth talks with GiveNGoBasketball.com about his recruitment, the AAU Circuit, and more.

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    Phil Booth III (ESPN #81 In 2014) @ The NB... (0:57)

    visit www.iaelites.com For your individual highlight tape or full game footage contact 319-830-1593 or iaelites.com@gmail.com

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    Phil Booth -- Class of 2014 (4:15)

    Point Guard Phil Booth (Class of 2014) goes through a variety of drills that blend footwork, shooting and ballhandling. Later in the video, Phil takes some generic pick + roll reps(all using the pick) with current NBA Free Agent DaJuan Summers.

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