Cookieless industry landscape

Get a deep understanding of the cookieless industry landscape. This training will give you a 360 view of the cookieless landscape. From understanding how cookieless became the new normal into providing you with a detailed review of the main cookieless audience targeting initiatives of the industry. At the end of this course you will be capable of navigating proficiently in this new ecosystem.
Teads cookieless solutions

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Course content

Terminology, definition and use-cases

Technical tracking of the user

Understand how users are currently tracked on the web and in-app environments

3 steps

Legal tracking of the user

Understand the main legal changes and its impacts on users tracking

2 steps

Overall cookieless definition

Cookieless definition

1 step

Cookieless impacts

Impacted use-cases

Review of the use-cases requiring adaptation in the cookieless world

2 steps

Non-impacted use-cases

Review of the use-cases requiring adaptation in the cookieless world

1 step

How did cookieless become the new normal?

Understand the history

Review of changes that happened between 2017 and 2021

3 steps

Where do we stand now?

Cookie-rate figures per market and browser

2 steps

Summary and conclusion

Cookieless is a reality and an immediate opportunity

1 step

Undertand the industry cookieless initiatives

Cookieless audience targeting

Review of the main industry initiatives that can be leveraged to target audiences in a cookieless world

5 steps

Contextual targeting

Review of the main contextual targeting use-cases and challenges

3 steps
In order to complete this course and successfully gain your Cookieless industry landscape certification, we are asking you to complete the following quiz.
To pass this quiz you will need to obtain a 70% pass rate.
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