ACT mandatory policies, International Standards, Cross-Cutting and sectoral policy guidance

ACT Alliance is committed to demonstrating accountability in every aspect of its work.

The ACT Quality and Accountability Framework 2021 summarises standards of quality towards which ACT can be held to account by its stakeholders and by each other. It states ACTs primary commitments and the different responsibilities of ACT members, ACT secretariat and ACT governance in relation to ACTs accountability mechanisms.

The table below summarizes the ACT mandatory policies, international standards, cross-cutting and sectoral policy guidance. Where, policies are approved by the Governing Board and ACT members are obliged to adhere, irrespective of their areas of work. The seven international standards have been formally adopted or committed to by ACT governance and member organizations are also strongly encouraged to implement these. ACT has further developed non-binding policy guidance on sectoral and cross cutting issues which seeks to provide reliable frameworks based on international standards that can be adapted by members to the local context.