They knew their target audience: male urban professionals who are typically interested in technology and up-to-date on all the latest gadgets and automotive advancements.

Mazda Canada decided to give Affinity Segments a try, selecting the “technophile” segment to connect them with their ideal tech-savvy customers, who have demonstrated an interest in technology through visits to various websites focused on new gadgets.  By targeting the technophiles segment across Google Display, Mazda reinforced the messaging and impact of its television campaign geared to the same type of audience. Mazda saw impressive results and reached 10X more users than they were able to with previous campaigns, greatly exceeding their expectations.

“Affinity Segments delivered perfectly for this campaign in allowing us to reach many users in a short period of time who we knew would have a predisposition to appreciate the Mazda6’s technology upgrades.” said Michael Tsang, Interactive Marketing Manager at Mazda Canada. As a result of their overwhelming success, Mazda Canada decided to integrate Affinity Segments into their online media mix for their other car models and as a vital component for their advertising efforts.

Connect with the people who care
Affinity Segments offer broader reach by encompassing the broad passions that reflect a user’s lifestyle rather than niche curiosities.  Our wide variety of segments let you reach your perfect audience – from hardcore gamers, to foodies, to luxury shoppers, we have a high-reach segment designed to connect you with your ideal customers. If there isn’t a segment that is a perfect fit for your brand’s needs, you can contact your account manager to create a custom segment just for you.
Consumers can also update their own interest categories through Ads Settings – which gives users control over the ads they see online.

Learn More
Just like Mazda, you too can use Affinity Segments to expand your reach across the Google Display Network and focus on engaging with individuals who match what your brand is all about – delighting customers and creating future brand advocates.

To find out how to get started with Affinity Segments today, visit our Help Center for more information.

Posted by Diya Jolly, Senior Product Manager

Click to enlarge

Advertisers have seen great results compared to their traditional remarketing campaigns:
  • Sierra Trading Post, a U.S. retailer of outdoor gear and clothing, saw a 2x higher clickthrough rate and a 5x higher conversion rate
  • As Europe’s premiere “heavy metal online shop,” EMP Merchandising grew conversion rates by 230% and decreased their cost of sale by 30%.
You can read more about other client successes on Think Insights.

Optimizing dynamic ads to drive performance
Dynamic remarketing delivers tailored ads across the web that combine the layouts, products, messages and offers that your customers are most likely interested in, based on what they viewed on your website. You can benefit from our:
  • Auto-optimized layouts which predicts the best performing layout for each impression
  • Product recommendation engine which optimizes the combination of related and popular products that show in your ads [Learn more]
  • Real-time bidding algorithm which helps boost performance by calculating the optimal bid for each impression
For help on getting started reference this Help Center article.

Making it easy for advertisers
Managing campaigns more efficiently is just one of the many benefits of remarketing with Google. Last year, we introduced a site-wide remarketing tag and remarketing with Google Analytics that both made it easy to get started with your campaigns. You can also use the tag to discover new customers similar to your site visitors with Similar Audiences, which has been recently made available to all clients in AdWords.

Remarketing drives great ROI for advertisers, it can also bring publishers significant revenue lift, as studies have shown, and compelling ads for consumers. We’ve also given consumers options to exercise control over their ad experience with features like the Ads Settings and Mute this Ad.

To learn more about what remarketing with Google can do for your business, register for our upcoming Learn with Google Webinar: Reaching the Right Audience with Remarketing on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 at 1pm ET.

Posted by Aitan Weinberg, Group Product Manager

Today we’re unveiling Burberry Kisses; it lets you send a kiss (a digital imprint of your real kiss) with a personal message to a loved one anywhere in the world, from any device. You can read about how the experience works on our Google blog, or watch this video below.

Built using HTML5, the Kisses experience is delivered across display ads, web and mobile. Modern browser technologies, like WebGL, CSS3, 3D transforms and WebP, allowed us to build a rich experience without compromising performance or requiring custom plugins, or apps. These same open web technologies are allowing brands to deliver magical creative experiences at scale, in a true “build once, run everywhere” fashion.

The Kisses experience will be available via a lightbox ad, meaning Burberry can reach millennials on the web at scale via a standard 300x250 display ad footprint, but engage them with the full screen Kisses experience with the ad’s expanded state (which opens up after a two-second hover). This the first time we’re using HTML5, WebGL, and dynamic creative in a lightbox ad, showing the creative possibilities within a large canvas. The same experience is optimized for smartphones and tablets, and delivered via mobile rich media ads. It will also soon be featured on Burberry’s YouTube channel.

A kiss seemed like a natural focus for this project because it is one of the most iconic symbols of human interaction.  By creating a personal-yet-shareable experience that appeals to millennials, it builds a connection to the Burberry brand, without feeling like a traditional ad. Burberry will also install this digital experience in its flagship stores so consumers have the same interaction with their brand everywhere, further blurring the line between physical and digital worlds.

To add a personal touch to the interaction, we’ve used dynamic image processing, based on location, that adds unique details to everyone’s experience. For example, as you see your message journey to its destination across a 3D landscape, we added more realism by reflecting dynamic StreetView images into puddles on a city street; local landmarks identify important street names to further bring the experience to life. We're excited about the potential of technologies like this to help unlock of an age of beautiful, emotive digital advertising. This campaign is aimed at showing what that might look like. Today, brands have an amazing opportunity to connect with their audience in ways they will love, remember and share, on any device. We will continue to push the creative boundaries with more such partnerships. Until then, pucker up and send a kiss to someone you love, and share it, like this one I sent to my mom

Lastly, if you’re visiting the Cannes Lions festival next week, please join us for fireside chat on Friday, June 21 at 4:15pm local time, between Christopher Bailey, Chief Creative Officer of Burberry and Lorraine Twohill, Google’s VP of Global Marketing. For more on Art, Copy & Code, please visit our website

Aman Govil
Team Lead, Art, Copy & Code project

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In addition to fast tools, we heard that marketers also need integrated technologies to help make smarter decisions across the breadth of their digital marketing. Our next video, Search marketing is now smarter, explores how unified platforms can help surface deeper insights through a holistic view of online marketing activity -- within search and beyond -- and how DoubleClick fits in.


As Jeremy Hull, Associate Director of Paid Search at iProspect notes: “Paid search doesn’t live in a vacuum. It interacts with every other channel that you work with, online and offline...understanding those interactions is going to allow you to optimize it, and see how it fits in with your overall marketing efforts.” With this in mind, we built DoubleClick Search to natively integrate with our display ad server, demand-side platform, and our rich media and analytics platforms -- all a part of DoubleClick Digital Marketing -- to help marketers drive deeper insights from one, unified view of their customer:

Having a single view of the consumer allows marketers to better understand the interplay between channels, without the mashing up and reconciling of different data sources -- but beyond just having access to data, what seamless opportunities do marketers have to take action on those insights and drive results for their business? Join us next week in the final post of our series, where we’ll discuss how top agencies use platforms to improve performance from untapped cross-channel opportunities in our video: Search marketing is now better.

To learn more about DoubleClick Search, visit our YouTube channel and stay tuned to the DoubleClick Search blog.

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