From Manor to Museum: The History of MAM Bahia

Explore the fascinating journey of the Museum of Modern Art of Bahia, from colonial origins to its current cultural vibrancy.

Complexo Solar do UnhãoMuseum of Modern Art of Bahia - MAM

The Museum of Modern Art of Bahia's stunning location, the historic manor Solar do Unhão, overlooking the ocean and surrounded by lush greenery, adds an extra layer of beauty to the art experience to the most important space of modern and contemporary art of the state of Bahia.

Solar do Unhão no século XIXMuseum of Modern Art of Bahia - MAM

The Solar do Unhão was initially built in the 17th century and boasts a fascinating past, shifting hands from the Benedictines to wealthy families, eventually even becoming a snuff factory in the early 1900s.

Capela do Solar do UnhãoMuseum of Modern Art of Bahia - MAM

The first record of it dates back to the 16th century. It was owned by Gabriel Soares de Sousa, a Portuguese colonizer, farmer, and chronicler. He died during an expedition near the headwaters of the Paraguaçu River, leaving the area to the Benedictines of Bahia in his will.

Solar do Unhão em reformaMuseum of Modern Art of Bahia - MAM

A New Life for the Manor

In 1943, the Solar was award the status of a national heritage site. Then, in the early 1960s, the State Government acquired it, envisioning a museum dedicated to Bahia's rich cultural heritage hiring architect Lina Bo Bardi to lead the restoration.

Fifó - Lina Bo Bardi (1978) by Bob WolfensonMuseum of Modern Art of Bahia - MAM

The Italian-Brazilian architect, also known for designing the project for the Museum of Art of São Paulo (MASP), not only conceived the idea of the Museum of Modern Art of Bahia, but also became its first director from 1959 to 1963.

Parque das EsculturasMuseum of Modern Art of Bahia - MAM

In 1998, a new Sculpture Garden and the Rubem Valentim Pavilion were incorporated into the museum area.

Parque das EsculturasMuseum of Modern Art of Bahia - MAM

Today, MAM-BA's exhibition halls showcase renowned artists from Brazil and beyond, firmly establishing the museum as a leading force in the national contemporary art scene.

Interior da Capela do Solar do UnhãoMuseum of Modern Art of Bahia - MAM

Beyond art exhibitions, the museum offers a vibrant cultural calendar. From multilingual events to ongoing educational programs, the museum fosters a dynamic community of learning and engagement.

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