Self-Awareness Insights

Self-Awareness Insights offers leaders the opportunity to achieve deeper self-awareness and improve their leadership skills.

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What is Self-Awareness Insight?

Self-Awareness Insight is about mapping the personal characteristics of leaders to identify which behaviors are natural and which require more energy. In this way, leaders can become more aware of their strengths and challenges.

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What makes us different from others?


Data collection to support and guide decisions. Collect and reuse data to find your top candidate.


Evidence-based methods and solutions based on the latest the latest research in personality science and work psychology.


A user-friendly platform that simplifies complicated processes and decisions.


A comprehensive assessment platform that provides decision support for in the recruitment and development of employees, leaders and organizations.

“Self-awareness is the ability to see ourselves clearly, to understand who we are, how others see us and how we fit into the world. Self-awareness gives us power.”

Why increase your self-awareness?

Support your leaders in using and recognizing their strengths and challenges. To be an effective leader, you need self-awareness. Self-awareness insights help to understand yourself in relation to your organization's goals and to use behaviors and strategies that support them. Leaders with high self-awareness make better decisions, are more effective, have more engaged employees, more satisfied customers and perform better overall.


What are the effects of increased self-awareness?

Support your leaders in using and recognizing their strengths and challenges. To be an effective leader, you need self-awareness. Self-awareness insights help to understand yourself in relation to your organization's goals and to use behaviors and strategies that support them. Leaders with high self-awareness make better decisions, are more effective, have more engaged employees, more satisfied customers and perform better overall.

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Get trained in the tool

Our goal is that those who attend the training will take the knowledge back to your organization and work effectively with leadership development. For you as a leader, this will be a valuable tool for developing your leadership. The training is offered for groups of up to 12 people if there are several participants from the same company. If there is only one person from the company who wants to attend, it is possible to participate with other participants.

Do you work as a manager or in HR with leadership development? After the training, you get access to the tool for free for 3 months. 

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Zero Talent Waste

For you and your team 

Are there more people who want to be trained? Book unique corporate training. You will receive coaching from Assessio's experts and get concrete tips on how to develop your leaders skills. After the training, you get access to the tool for free for 3 months.


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Features in the platform 

Our platform contains extensive data and the tools you need for a more efficient organization. And it is constantly evolving, always in close cooperation with you as a customer. 

Personality (MAP)

Personality (MAP)  
Identify individuals' potential and areas of development using MAP; a personality test that maps personality and behaviors that are important in the workplace.

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Aptitude (Matrigma)

With the world-leading non-verbal aptitude test Matrigma, you can measure intelligence, reasoning, abstract logic and problem-solving skills.   

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Risk behaviors (MAP-X)

Identify risk behaviors and individual challenges. MAP-X gives you a basis to use in recruitment processes, leadership issues and team development.   

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Leadership Feedback

Empower managers in your organization with feedback from their employees. Leadership Feedback is based on modern leadership research and contributes to leadership development in the right direction.

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Self-Awareness Insights

Increase self-awareness with the help of Self-Awareness Insights. The tool, and the training, creates awareness of strengths and challenges and provides tips for development. 

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Psychometric lenses

With psychometric lenses, you can be inspired by data to find new talent. In the tool you can create a profile based on test score from successful employees to match with your top candidates. 

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FAQ about Self-awarness Insights

Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Contact us if you want to learn more.

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Self Awareness Insight offers leaders the opportunity to take two tests - MAP and Matrigma - to gain deeper self-awareness and improve their leadership skills. 

MAP is a personality test that focuses on identifying critical behaviors in the workplace. The test is based on the well-founded five-factor model, which is the most reliable and scientifically proven theory for describing different aspects of personality. 

Matrigma is a high-quality test that measures general aptitude and the ability to predict job performance. General problem-solving ability includes logical reasoning, critical thinking and the capacity to assimilate new information. 

MAP consists of 200 statements and takes about 15-20 minutes to complete, while Matrigma is an adaptive test that can be completed in 12 minutes. 

By combining the results of these tests, Self Awareness Insight allows leaders to gain an accurate picture of their personal characteristics and abilities. This valuable insight can then be used to optimize their leadership and foster successful working relationships.

Self Awareness Insight offers leaders the opportunity to take two tests - MAP and Matrigma - to gain deeper self-awareness and improve their leadership skills. 

MAP is a personality test that focuses on identifying critical behaviors in the workplace. The test is based on the well-founded five-factor model, which is the most reliable and scientifically proven theory for describing different aspects of personality. 

Matrigma is a high-quality test that measures general aptitude and the ability to predict job performance. General problem-solving ability includes logical reasoning, critical thinking and the capacity to assimilate new information. 

MAP consists of 200 statements and takes about 15-20 minutes to complete, while Matrigma is an adaptive test that can be completed in 12 minutes. 

By combining the results of these tests, Self Awareness Insight allows leaders to gain an accurate picture of their personal characteristics and abilities. This valuable insight can then be used to optimize their leadership and foster successful working relationships.

All leaders in the organization 

  • Increased self-awareness 
  • Increased understanding of leaders' behaviour and its impact on the environment 
  • Increased effectiveness in leadership
  • Increased clarity in the role as a leader 
  • Insight into a leader's risk behaviours  
  • Action plan for behavioural change based on concrete development tips and activities 

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Want to know more about our platform? You will gain insight into how the tool can ensure sustainable processes for the recruitment and development of employees and leaders - and thus also your organization.


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