Astro Boy Wiki

Astro Boy: Tome of the Blue Knight is a short film approximately 11 minutes long, it first appeared 20 July 1999. This film was one of many that could be viewed at Tezuka Osamu World in Kyoto, Japan.The film never had an English dub, like many other of the Astro Boy short films.


The film begins with the Phoenix retelling the tales and hopes of Astro Boy. Many of the visual being directly taken from the 1980's TV series as it recaps some of his adventures.

Following this recap; Astro Boy confronts Blue Bon and tries to convince him to change his mind about the humans. But Blue Bon misunderstands, assuming that if Astro Boy does not agree then he is an enemy. Blue Bon hates humans because they broke apart his family (Maria and Tonto). A battle begins between the two after Astro Boy fails to convince Blue Bon that they aren’t each others’ enemy.

Making things more complicated, General Lamp and his airborne subordinates join the battle, as Lamp hates robots. Blue Bon attempts to attack them, but Astro Boy stops him. Astro Boy's interference gives the General and his subordinates a chance to strike and the two crash into a building. As a result Blue Bon is injured, which worries Astro Boy. Uran, Doctor Ochanomizu and Doctor Ross quickly meet them on the building.

Doctor Ross speaks of Maria and Tonto to Blue Bon, he replies mentioning their sad past and the cruelty humans have shown robots in general. But not long after, Blue Bon continues his fight with Astro Boy, as their friends worry and the subordinates attack. During the fight, General Lamp and his subordinates attempt to attack Uran because she is a robot (and they are careless of the two Doctors' presence), but Astro Boy destroys the missiles.

Astro Boy’s energy begins to run low, one of the airborne vehicles crashes into the building he and the others are still on top of. Small explosions start and the building begins to slowly collapse. Astro Boy decides he must stop the building from completely collapsing. But it is no use because his energy is too low.

Blue Bon, having remembered more about his family, has a change of heart and takes Astro Boy’s place to hold up the building. He instructs Astro Boy to help his friends and Doctor Ross. Just as Astro Boy gets the others to safety, a huge explosion goes off. Blue Bon is found laying in the rubble, he and Astro Boy having one last conversation before he closes his eyes, he had finally changed his view about humans. Doctor Ochanomizu and Astro Boy watch the sunset in the distant sky, still believing an understanding between humans and robots will come someday.
