Reports. Action plans.
Climate projects.
All with one click.

Atmoz is the easiest way to monitor, manage and mitigate a company’s emissions.

How Atmoz works


Map out emissions across your entire value chain

Instantly calculate your full carbon footprint, including Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, based on real-time data.

Reports are compliant with the GHG Protocol, and data can easily be adapted for standard reporting frameworks including CDP, CSRD, and IFRS.


Know exactly how to reduce emissions and meet your commitments

Once Atmoz has pinpointed the business activities generating the most emissions, you’ll get a custom action plan.

Easily see which changes will have the greatest impact, so you know where to start, and watch as your progress grows.


Offset remaining emissions in seconds

Atmoz makes it easy to offset any emissions in your value chain you can’t mitigate yourself.

Choose from pre-vetted Gold Standard projects – no research or evaluation required.

Currently integrated with

Developed in accordance with the GHG Protocol

Certified to the highest standards

Why Atmoz?

Frictionless implementation and setup

Atmoz integrates with a company’s existing accounting software or ERP system with one click. Start getting the insights you need in seconds.

Always up-to-date and

Atmoz is based on the latest carbon accounting best practices, so you can always trust your data is accurate and actionable.

Made for finance and accounting teams

We believe sustainability efforts are most successful when integrated with financial reporting. Atmoz is made by CFOs and carbon experts for finance and accounting teams.

A proven methodology,
years in the making

Our emissions experts have helped thousands of companies accurately map their carbon footprint, and reduce emissions in a way that’s good for business and the environment.

Join the Atmoz sphere

Book a demo, find out more about our partnership opportunities or simply get in touch.

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