Svedbergs reduces their climate impact by 14% in 1 year

Case studies

“Going with Atmoz has been a very good choice for Svedbergs Group”

Beate Hennessy, Sustainability Manager

Svedbergs Group is the leading bathroom furniture manufacturer in the Nordic and European region. The company aimed to report carbon emissions comprehensively, seeking a strategic approach to understand and mitigate its environmental impact, in line with the sustainability values of their customers and stakeholders.

Beate Hennessy, Sustainability Manager at Svedbergs, shares her story with us.

The Challenge: Meeting consumer and stakeholder demand by accurately measuring and reducing climate impact

“Our investors, shareholders and other stakeholders from both Sweden and the rest of Europe have pushed us to declare our climate impact. Project customers and construction companies, which are a large part of our company’s customer group, also need our climate declarations to buy our products and build sustainable buildings.”

But with Svedbergs Group consisting of 4 separate brands – who operate in different markets with different business models – it would be difficult to properly account for all the emissions produced.

The size of Svedbergs also posed a challenge: with over 500 employees and a billion dollars in annual sales, it would take a lot of time and effort to map the impact of their value chain.

The Solution: Scalable carbon calculations that cover all emissions (Scope 1, 2, and 3)

Svedbergs wanted to go beyond simple reporting and get insights they could use in their decision-making. The main reason Svedbergs chose Atmoz for their needs was the company’s strong industry reputation, which Beate believes Atmoz has lived up to.

Through the Atmoz platform, Beate and her team were able to map all emissions. After mapping the company’s footprint, she found 98% of the company’s impact came from Scope 3 emissions (i.e., from suppliers and other activities outside of the group’s direct operations), which surprised her.

This shows the importance of using carbon calculations as the basis for any emission reduction strategy – rather than basing decisions on guesswork that can lead to incorrect and ineffective efforts. It also shows the importance of including Scope 3 in one’s calculations – which many companies are yet to adopt.

“With the help of Atmoz, we have been able to make changes that have reduced our climate impact. For example, we’ve looked over all our lighting products and made them switch on and off automatically, and also replaced them with LEDs. After we switched to biofuel on our container transports from Turkey to Sweden, we reduced our climate impact by 115 tonnes of CO2 equivalents.

We have also looked over all transport, reduced the packaging and coordinated our freight more efficiently. Our transport between Portugal and Sweden has been moved from road to sea traffic, which has reduced the climate impact by 20 tonnes of CO2 equivalents.”

Because of the complexity of their operations, Svedbergs sought extra support from Atmoz’s in-house emissions experts. Working closely with the team, Atmoz has been able to assist with calculations and ensure the accuracy of reporting.

“When we made our calculations, we were very dependent on the experts at Atmoz and their knowledge and commitment. We could never have done this on our own.”

The Solution: Scalable carbon calculations that cover all emissions (Scope 1, 2, and 3)

Since 2021, Svedbergs has used Atmoz to calculate their Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. Thanks to this, the company has been able to make strategic decisions that have reduced their impact by over 14% in relation to net sales.

Svedbergs is making steady progress towards their goal of halving carbon emissions by 2030. If they continue at this rate, they’ll be ahead of schedule by 5 years!

“Going with Atmoz has been a very good choice for Svedbergs Group, and I would recommend it to other companies that are thinking the same.”