Ayashimon Wiki

Oboro (オボロ Oboro?) is a oboroguruma Ayashimon and the second-in-command of the Todoroki Alliance.



Oboro has the appearance of a young man with combed back hair, arched eyebrows, and fanged teeth with two long lower canines. Like the rest of the Todoroki Alliance, he wears a leather jacket, which has spiked shoulder pads, spiked gloves, pants, and boots.


Oboro is a reasonable individual, as he is shown to act as Kotton's voice of reason within the Todoroki Alliance. After Kotton started to become furious with Maruo's willingness to defy him, Oboro was the one to advise him to calm down and gave a good reason as to why there would be no use in having Urara join the Todoroki Alliance against her will and proposed to settle the dispute between the Urara Family and the Todoroki Alliance with a ritual duel. While sensible, he can be just as hostile and aggressive as his other gang members, as he threatened to have the Todoroki Alliance run over the Urara Family for road blocking them and made the stipulation that the Todoroki Alliance would violently torture Maruo and Ten if they lost to Kotton and Wakku in a ritual duel.


Todoroki Alliance Arc[]

After the Todoroki Alliance were interrupted from commencing their Black Night Party by the Urara Family, Oboro demands to them that move out of his gang's way or he will use force on them. Upon the gang learning that Urara is Kio's daughter, Oboro hears Kotton's declaration to the Todoroki Alliance that they will support her cause to take down the Enma Syndicate, which prompts Oboro to declare a ride in honor of Urara, much to her objection since she did not wish to waste time. Oboro then witnesses Kotton throwing Maruo aside after declaring him to be useless to Urara and demanded that he and Ten leave her side, much to Urara's objection. After Maruo refuses and causes Kotton to become furious, Oboro tries to reason with his leader as to why he couldn't force Urara to join the Todoroki Alliance and proposes to her that the two sides settle the matter with a tag-team ritual duel where if his gang wins then they will have full custody of her and do whatever they please with Maruo and Ten without refusal.

With Urara and Maruo agreeing to the challenge, Oboro becomes referee as Kotton and Wakku face off against Maruo and Ten. As the match goes on, Oboro notices Urara in pain and asks if she was feeling okay. To cover up the fact that she is secretly telepathically guiding Maruo in his fight against Kotton, Urara tells Oboro that she was only experiencing minor backpain and moves elsewhere to keep him from suspecting her.

After Kotton and Wakku are defeated, the Todoroki Alliance officially join forces with the Urara Family and have them ride on their bikes as they head out; with Oboro being forced to carry an unconscious Maruo. After Maruo wakes up, Oboro warns him to brace himself since he is now finding out that he has been riding on his motorcycle and tells Kotton to calm down after Maruo rallies him up. Oboro then recommends to Kotton in explaining to Maruo and Urara about the events that had transpired between the Enma Syndicate two years ago.


Characters v  e
Enma Syndicate

Kio  •  Doppo Akari  •  Hashihime  •  Mizuha  •  Ungaikyo  •  Nobusuma  •  Hishaku Watari

Uwan Family

Uwan  •  Amikiri  •  Onigama  •  Roujinbi

Urara Family

Urara  •  Maruo Kaido  •  Ten

Amamehagi's Gang


Onmyo Bureau

Number 11  •  Kagehito  •  Number 4

Todoroki Alliance

Kotton  •  Oboro  •  Wakku

Kori Hotel

Gyobu-Danuki  •  Tamagawa  •  Inari Aburaya

Ayakashi ☆ B-Stars


Cabaret Undine



Nyudo Inokuma  •  Amazake-baba  •  Shira  •  Ozunu
