Privacy Policy

At Bonnierförlagen, we care about your personal privacy and we always strive to achieve a high level of data protection. We explain below how we collect and use your personal information. We also describe your rights and how you can exercise them. The personal data processing that is not described here is specified when you enter into an agreement concerning that particular service.

Bonnier’s book clubs, which are a part of Bonnierförlagen AB, describe how they handle personal data on the web sites of their various book clubs–medlemsavtal/

It is important that you read and understand our privacy policy and feel reassured when it comes to the processing of your personal data. You are always welcome to get in touch if you have any questions.

General information:

Here’s how we handle your personal data for various purposes:

General information:

What is personal data and what does processing of personal data mean?

Personal data refers to all kinds of data that alone, or in combination with other data, can be linked to a living physical person. Typical personal data includes name and contact details, while other personal data may, for example, be images and sound recordings that are processed on computers even if no names are mentioned. Encrypted data and different types of electronic identities (such as IP numbers) are classed as personal data if they can be linked to physical persons.

The processing of personal data is all that happens with your personal data. Each action taken concerning
personal data is regarded as processing, regardless of whether it is performed in an automated environment or not. Examples of typical processing actions are collection, registration, organisation, structuring, storage, processing, transfer and deletion.

Who is responsible for the personal data we process?

Bonnierförlagen AB (Corporate Identity Number 556023-8445) is responsible for the company’s processing of your personal data.

Contact details for your privacy issues

When it comes to privacy issues, you contact us by calling Bonnierförlagen’s switchboard on telephone number +46 (0)8-696 80 00 and ask to speak with the Privacy Officer, or e-mail your case to or write to Bonnierförlagen AB FAO: Privacy Officer, Box 3159, SE-103 63 Stockholm.

How to find information on this page

Below we list the purposes of the personal data processing we undertake, the nature of the personal data we process, and the length of time we save the data for. In some cases, we provide information about the purposes along with your rights directly in the agreements we initiate or in connection with the tools we provide that require the registration of personal data.

Privacy protection and security

We never sell your personal data to third parties, and we only disclose your personal data to third parties that manage our IT systems and data storage, our marketing, distribution, logistics and financial transactions. This third party processing is conducted in line with our instructions and the third party must not process your personal data for their own purposes. Your personal data can be submitted to a government agency if the law requires, as well as to an official representative in any dispute.

The data we process is based on adequate IT security and we make equivalent demands on the suppliers we engage. You will not be subject to any decision made by us based solely on the automated processing of your personal data
None of your personal data will be disclosed for processing outside of the EU/EEA. If there is a need to share your personal data outside the EU/EEA, this will be undertaken in agreement with you.

In principle, we do not hold sensitive personal data about you. Read more about the definition of sensitive personal data here.

Your rights

In terms of your personal data, you are always entitled to know what Bonnierförlagen processes, and be given the opportunity to correct them. You may also require that the processing of your personal data be restricted unless it is a prerequisite for Bonnierförlagen to remain compliant in its agreement with you or provide a service to you. Some of your data may also need to be saved in order to comply with statutory obligations.

If you require a registry excerpt, or want to utilise your entitlement to potential data portability, or object to the personal data we process about you, object to how we process your personal data, object to personal data processing we conduct on the legal basis of the balancing of interests, or if you simply need help with something else concerning your personal data, get in touch using the contact routes listed under the heading: We will assist you when it comes to your contact details concerning privacy issues or for each incidence of use. Our aim is to always to make you feel safe and fairly treated when it comes to your privacy.

If you wish to file a complaint with a supervisory authority or have any other concerns about your rights regarding the personal data stored by us, please contact Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten (Privacy Protection Agency). Contact details can be found here:

Here’s how we handle your personal data various purposes:

For those who submit manuscripts to any of our publishers, and for those who assess manuscripts for any of our publishers

Purpose of processing your personal data

The purpose is to simplify the management of, and access to the manuscript you intend to submit, as well as assessing them and being able to contact you over the course of the process.

What personal data do we process?

We process your name and e-mail address and possibly the author’s name (if it is different to the one submitting the manuscript) as well as your manuscript.

Legal grounds

We process the personal data you provide here on the legal basis of the balancing of interests.

Retention period

We hold your data for up to 5 years and if no collaboration has been initiated, your personal data and your manuscript will be deleted once that time has expired. If you require earlier deletion, please get in touch for assistance.

For those who use our digital press service and receive digital press releases and related newsletters

Purpose of processing your personal data

The purpose of personal data processing is partly to justify the need for a press account, and to enable us to send the relevant digital and physical mailings relating to books and associated press material, mailing of our catalogues, press releases and newsletters.

What personal data do we process?

We process your personal name, your company name, your e-mail address details for physical mailings, your e-mail address for sending press releases and newsletters, your telephone numbers, and the reason you provided for creating a press account, what you are interested in for genres in order for us to provide relevant mailings, the kind of catalogues, physical or digital, that we send, if you want physical books or ebooks, and which publishers you order from. Finally, your orders for review copies will also be processed.

Legal grounds

We process the personal data you provide here on the legal basis of the balancing of interests.

Retention period

If you do not use the service for one year, your press account and your registered details will be automatically deleted. If you require earlier deletion, please get in touch for assistance.

You can unsubscribe from press releases and newsletters at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of our mailing. The processing of your personal data for this purpose will end in our system.

Registry excerpt

Anyone registered in our digital press service is privy to registry entries or can edit their personal data by signing in under the heading “My pages” in the menu once you have logged in via one of our publishers’ websites.

For those who receive digital newsletters from Bonnierförlagen

Purpose of processing your personal data

The purpose of personal data processing is to be able to e-mail the newsletters that you registered to receive on our publishing pages and other websites that refer to Bonnierförlagen’s privacy policy.

What personal data do we process?

We process your e-mail address.

Legal grounds

We process the personal data you provide here on the legal basis of the balancing of interests.

Retention period

You can unsubscribe from newsletters at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of our mailing. This will bring an end to the processing of your personal data in our system for this purpose.

For those invited to various events organised by Bonnierförlagen

Purpose of processing your personal data

The purpose of personal data processing is to be able to invite you to the relevant events organised by Bonnierförlagen via e-mail.

What personal data do we process?

We process your name and e-mail address.

How do we collect your personal data?

Typically, you are listed in our internal contact details as an established business contact. We have sometimes encountered you (and your commitment) in our business intelligence monitoring.

Legal grounds

We process the personal data used here based on the legal basis of the balancing of interests.

Retention period

After each event, the event is deleted along with the registered participants. Our saved list of invitations is updated quarterly in order to remain relevant. If you do not want to receive these kinds of invitation from us, please contact us for assistance.

For those who receive information about Bonnierförlagen’s activities and book publishing

Purpose of processing your personal data

The purpose of personal data processing is to send you information about our publishing and activities via e-mail or physical mail

What personal data do we process?

We process your name and e-mail address and possibly your address for physical mail.

How do we collect your personal data?

Typically, you are listed in our internal contact details as an established business contact. We have sometimes encountered you (and your commitment) in our business intelligence monitoring.

Legal grounds

We process the personal data we use here on the legal basis of the balancing of interests.

Retention period

Our lists where you may appear, are updated annually in order to remain relevant based on the business activities and publishing we are looking to communicate. If you do not want to receive these kinds of mailing from us, please contact us for assistance.

For those who are contacts at suppliers, distributors and other customers of Bonnierförlagen

Purpose of processing your personal data

The purpose of personal data processing is to facilitate contacts with our suppliers, distributors and customers.

What personal data do we process?

The name of the company’s contacts, work address and work telephone number.
In cases where the supplier, distributor or other customer is a private company or private individual, private address details may also be processed. If you are a sole proprietor, we may need to process the company’s corporate identity number (your social security number) in order to be sure to correctly identify your company.

Legal grounds

We process the personal data you provide here on the legal basis of the balancing of interests.

Retention period

If we have not had any financial transactions with the supplier, distributor or customer for whom you are a contact for less than three years, any personal data we have processed will be deleted or made anonymous. Exceptions to the deletion of personal data refers to the data we need to save by law, such as the Accounting Act. Once we no longer have a legal requirement to save such personal data, this will also be deleted. If you are looking to be deleted earlier, please contact us and we will remove any personal data that is not required to meet any of our joint commitments.

For those who are seeking work, workplace training or freelance work at Bonnierförlagen and submit a CV to us

Purpose of processing your personal data

The purpose is to simplify access to the job application you submit, and to contact you over the course of the recruitment process and in future recruitment processes.

What personal data do we process?

We process your name, e-mail address, telephone number, CV, your personal letter, and other information that you provide.

Legal grounds

We process the personal data you provide here on the legal basis of the balancing of interests.

Retention period

We hold your data for up to two years and if no collaboration has been initiated, your personal data and your CV will be deleted once that time has expired. If you require earlier deletion, please get in touch for assistance.

For those who are copyright holders and have signed agreements with Bonnierförlagen (authors, translators, photographers, illustrators, designers, etc.)

Purpose of processing your personal data

In order to be able to conduct our publishing activities and remain compliant in our agreement with you, we need to process your personal data. The type of personal data we process depends on what information you have provided to us, and on the type of agreement you have signed with us.

Personal data is processed in order to enable Bonnierförlagen AB’s publishing activities and to meet our joint commitments as set out in the agreement we enter into. Publishing activities include any communication with you, finalisation, design, production, marketing, distribution of information about, and the sale of a piece of work, as well as the monitoring of sales and remuneration payments to you.

We also process your personal data in a list of Bonnierförlagen AB’s published works containing ISBN, author name and title of the work (“Article Information”) for historical purposes, and to monitor the sales history of a piece of work.

We also process your personal data in copies of signed agreements linked to a piece of work, the material used in literary creative process (such as lecturer’s statements) and the correspondence that led to a piece of work for historical purposes (“work information”).

We also process your personal data in order to get in touch with you regarding other potential assignments, and to send you relevant information about our business and invite you to relevant events organised by us.

What personal data do we process?

We process your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, account number and any other information provided when you enter into an agreement, or that you submit to us over the term of the agreement for the above purpose, including information on the piece of work. Depending on the agreement, we may need to process your social security number in order to be sure to properly identify you and to honour our financial obligations to you such as royalty payments and similar. We also process your name in the article information. In addition, we will process your name and contact details when contacting you about potential assignments.

Legal grounds

We process the personal data we need for our publishing activities under the legal basis of the performance of agreements. Personal data that is required for article information, work information, and for contacting you about potential collaborative projects, is processed under the legal basis of the balance of interests.

Retention period

Unless otherwise expressly stated below, all personal data will be deleted from our systems and databases within 12 months of the termination of the agreement, unless any payment obligations remain. If any payment obligations have not been satisfied, the required information will be stored in order to complete the obligations until the time payment has been honoured. Exceptions to the deletion of personal data also refers to the data we need to save by law, such as the Accounting Act. When we no longer have a legal requirement to save such personal data, it will be deleted.

For information used for article information, information about the piece of work and contact details for potential collaborative projects, we conduct an annual assessment of the purpose of the processing, and the reason that forms the legal basis of balance of interests still applies. Unless the purpose remains, the data will be deleted. If you would like to delete your personal data earlier, you can contact us to remove any personal data that is not required to satisfy any of our joint commitments or where we have support in other exceptions.

Here’s how we handle Bonnierförlagen’s personal data processing in e-mails and in other unstructured documents

Purpose of processing your personal data

The purpose is to receive and enable e-mail conversations with the attached documents in our business activities.

Legal grounds

We process personal information in incoming e-mails with support under the legal basis of balance of interests.

Once we have read the e-mail, a new assessment is made as to the legal basis we have for any continued personal data processing. The legal basis is specifically stated for that particular process.

Retention period

As a sender of e-mails, we only process personal data of the typical type (name, address, telephone number and e-mail address) directly in the body text. We store this type of personal data for no longer than two years after the termination of the contact. After this, we will delete or make your personal data anonymous.

As a sender of e-mails, extra sensitive personal data (such as social security number, bank account number, financial information, and other information that is close to your private life) is only sent as attached files. As a sender of e-mails, we always encrypt attachments that contain privacy-sensitive personal data.

E-mail communications that contain extra sensitive personal data will be processed until we have transferred the personal data to a more structured format based on a communicated purpose that is supported on a legal basis. We then delete the attached file, the entire e-mail or make your personal data anonymous with minimal delay. Continued personal data processing, whether structured or unstructured, is subject to current data protection rules.

We principally only process personal data of a sensitive nature in exceptional cases as a sender of e-mails. E-mail communications that contain exceptionally sensitive data, we only process in the shortest possible time. If a communicated purpose has been conveyed, it is supported by a legal basis, and we will transfer the personal data to a more structured format. We then delete the attached file, the entire e-mail or make your personal data anonymous without delay. Continued personal data processing, whether structured or unstructured, is subject to current data protection rules.

As part of an ongoing e-mail conversation, we will never forward data considered worthy of extra protection or sensitive personal data outside of our organisation or to any third parties without first agreeing with you.

If you would like to delete your personal data earlier than that mentioned above, you can contact the recipient or sender of the e-mail from our organisation and that person will assist you.