Looker filter expressions

Filter expressions are an advanced way to filter Looker queries, and this page describes how to write them. In the Explore section of Looker you can use them by adding a filter and choosing the matches (advanced) option. They are also used in LookML for elements that take a filter parameter.


Example Description
FOO is equal to "FOO", exactly
FOO,BAR is equal to either "FOO" or "BAR", exactly
%FOO% contains "FOO", matches "buffoon" and "fast food"
FOO% starts with "FOO", matches "foolish" and "food" but not "buffoon" or "fast food"
%FOO ends with "FOO", matches "buffoo" and "fast foo" but not "buffoon" or "fast food"
F%OD starts with an "F" and ends with "OD", matches "fast food"
EMPTY string is empty (has zero characters) or is null (no value)
NULL value is null (when it is used as part of a LookML filter expression, place NULL in quotes, as shown on the filters documentation page)
-FOO is not equal to "FOO" (is any value except "FOO"), matches "pizza", "trash", "fun" but not "foo"
-FOO,-BAR is not equal to either "FOO" or "BAR", matches any value except "FOO" and "BAR"
-%FOO% doesn't contain "FOO", does not match "buffoon" or "fast food"
-FOO% doesn't start with "FOO", does not match "foolish" or "food"
-%FOO doesn't end with "FOO", does not match "buffoo" or "fast foo"
-EMPTY string is not empty (has at least one character)
-NULL value of column is not null (when it is used as part of a LookML filter expression, place -NULL in quotes, as shown on the filters documentation page)
FOO%,BAR starts with "FOO" or is "BAR" exactly, matches "food" and matches "bar" but not "barfood"
FOO%,-FOOD starts with "FOO" but is not "FOOD"
_UF has any single character followed by "UF", matches "buffoon"

Including special characters in string filters

Note these rules for including special characters in string filters:

  • To include ", %, or _, prefix with the escape character, ^. For example: ^", ^%, and ^_
  • To include a leading -, escape it as ^-. This is only necessary if the - is the leading character; you don't need to escape - if it is inside the string.
  • To include ^, escape it as ^^.
  • To include a comma in a regular UI string filter, prefix the comma with a backslash character, \. For example: Santa Cruz\, CA.
  • To include a comma with the matches (advanced) option in a filter, prefix the comma with the escape character, ^. For example: Santa Cruz^, CA.
  • To include a comma in a filter expression in LookML, prefix with the escape character, ^. For example:
  field: filtered_count {
      type: count
      filters: [city: "Santa Cruz^, CA"]

Date and Time

Looker date filtering allows for English phrases to be used instead of SQL date functions.

Basic structure of date and time filters

For the following examples:

  • {n} is an integer.
  • {interval} is a time increment such as hours, days, weeks, or months.

    The phrasing you use determines whether the {interval} will include partial time periods or only complete time periods. For example, the expression 3 days includes the current, partial day as well as the prior two days. The expression 3 days ago for 3 days includes the previous three complete days and excludes the current, partial day. See the Relative Dates section for more information.

  • {time} can specify a time formatted as either YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS, or a date formatted as either YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD. When using the form YYYY-MM-DD, be sure to include both digits for the month and day, for example, 2016-01. Truncating a month or day to a single digit is interpreted as an offset, not a date. For example, 2016-1 is interpreted as 2016 minus one year, or 2015.

These are all the possible combinations of date filters:

Combination Example Notes
this {interval} this month You can use this week, this month, this quarter, or this year. Note that this day isn't supported. If you want to get data from the current day, you can use today.
{n} {interval} 3 days
{n} {interval} ago 3 days ago
{n} {interval} ago for {n} {interval} 3 months ago for 2 days
before {n} {interval} ago before 3 days ago
before {time} before 2018-01-01 12:00:00 before is not inclusive of the time you specify. The expression before 2018-01-01 will return data from all dates before 2018-01-01, but it won't return data from 2018-01-01.
after {time} after 2018-10-05 after is inclusive of the time you specify. So, the expression after 2018-10-05 will return data from 2018-10-05 and all dates later than 2018-10-05.
{time} to {time} 2018-05-18 12:00:00 to

2018-05-18 14:00:00
The initial time value is inclusive but the latter time value is not. So the expression 2018-05-18 12:00:00 to 2018-05-18 14:00:00 will return data with the time "2018-05-18 12:00:00" through "2018-05-18 13:59:59".
this {interval} to {interval} this year to second The beginning of each interval is used. For example, the expression this year to second returns data from the beginning of the year the query is run through to the beginning of the second the query is run. this week to day returns data from the beginning of the week the query is run through to the beginning of the day the query is run.
{time} for {n} {interval} 2018-01-01 12:00:00 for 3 days
today today
yesterday yesterday
tomorrow tomorrow
{day of week} Monday Specifying a day of week with a Dimension Group Date field returns the most recent date that matches the specified day of week. For example, the expression Dimension Group Date matches (advanced) Monday returns the most recent Monday.

You can also use {day of week} with the before and after keywords in this context. For example, the expression Dimension Group Date matches (advanced) after Monday returns the most recent Monday and everything after the most recent Monday. The expression Dimension Group Date matches (advanced) before Monday returns every day before the most recent Monday, but it doesn't return the most recent Monday.

Specifying a day of the week with a Dimension Group Day of Week field returns every day that matches the specified day of week. So the expression Dimension Group Day of Week matches (advanced) Monday returns every Monday.
next {week, month, quarter, fiscal quarter, year, fiscal year} next week The next keyword is unique in that it requires one of the intervals listed previously and won't work with other intervals.
{n} {interval} from now 3 days from now
{n} {interval} from now for {n} {interval} 3 days from now for 2 weeks

Date filters can also be combined together:

  • To get OR logic: Type multiple conditions into the same filter, separated by commas. For example, today, 7 days ago means "today or 7 days ago".
  • To get AND logic: Type your conditions, one by one, into multiple date or time filters. For example, you could put after 2014-01-01 into a Created Date filter, then put before 2 days ago into a Created Time filter. This would mean "January 1st, 2014 and after, and before 2 days ago".

Absolute dates

Absolute date filters use the specific date values to generate query results. These are useful when creating queries for specific date ranges.

Example Description
2018/05/29 sometime on 2018/05/29
2018/05/10 for 3 days from 2018/05/10 00:00:00 through 2018/05/12 23:59:59
after 2018/05/10 2018/05/10 00:00:00 and after
before 2018/05/10 before 2018/05/10 00:00:00
2018/05 within the entire month of 2018/05
2018/05 for 2 months within the entire months of 2018/05 and 2018/06
2018/05/10 05:00 for 5 hours from 2018/05/10 05:00:00 through 2018/05/10 09:59:59
2018/05/10 for 5 months from 2018/05/10 00:00:00 through 2018/10/09 23:59:59
2018 entire year of 2018 (2018/01/01 00:00:00 through 2018/12/31 23:59:59)
FY2018 entire fiscal year starting in 2018 (if your Looker developers have specified that your fiscal year starts in April then this is 2018/04/01 00:00 through 2019/03/31 23:59)
FY2018-Q1 first quarter of the fiscal year starting in 2018 (if your Looker developers have specified that your fiscal year starts in April then this is 2018/04/01 00:00:00 through 2018/06/30 23:59:59)

Relative dates

Relative date filters allow you to create queries with rolling date values relative to the current date. These are useful when creating queries that update each time you run the query.

For all of the following examples, assume today is Friday, 2018/05/18 18:30:02. In Looker, weeks start on Monday unless you change that setting with week_start_day.


Example Description
1 second the current second (2018/05/18 18:30:02)
60 seconds 60 seconds ago for 60 seconds (2018/05/18 18:29:02 through 2018/05/18 18:30:01)
60 seconds ago for 1 second 60 seconds ago for 1 second (2018/05/18 18:29:02)


Example Description
1 minute the current minute (2018/05/18 18:30:00 through 18:30:59)
60 minutes 60 minutes ago for 60 minutes (2018/05/18 17:31:00 through 2018/05/18 18:30:59)
60 minutes ago for 1 minute 60 minutes ago for 1 minute (2018/05/18 17:30:00 through 2018/05/18 17:30:59)


Example Description
1 hour the current hour (2018/05/18 18:00 through 2018/05/18 18:59)
24 hours the same hour of day that was 24 hours ago for 24 hours (2018/05/17 19:00 through 2018/05/18 18:59)
24 hours ago for 1 hour the same hour of day that was 24 hours ago for 1 hour (2018/05/17 18:00 until 2018/05/17 18:59)


Example Description
today the current day (2018/05/18 00:00 through 2018/05/18 23:59)
2 days all of yesterday and today (2018/05/17 00:00 through 2018/05/18 23:59)
1 day ago just yesterday (2018/05/17 00:00 until 2018/05/17 23:59)
7 days ago for 7 days the last complete 7 days (2018/05/11 00:00 until 2018/05/17 23:59)
today for 7 days the current day, starting at midnight, for 7 days into the future (2018/05/18 00:00 until 2018/05/24 23:59)
last 3 days 2 days ago through the end of the current day (2018/05/16 00:00 until 2018/05/18 23:59)
7 days from now 7 days in the future (2018/05/18 00:00 until 2018/05/25 23:59)


Example Description
1 week top of the current week going forward (2018/05/14 00:00 through 2018/05/20 23:59)
this week top of the current week going forward (2018/05/14 00:00 through 2018/05/20 23:59)
before this week anytime until the top of this week (before 2018/05/14 00:00)
after this week anytime after the top of this week (2018/05/14 00:00 and later)
next week the following Monday going forward 1 week (2018/05/21 00:00 through 2018/05/27 23:59)
2 weeks a week ago Monday going forward (2018/05/07 00:00 through 2018/05/20 23:59)
last week synonym for "1 week ago"
1 week ago a week ago Monday going forward 1 week (2018/05/07 00:00 through 2018/05/13 23:59)


Example Description
1 month the current month (2018/05/01 00:00 through 2018/05/31 23:59)
this month synonym for "0 months ago" (2018/05/01 00:00 through 2018/05/31 23:59)
2 months the past two months (2018/04/01 00:00 through 2018/05/31 23:59)
last month all of 2018/04
2 months ago all of 2018/03
before 2 months ago all time before 2018/03/01
next month all of 2018/06
2 months from now all of 2018/07
6 months from now for 3 months 2018/11 through 2019/01


Example Description
1 quarter the current quarter (2018/04/01 00:00 through 2018/06/30 23:59)
this quarter synonym for "0 quarters ago" (2018/04/01 00:00 through 2018/06/30 23:59)
2 quarters the past two quarters (2018/01/01 00:00 through 2018/06/30 23:59)
last quarter all of Q1 (2018/01/01 00:00 through 2018/03/31 23:59)
2 quarters ago all of Q4 of last year (2017/010/01 00:00 through 2017/12/31 23:59)
before 2 quarters ago all time before Q4 of last year
next quarter all of the following quarter (2018/07/01 00:00 through 2018/09/30 23:59)
2018-07-01 for 1 quarter all of Q3 (2018/07/01 00:00 through 2018/09/30 23:59)
2018-Q4 all of Q4 (2018/10/01 00:00 through 2018/12/31 23:59)


Example Description
1 year all of the current year (2018/01/01 00:00 through 2018/12/31 23:59)
this year all of the current year (2018/01/01 00:00 through 2018/12/31 23:59)
next year all of the following year (2019/01/01 00:00 through 2019/12/31 23:59)
2 years the past two years (2017/01/01 00:00 through 2018/12/31 23:59)
last year all of 2017
2 years ago all of 2016
before 2 years ago all time before 2016/01/01 (does not include any days between 2016/01/01 and 2016/05/18)


Filtering on true or false type values in Looker requires you to know what type of true or false value you're interacting with.

Example Description
yes or Yes field evaluates to true

Looker developers: for type: yesno dimensions use lowercase, for filters parameters (like those used in a measure or used in an always_filter) use uppercase
no or No field evaluates to false

Looker developers: for type: yesno dimensions use lowercase, for filters parameters (like those used in a measure or used in an always_filter) use uppercase
TRUE field contains true (for fields that contain Boolean database values)
FALSE field contains false (for fields that contain Boolean database values)


Filters on numbers support both natural language expressions (for example, 3 to 10) and relational operators (for example, >20). Looker supports the OR operator to express multiple filter ranges (for example, 3 to 10 OR 30 to 100). The AND operator can be used to express numeric ranges with relational operators (for example, >=3 AND <=10) to specify a range. Filters on numbers can also use algebraic interval notation to filter numeric fields.

Example Description
5 is exactly 5


is any value but exactly 5
1, 3, 5, 7 is one of the values 1, 3, 5, or 7, exactly
NOT 66, 99, 4 is not one of the values 66, 99, or 4, exactly
>1 AND <100, NOT 2 is greater than 1 and less than 100, is not 2
NOT >1, 2, <100 is less than or equal to 1, is not 2, and is greater than or equal to 100 (Looker recognizes that this is an impossible condition, and will instead write the SQL `IS NULL`)
5, NOT 6, NOT 7 is 5, is not 6 or 7
5.5 to 10

>=5.5 AND <=10
is 5.5 or greater but also 10 or less
NOT 3 to 80.44

<3 OR >80.44
is less than 3 or greater than 80.44
1 to

is 1 or greater
to 10

is 10 or less
>10 AND <=20 OR 90 is greater than 10 and less than or equal to 20, or is 90 exactly
>=50 AND <=100 OR >=500 AND <=1000 is between 50 and 100, inclusive, or between 500 and 1000, inclusive
NULL has no data in it (when it is used as part of a LookML filter expression, place NULL in quotes, as shown on the filters documentation page)
NOT NULL has some data in it (when it is used as part of a LookML filter expression, place NOT NULL in quotes, as shown on the filters documentation page)
(1, 7) interpreted as 1 < x < 7 where the endpoints aren't included. While this notation resembles an ordered pair, in this context it refers to the interval upon which you are working.
[5, 90] interpreted as 5 <= x <= 90 where the endpoints are included
(12, 20] interpreted as 12 < x <= 20 where 12 is not included, but 20 is included
[12, 20) interpreted as 12 <= x < 20 where 12 is included, but 20 is not included
(500, inf) interpreted as x > 500 where 500 is not included and infinity is always expressed as being "open" (not included). inf may be omitted and (500, inf) may be written as (500,)
(-inf, 10] interpreted as x <= 10 where 10 is included and infinity is always expressed as being "open" (not included). inf may be omitted and (-inf, 10] may be written as (,10]
[0,9],[20,29] the numbers between 0 and 9 inclusive or 20 to 29 inclusive
[0,10],20 0 to 10 inclusive or 20
NOT (3,12) interpreted as x and x > 12


Location filter expressions are based on latitude and longitude, but can accept some natural language to define boxes and circles within which to limit a search.

Example Description
36.97, -122.03 location is exactly at latitude 36.97, longitude 122.03
40 miles from 36.97, -122.03 location is within 40 miles of latitude 36.97, longitude -122.03
inside box from 72.33, -173.14 to 14.39, -61.70 location is within a box whose northwest corner is at latitude 72.33, longitude -173.14, and whose southeast corner is at latitude 14.39, longitude -61.70
NOT NULL (works the same as -NULL) location has both a non-null latitude and a non-null longitude (when it is used as part of a LookML filter expression, place NOT NULL in quotes, as shown on the filters documentation page)
-NULL (works the same as NOT NULL) location has both a non-null latitude and a non-null longitude (when it is used as part of a LookML filter expression, place -NULL in quotes, as shown on the filters documentation page)
NULL location has a null latitude, or a null longitude, or both are null (when it is used as part of a LookML filter expression, place NULL in quotes, as shown on the filters documentation page)

Supported units of measurement

To filter in an area around a certain location, you can use these units:

  • Meters
  • Feet
  • Kilometers
  • Miles

Singular units of measurement aren't supported. For example, filtering for a one-mile radius should be written within 1 miles of 36.97, -122.03.

User Attribute Values

To use the value of a user attribute in a filter expression, reference the user attribute with the _user_attributes Liquid variable using the syntax that is required by your database dialect:

{{ _user_attributes['name_of_attribute'] }}

For example, suppose you need to apply an sf_ prefix to the value of the salesforce_username user attribute because that is how the values are stored in your database. To add the prefix to the user attribute value, you can add a matches (advanced) filter on the relevant field and use the _user_attributes Liquid variable in the filter expression as follows:


You can use the same pattern to insert user attributes into LookML dashboard filters and dashboard element filters.