Today is the last day of the symposium in Orlando. Thanks to everyone who stopped by the booth to learn more about our enterprise products, our vision for the cloud, or just to meet the team.

Orlando isn’t the last Gartner conference of the year though. In fact, next week we’ll also be at the Gartner Symposium ITxpo in Tokyo, Japan, where Dave Girouard, President of Google Enterprise, will keynote a session on critical trends in technology and Google’s innovative approach to enterprise on October 27th. Japan’s Google Enterprise team will be at the booth throughout the entire event, so come say hello.

Shortened URLs can mask suspicious links
This quarter we detected an increased volume of emails containing shortened URLs linking to suspicious websites. Spammers are increasingly making use of services that shorten URLs as a way of masking the destination website to the user. With the widespread proliferation of shortened URLs, particularly among blogging sites and social networks, it has become increasingly important to remain vigilant and skeptical when evaluating URLs. A shortened URL sent from a “friend” might seem innocuous enough, but, as always, links and emails sent from unknown senders should be scrutinized before further action is taken.

Beware false financial transaction messages
We continue to see false notifications claiming to be sent by various financial authorities. Spammers will frequently send their targets a simple yet authoritative message alerting them of a rejected or unauthorized transaction, then provide a false link directing them to a website. The format of these emails is often simple and innocuous, making it difficult to ascertain the malicious content from a quick glance.

Continued use of NDRs
Non-Delivery Report/Receipt (NDR) are legitimate messages used to alert users that a sent email has not been delivered correctly. Back in July we noticed an upswing in false NDRs bearing malicious JavaScript. As a hybrid between virus and spam messages, these messages were in reality obfuscated JavaScript attacks, directing users to a particular website or initiating an unexpected download. The user is often unaware of the attacks, making these messages particularly dangerous and difficult to detect. However, Google’s vast network and patented filtering technology was able to detect these messages early on and respond quickly. The Postini-Anti-Spam-Engine (PASE) was immediately updated in response and has been protecting users throughout Q3 from the continued use of false NDRs.

Fake celebrity gossip
Although August was a slower month in terms of overall spam volume, we saw a substantial spike in messages claiming to break the news of untimely and sudden deaths of various high-profile celebrities. The messages referenced a zip file that in turn contained a virus. These messages, similar to various classic phishing scams involving “friends” in need, attempt to pique a user’s interest with an alarming subject line and content. This has proven to be a successful tactic – hence its continued popularity – as users will often open an email instinctively in response to a particularly emotional or compelling subject line. In response to these attacks, our engineers have developed and released filters designed to combat new spam waves.

Stay safe with a cloud-based security solution
Postini’s hosted email security solutions provide comprehensive spam and virus filtering in the cloud – before they reach the network level. Google’s vast network filters billions of messages a day from all over the globe, creating a “network effect” that allows Google to identify emerging threats and respond early.

For more information on how Google Postini Services can help your organization remain safe, compliant, and spam-free, please visit

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