
Name Domain Expires Provider Purpose Description Third Party Cookie Cookie Purpose for Consent
SPID_SE when session ends Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service Yes Essential
__pulseEnvironmentId after 12 months Schibsted Behavioural data collection for ads targeting, personalisation and product improvement data analysis Yes Essential
_pulse2data after 1 year Schibsted Behavioural logging for security, anti-fraud, product improvement, advertising and marketing purposes No Essential
_pulse2data after 2 years Schibsted Behavioural logging for security, anti-fraud, product improvement, advertising and marketing purposes Yes Essential
_pulsesession after 30 minutes Schibsted Behavioural logging for security, anti-fraud, product improvement, advertising and marketing purposes No Essential
consentUUID after 6 months Sourcepoint Consent management platform No Essential
csrfToken when session ends Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service Yes Essential
device_fingerprint when session ends Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service Yes Essential
id-jwt after 12 months Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service No Essential
identity when session ends Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service Yes Essential
nonce after 41 seconds Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service No Essential
schacc-browser-id after 12 months Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service Yes Essential
schacc-session after 12 months Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service No Essential
vgs_email after 12 months Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service Yes Essential

Generated: 2024-09-19 03:42:56