
Name Domain Expires Provider Purpose Description Third Party Cookie Cookie Purpose for Consent
SPID_SE when session ends Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service Yes Essential
__pulseEnvironmentId after 12 months Schibsted Behavioural data collection for ads targeting, personalisation and product improvement data analysis Yes Essential
_ga after 2 months Google Advertising targeting No Advertising
_gat after 1 minute Google Advertising targeting No Advertising
_gid after 1 day Google Advertising targeting No Analytics
_pulse2data after 2 years Schibsted Behavioural logging for security, anti-fraud, product improvement, advertising and marketing purposes Yes Essential
csrfToken when session ends Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service Yes Essential
device_fingerprint when session ends Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service Yes Essential
id-jwt after 12 months Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service No Essential
identity when session ends Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service Yes Essential
nonce after -5 second Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service No Essential
schacc-browser-id after 12 months Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service Yes Essential
schacc-session after 12 months Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service No Essential
vgs_email after 12 months Schibsted Schibsted Account user authentication and login service Yes Analytics

Generated: 2022-05-23 03:44:20