
Press releases are intended to inform the general public and journalists in an accessible style, about matters of media interest or which have an impact on the lives of citizens. They also cover major institutional events.
The Court also produces résumés of the most important decisions. Résumés are primarily intended for an informed public, particularly lawyers, who wish to have a more detailed overview of the decisions adopted by the Court of Justice and the General Court.

N° 146/2024 : 19 Meán Fómhair 2024
Economic policy
Prudential supervision of credit institutions: the Court annuls the 2016 ECB decision refusing the acquisition of a qualifying holding in Banca Mediolanum by Silvio Berlusconi

N° 145/2024 : 19 Meán Fómhair 2024
Online accommodation reservation platforms: price parity clauses cannot, in principle, be classified as ‘ancillary restraints’ for the purposes of EU competition law

N° 144/2024 : 19 Meán Fómhair 2024
State aid
The Court annuls the Commission decision finding certain United Kingdom rules on the taxation of controlled foreign companies (CFCs) to be State Aid incompatible with the internal market and sets aside the judgment of the General Court confirming that decision

N° 143/2024 : 18 Meán Fómhair 2024
en fr
Google AdSense: The General Court annuls the Commission’s decision

N° 142/2024 : 18 Meán Fómhair 2024
Abuse of a dominant position: the General Court largely upholds the fine imposed on Qualcomm

N° 141/2024 : 12 Meán Fómhair 2024
Agriculture and fisheries

Markets for agricultural products: Hungarian legislation requiring traders to offer for sale certain agricultural products at a fixed price and in predetermined quantities is contrary to EU law

N° 140/2024 : 11 Meán Fómhair 2024
Smachtbhannaí eacnamaíocha i gcoinne na Rúise: tá dlínse ag an gComhairle oibleagáidí tuairiscithe agus maidir le comhar a bhunú chun éifeachtúlacht na mbeart maidir le reo na gcistí a áirithiú
Economic sanctions against Russia: the Council has the power to establish reporting and cooperation obligations to ensure the effectiveness of fund-freezing measures

N° 139/2024 : 11 Meán Fómhair 2024

N° 138/2024 : 11 Meán Fómhair 2024
en fr
Law governing the institutions

The General Court of the European Union rules for the first time on the financial consequences of alleged irregularities with regard to a former Member of the European Court of Auditors

N° 137/2024 : 11 Meán Fómhair 2024
An cogadh san Úcráin: deimhníonn an Chúirt Ghinearálta na bearta sriantacha a glacadh i gcoinne chuideachta airgeadais na Rúise NSD
War in Ukraine: the General Court confirms the restrictive measures adopted against the Russian finance company NSD

Les communiqués constituent des documents non officiels à l'usage des médias et n'engagent pas la Cour de justice