Infinite Dendrogram Wiki

Marie Adler, real name Ichimiya Nagisa (一宮渚いちみやなぎさ), is a Master of the Kingdom of Altar and a journalist affiliated with DIN. She is also a member of the clan Death Period.


Marie No Sunglasses

Marie without her sunglasses on.

Marie's avatar is a tall, attractive girl in her late teens that dresses in a black men's business suit and sunglasses. She made herself younger to fit her cosplay-roleplay. Underneath her sunglasses, she has dark byzantium eyes.


As part of her efforts to cosplay-roleplay as the character Marie Adler, Marie constantly behaves in a manner in a similar manner as her: superficially polite with a rather sarcastic manner. Despite appearing to be rather suspicious and aloof at times, Marie's true self is a caring person who is willing to go to great lengths for the people she cares about. Marie also has a complex as being the "big sister" of Elizabeth. To the point of even trying to stop her engagement to 3rd Prince of Huang He.


Ichimiya Nagisa started drawing manga in elementary school after being invited to join her school's illustration club. She began sending shoujo mangas she drew into manga contests in middle school. During her second year of high school, the first shounen manga she ever drew, Into the Shadow was selected in a contest and after being run as a one-shot in a magazine and receiving positive feedback Nagisa was asked to serialize it. The manga continued to be successful and she decided to forego higher education and become a professional mangaka. However the magazine she was published in went bankrupt. Some time after that, she was approached by another magazine to continue the series, but the hiatus had caused Nagisa to develop writers' block, rendering her unable to write anything.

Soon after that, she heard about the game Infinite Dendrogram and, inspired by its tagline, decided to begin playing as the main character of her manga, Marie Adler, to fix her writer's block. After training in Tenchi, she obtained the Superior Job Death Shadow and began working as a hitman just like her character Marie Adler, albeit one that focused on PK. She rose to prominence after defeating the King of Plagues, a Superior known for slaughtering thousands of tians, despite not being a Superior herself, earning her the moniker Superior Killer.



Illusory Gun Pen, Arc-en-Ciel (幻銃筆 アルカンシェル): A Form VI Type: Legion Embryo that takes the form of bullet-like creatures that Marie shoots out of her revolver which contains six chambers. The creatures can be given different abilities depending on what colour paint Marie adds to them. Marie can also use multiple abilities on creatures at the same time, though the overall power of each ability will be decreased.

  • Red Burst (赤の爆裂レッド・バースト): Increases power and adds explosive ability.
  • Blue Spread (青の散弾ブルー・スプレッド): Increases amount of bullets.
  • Green Piercing (緑の貫通グリーン・ピアッシング): Adds piercing ability.
  • White Freezing (白の麻酔ホワイト・フリージング): Adds anesthetic properties to bullet.
  • Black Homing (黒の追跡ブラック・ホーミング): Adds homing ability.
  • Silver Flash (銀の閃光シルバー・フラッシュ): Adds holy properties to bullets.

Rainbow Illusion Gun — Arc-en-Ciel (虹幻銃アルカンシェル): The ultimate skill of Arc-en-Ciel, Marie can summon creatures she paints on pre-prepared bullets with the various colours of paint. Marie uses characters from the manga Into the Shadow for this ability. She could only keep a maximum of six of them. When using it, the six-chamber revolver changes shape into single-shot, high calibre handgun. After using the ultimate skill, the paints used to make bullets used by the ultimate skill were rendered inaccessible for the next 24 hours.

  • Daisy Scarlet the Explosive (爆殺のデイジー・スカーレット): Combination of Red Burst and Black Pursuit. It takes the appearance of a red, vampire girl with a fangy, ferocious smile. Her explosion can easily blow away the surrounding air to create a temporary vacuum.
  • Ulbetia the Piercer (貫殺のウルベティア): Combination of Green Piercing and Silver Flash. It surpasses Daisy in terms of attack power on a single unit but it has a short range.
  • Lady Shirahime the Poisoner (毒殺の白姫御前): Combination of Blue Spread and White Anesthetic. It spreads Disease-type abnormalities inclusive debuffs over a wide area. Its movement can be affected by the wind direction.
  • Upas-Kamuy the Crusher (圧殺のウパシカムイ): Combination of Blue Spread, Black Pursuit, and White Anesthetic.
  • Fanatica the Annihilator (滅殺のファナティーカ): Combination of Red Burst, Green Piercing, and Silver Flash.
  • La Gravelle the Godslayer (神殺し ラ・グラベル): Combination of all 6 colour paints. It takes the appearance of a woman carrying a greatsword made of beasts' bones with her eyes covered by a green bandage. She can only attack once but her attack is strong enough to shatter a part of Superior metal. After using this skill, her embryo, Arc-en-Ciel becomes completely unusable for a day.


Death Shadow (絶影デス・シャドウ): The Superior Job of the Onmitsu grouping from Tenchi, The status growth of this job focuses on AGI. It has skills specialized in stealth, concealment, and detecting concealed presences and objects.

  • The Art of Vanishing (消ノ術しょうのじゅつ): The ultimate skill of the Death Shadow that allows the user to achieve perfect stealth by vanishing from the world itself. While active, the user will not be able to affect anything and nothing will be able to affect the user.

Shadow (シャドウ): A high-rank job from the Onmitsu grouping.

Onmitsu (隠密オンミツ): A low-rank job specialized on stealth and concealment.

  • Onmitsu Conceal (隠密隠蔽): A passive skill that only activates when the user's main job is from the Onmitsu grouping. It hides all Onmitsu grouping jobs from the job display, leaving only jobs from other groupings. The job of non-Onmitsu grouping with the highest level is displayed as the main job.
  • Glamour (幻惑): An active skill that uses one's shadow to conceal the user. The skill affects only the minds of organic beings, therefore, things like cameras cannot be tricked. Opponents with high-level Truth Discernment, Reveal, True Eye or similar skills can see through this skill.
  • Disguise (偽装): An active skill that can conceal the information explanations of one's status and items as well as those of others'. Opponents with high-level Truth Discernment, Reveal, True Eye or similar skills can see through this skill.
  • Hidden Technique (隠行の術): An active skill that allows the user to hide their presence completely.
  • Art of Transformation (変化の術): An active skill that allows the user the transform into someone else. When transforming into someone whose body looks greatly different, the SP needed for the skill increases greatly.
  • Shadow Clone Technique (影分身の術): An active skill that allows the user to create "substantial shadow clones" of themselves. Each will be limited in skills, most following the Onmitsu grouping. The higher number of x clones, the x clone's status and equipment will be 1/x the original. The clones' equipment also do not possess their equipment skills. A clone will disappear once its HP, MP and SP become 0. For Masters, their shadow clones disappear looking similar to them receiving the Death Penalty.
  • Presence Management (気配操作): An active skill that can decrease or increase the user's signs or presence.
  • Concealment Perception (隠蔽感知): A passive skill that allows the user to see through concealment.

Cook (料理人コック): A low-rank job that specializes on cooking food. Despite having this job, Marie is still extremely bad at cooking.

  • Cooking (料理): A sense skill that helps the user cook food that the user finds tasty based on the user's skill level. The demerit of this skill is that the user's sense of taste is the basis for it, which means that if the person has a bad sense of taste, the skill will produce bad or even worse food.

Journalist (記者ジャーナリスト): A low-rank job specialized in gathering and reporting information.

  • The Pen is Mightier than the Sword (ペンは剣よりも強し): A passive skill that allows the user to gain EXP by watching their party members battle. The skill also increases the EXP gain of the party members as well. However, the user cannot engage in combat, nor can they turn the skill OFF.

Illusionist (幻術師イリュージョニスト): A low rank caster job focused on creating illusions.

  • Illusion Alias (イリュージョン・エイリアス): An active skill that uses illusion magic to create an illusionary copy of the user. The illusion is also capable of talking.


  • Marie believes that simply removing her glasses was enough to be considered as a disguise to prevent others from recognizing her.
  • Marie ranks 5th as the strongest Pre-Superior of the Kingdom of Altar excluding the Control A.I.s. The ranking is based on the premise that they are limited to only the maximum altitude allowed by the duel while surpise attacks are still allowed.
    • However, in the confines of a duel arena, Marie is stated to be weaker than Juliet.

