April 8th, 2022

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2022.08.04

April Yoho
Senior Developer Advocate

We’re back for another top stories from the #AzureDevOps #Community! After last weeks’ ‘catch-up’ from the last month, this week feels so much quieter, but there is some awesome content for you!

I am April Edwards and every week I try to bring you the latest updates from around the DevOps on Azure community. If you have a post you’d like to have me include, I am always listening. You can reach out on Twitter or LinkedIn and I will be sure to share your latest post with the community. Also, be sure to tag your posts with #AzureDevOps!

Get the top stories from the Azure DevOps community right in your email every week with this newsletter! Sign up today and never miss any of these great posts from the #AzureDevOps community!

We are going to do things a bit differently this week, we’re going to cover off some of the DevOps content from the past month!

Posts from the DevOps on Azure Community

We have another week of posts from the DevOps on Azure Community.

Adding Diagram and Visualizations in your Azure DevOps Diagrams using Mermaid
Abhijit Jana writes a post on inserting Mermaid diagrams into your ADO wiki, really useful!

Automate Tasks with Power Platform and Azure DevOps
Duvan Puerta shows us how we can automate so many tasks in ADO.

Using Terraform to Filter ‘For’ Loops
Marcel Lupo goes in dept with ‘For’ loops in Terraform.

Create New Build Work Item from a Spreadsheet
Barrett Blake walks us through a bulk import of work items from a spreadsheet.

Microsoft Posts, Community Events, and Updates

The Azure DevOps YouTube Channel is now DevOps on Azure
The team is looking broaden their content to not just Azure DevOps, but wider DevOps principles, tooling and methodology. Check it out and subscribe today!

Azure DevOps Migration Tool
Grab the latest release of the migration tool, that was published recently.

New Azure Boards Hub
The official Public Preview of the New Boards Hub is here!!

Starting From Scratch with Azure DevOps
Join (Erik)[https://twitter.com/thealtf4stream] as he hosts an awesome multi-part series on configuring ADO from scratch!

The DevOps Lab
has published loads of new episodes in the past month. Join April Edwards in various series: Deploying to Azure with Octopus Deploy with Derek Campbell, Terraform Provider 3.0 Update with Kyle Ruddy, Deploying a Java app To Azure with Brian Benz and many more series!

Thank you to all of last week’s contributors! We appreciate the posts from ALL the contributors, there were so many to choose from!

If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!

Here’s to a great weekend, see you all next week!

Learn about DevOps and subscribe:

The DevOps Lab on YouTube
Azure DevOps YouTube Channel

Recommended resources:

Azure DevOps Hands on Labs
Get started with Azure DevOps learning path
Azure DevOps: Start Free! Microsoft Azure: $200 Free Credit


April Yoho
Senior Developer Advocate

April is a senior developer advocate and DevOps practice lead for GitHub specializing in application transformation and DevOps ways of working. Her focus is working on Microsoft Azure to take customers of a journey from legacy technology, to serverless and containers, where code comes first, while enabling them to take full advantage of DevOps. April was previously a cloud consultant and solution architect for various partners in the UK and brings her years of experience in helping customers plan their journey. In April’s spare time she spends time outdoors hiking, skiing or scuba diving. She is also a triathlete competing in Ironman and Half Ironman triathlons.


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  • Aaron

    Any idea with Azure DevOps Server 2022 will be released?

    • Jared Shields · Edited

      I’m also anxiously awaiting this… It’s been a while. I tend to do a google search every couple of weeks in hopes for some news, but always end up empty. They did publish license terms for version 2022 though… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • Lukasz Dlugajczyk

      They said that they will release RC around end of 2021 and RTM in Q1 2022, maybe we missed it?
      For sure such a company would announce a delay, right? (insert Padme\Anakin meme here) 😉

  • Altaf Hussain

    Today I subscribed DevOps on Azure Channel on YouTube. 😉

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