Disgaea Wiki

List of Weapons found in Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny.

For Carnage Weapons, see here. For Rakshasa Weapons, see here.


Weapons up to rank 32 can be bought in the main hub, and the minimum Product Rank is listed in the Shop column. Weapons up to rank 39 can be obtained as rewards in stages(regular or Item World) of sufficiently high Bonus Rank, via either treasure chests, Bonus Gauge prizes or stealing. Rank 40 must be stolen from an Item God 2 in the rank 39 weapon of the same type.


Damage is based on the average of ATK and SPD. Increases Counter by 1.

Disgaea 6:DoD Fist - Weapon Stats
Thimble 1 0 3,011 3,011
Rubber Gloves 2 0 3,058 3,058
Dress Gloves 3 1 3,160 3,160
Magic Hand 4 1 3,329 3,329
Forehead Flicker 5 2 3,574 3,574
Catcher's Mitt 6 2 3,905 3,905
Grip Dynamometer 7 3 4,331 4,331
Handmade Bracers 8 3 4,858 4,858
Brass Knuckles 9 4 5,495 5,495
Brawlers Cestuses 10 4 6,246 6,246
Massager 11 5 7,119 7,119
Power Knuckles 12 5 8,120 8,120
Fisticuffs Deluxe 13 6 9,255 9,255
Jugular Thrust 14 6 10,528 10,528
Singauta 15 7 11,945 11,945
Cross Counter 16 7 13,511 13,511
Hand Power 17 8 15,231 15,231
Kung Fu Fist 18 8 17,110 17,110
Thorny Mittens 19 9 19,152 19,152
Bagh Nakh 20 9 21,362 21,362
Robot Arms 21 10 23,744 23,744
Ninja Claws 22 10 26,303 26,303
Jamadhar 23 11 29,042 29,042
Venom Hands 24 11 31,965 31,965
Vice Indicator 25 12 35,077 35,077
Burning Karate 26 12 38,381 38,381
Silver Gauntlet 27 13 41,882 41,882
Dragon Buster 28 13 45,584 45,584
Kingly Himantes 29 14 49,488 49,488
Hero Punch 30 14 53,600 53,600
Southern Cross 31 15 57,923 57,923
Death's Grip 32 15 62,459 62,459
Dark Fist 33 - 67,314 67,214
Three-year Killer 34 - 72,190 72,190
Zodiac 35 - 77,390 77,390
Golden Right 36 - 82,818 82,818
God Hand 37 - 88,477 88,477
Cosmo Breaker 38 - 946,875 473,438 94,370 3,750 3,750 3,750 9,375 84,370
Ultimus 39 - 1,893,750 946,875 100,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 18,750 100,500
Muspell 40 IG 3,787,500 1,893,750 112,500 15,000 15,000 15,000 37,500 112,500


Damage is based on ATK. No additional effects.

Disgaea 6:DoD Sword - Weapon Stats
Replica Sword 1 0 4,014
Weeding Sickle 2 0 4,077
Mysterious Blade 3 1 4,213
Kitchen Knife 4 1 4,438
Bastard Sword 5 2 4,765
Claymore 6 2 5,207
Deadbone Blade 7 3 5,774
Swordbreaker 8 3 6,477
Evil Edge 9 4 7,326
Bloody Blade 10 4 8,328
Samosek Sword 11 5 9,492
Satan's Sword 12 5 10,827
Iffy Yoshitsuna 13 6 12,340
Golden Edge 14 6 14,037
Mighty Shotel 15 7 15,926
Cutlass 16 7 18,015
Demon's Knife 17 8 20,308
Zweihand-her 18 8 22,813
Behemoth Slayer 19 9 25,536
Dragon's Jaw 20 9 28,483
Overlord's Sword 21 10 31,659
Dancing Blade 22 10 35,070
Straight Edge 23 11 38,722
Emerald Sword 24 11 42,620
Devil Slayer 25 12 46,769
Yoshitsuna 26 12 51,175
Dark Dagger 27 13 55,843
Life Reaper 28 13 60,778
Dragonlord Sword 29 14 65,984
Zanmato 30 14 71,466
Greatsword 31 15 77,230
Lump of Iron 32 15 83,279
Fang Crusher 33 - 89,618
Supersword 34 - 96,253
Kotetsumaru 35 - 103,186
Arc Bringer 36 - 110,424
Diamond Edge 37 - 117,969
Voltaire 38 - 946,875 473,438 125,826 9,375 18,750 3,750 3,750 3,750
True Yoshitsuna 39 - 1,893,750 946,875 134,000 18,750 37,500 7,500 7,500 7,500
Sword of Doom 40 IG 3,787,500 1,893,750 150,000 37,500 75,000 15,000 15,000 15,000
Baal Sword 40 - 5,000,000 2,500,000 200,000 50,000 100,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
  • Baal Sword: Obtained by beating the first Baal fight. Also gives +5% Crit.


Damage is based on ATK, but also increases DEF. Has a normal attack range of 2 and Piercing effect.

Disgaea 6:DoD Spear - Weapon Stats
Training Spear 1 0 3,011 2,007
Wave Spear 2 0 3,058 2,039
Ruyi Bang 3 1 3,160 2,107
Spuntone 4 1 3,329 2,219
Broad Pike 5 2 3,574 2,383
Friuli 6 2 3,905 2,604
Thundemon Spear 7 3 4,331 2,887
Cross Spear 8 3 4,858 3,239
Spirit Pike 9 4 5,495 3,663
Demon Lord's Spear 10 4 6,246 4,164
Snake Spear 11 5 7,119 4,746
Grasida 12 5 8,120 5,414
Kagutsuchi Pike 13 6 9,255 6,170
Samurai Spear 14 6 10,528 7,019
Grave Glaive 15 7 11,945 7,963
Mixed Iron Club 16 7 13,511 9,008
Half Pike 17 8 15,231 10,154
Serial Killer 18 8 17,110 11,407
Halberd 19 9 19,152 12,768
Dragon Knight Spear 20 9 21,362 14,242
Monk's Kamayari 21 10 23,744 15,830
Floral Spear 22 10 26,303 17,535
Kiyomasa Lance 23 11 29,042 19,361
Raijin Spear 24 11 31,965 21,310
Beast Lance 25 12 35,077 23,385
Disaster Trident 26 12 38,381 25,588
Tonbogiri 27 13 41,882 27,922
Bident 28 13 45,584 30,389
Yagrushaymur 29 14 49,488 32,992
Trishula 30 14 53,600 35,733
Ascalon 31 15 57,923 38,615
Dualwing De-spear 32 15 62,459 41,640
Apocalypse 33 - 67,214 44,809
Gae Bolg 34 - 72,190 48,127
Romulus' Spear 35 - 77,390 51,593
Elder Spear 36 - 82,818 55,212
Brionac 37 - 88,477 58,985
Gungnir 38 - 946,875 473,438 94,370 62,913 3,750 9,375 3,750 3,750
Flamberge 39 - 1,893,750 946,875 100,500 67,000 7,500 18,750 7,500 7,500
Amanonuboko 40 IG 3,787,500 1,893,750 112,500 75,000 15,000 37,500 15,000 15,000


Damage is based on the average of ATK and HIT. Has a normal attack range of 4.

Disgaea 6:DoD Bow - Weapon Stats
Driftwood Bow 1 0 2,007 2,007
Thorny Bow 2 0 2,039 2,039
Unicorn Bow 3 1 2,107 2,107
Skogsra 4 1 2,219 2,219
Longbow 5 2 2,383 2,383
Cherry Blossom Bow 6 2 2,604 2,604
Diablo Horns 7 3 2,887 2,887
Golden Bow 8 3 3,239 3,239
Bow of Spirits 9 4 3,663 3,663
Bow of Leraje 10 4 4,164 4,164
Stymphalia 11 5 4,746 4,746
Drake Hunter 12 5 5,414 5,414
Heart Shooter 13 6 6,170 6,170
Elven Bow 14 6 7,019 7,019
Sharp Arch 15 7 7,963 7,963
Baphomet Horn Bow 16 7 9,008 9,008
Dryad 17 8 10,154 10,154
Composite Bow 18 8 11,407 11,407
Plum Blossom Breeze 19 9 12,768 12,768
Raven Claw 20 9 14,242 14,242
Heavy Steel Bow 21 10 15,830 15,830
Angel Arch 22 10 17,535 17,535
Thunder Bow 23 11 19,361 19,361
Blizzard Hawk 24 11 21,310 21,310
Wyvern Striker 25 12 23,385 23,385
Fascinator 26 12 25,588 25,588
Thief's Bow 27 13 27,922 27,922
Killer Bow 28 13 30,389 30,389
Centicore 29 14 32,992 32,992
Blue Storm 30 14 35,733 35,733
Viking Bow 31 15 38,615 38,615
Yoichi Bow 32 15 41,640 41,640
Demonic Black Bow 33 - 44,809 44,809
Artemis 34 - 48,127 48,127
Cloudbow 35 - 51,593 51,593
Indra 36 - 55,212 55,212
Sharanga 37 - 58,985 58,985
Dragon's Breath 38 - 473,438 473,438 62,913 3,750 9,375 9,375 62,913 3,750
Lovely Cupid 39 - 946,875 946,875 67,000 7,500 18,750 18,750 67,000 7,500
Celestial Wrath 40 IG 1,893,750 1,893,750 75,000 15,000 37,500 37,500 75,000 15,000


Damage is based on the average of HIT and SPD. Has a normal attack range of 5, but can only target in a straight line. Normal attacks debuff SPD by 5% for 3 turns.

Disgaea 6:DoD Gun - Weapon Stats
Customized Replica 1 0 2,007 2,007
Shock Gun 2 0 2,039 2,039
Netherworld Musket 3 1 2,107 2,107
Bugle M13 4 1 2,219 2,219
Taser Gun 5 2 2,383 2,383
Ranger MK III 6 2 2,604 2,604
Devil Tempest 7 3 2,887 2,887
Vapor Cannon 8 3 3,239 3,239
Hell Commando 9 4 3,663 3,663
Round Chaser 10 4 4,164 4,164
Flame Thrower 11 5 4,746 4,746
Electric Pulse 12 5 5,414 5,414
Handheld Railgun 13 6 6,170 6,170
Evil .45 14 6 7,019 7,019
Mystery Beam Gun 15 7 7,963 7,963
Musketoon 16 7 9,008 9,008
Blunderbuss 17 8 10,154 10,154
Electroshocker 18 8 11,407 11,407
Ray Gun 19 9 12,768 12,768
Dragon Head 20 9 14,242 14,242
Steampunk 21 10 15,830 15,830
Tactical CQB 22 10 17,535 17,535
Space Rifle 23 11 19,361 19,361
Coil Gun 24 11 21,310 21,310
Omega Pistol 25 12 23,385 23,385
EM Cannon 26 12 25,588 25,588
Grimlock 17 27 13 27,922 27,922
Alien Blaster 28 13 30,389 30,389
Blood Shooter 29 14 32,992 32,992
Dragoon 30 14 35,733 35,733
Vortex Launcher 31 15 38,615 38,615
Phaser 32 15 41,640 41,640
Gargoyle Blaster 33 - 44,809 44,809
Steam Turbo 34 - 48,127 48,127
Alphonse M10 35 - 51,593 51,593
Parting Shooter 36 - 55,212 55,212
Pile Driver 37 - 58,985 58,985
Saturn 38 - 473,438 473,438 3,750 9,375 3,750 9,375 62,913 62,913
Demiurge 39 - 946,875 946,875 7,500 18,750 7,500 18,750 67,000 67,000
Rolling Thunder 40 IG 1,893,750 1,893,750 15,000 37,500 15,000 37,500 75,000 75,000


Damage is based on ATK. Grants the most attack power but decreases HIT and SPD. Normal attacks debuff DEF by 5% for 3 turns.

Disgaea 6:DoD Axe - Weapon Stats
Labrys 1 0 4,817 -401 -401
Bewitched Axe 2 0 4,892 -408 -408
Metal Slasher 3 1 5,056 -421 -421
Golden Hatchet 4 1 5,326 -444 -444
Hammer 5 2 5,718 -477 -477
Crescent Axe 6 2 6,248 -521 -521
Sea Brake's Axe 7 3 6,929 -577 -577
Flame Club 8 3 7,772 -648 -648
Sledgehammer 9 4 8,791 -733 -733
Ogre Axe 10 4 9,994 -833 -833
Spiked Ball Hammer 11 5 11,390 -949 -949
Lovely Axe 12 5 12,992 -1,083 -1,083
Rampager 13 6 14,808 -1,234 -1,234
Brutal Axe 14 6 16,844 -1,404 -1,404
Tomahawk 15 7 19,111 -1,593 -1,593
Iron Bison 16 7 21,618 -1,802 -1,802
Skeleton Axe 17 8 24,370 -2,031 -2,031
Murder Weapon 18 8 27,376 -2,281 -2,281
Broad Axe 19 9 30,643 -2,554 -2,554
Feng Huang 20 9 34,180 -2,848 -2,848
Heretical Axe 21 10 37,991 -3,166 -3,166
Heavy Hammer 22 10 42,084 -3,507 -3,507
Fury Edge 23 11 46,466 -3,872 -3,872
Morgenstern 24 11 51,144 -4,262 -4,262
Sexy Axe 25 12 56,123 -4,677 -4,677
Mince Maker 26 12 61,410 -5,118 -5,118
Executioner 27 13 67,012 -5,584 -5,584
Tribal Edge 28 13 72,934 -6,078 -6,078
Asterios 29 14 79,181 -6,598 -6,598
Brilliant Axe 30 14 85,759 -7,147 -7,147
Grande Maestro 31 15 92,676 -7,723 -7,723
Warmonger 32 15 99,935 -8,328 -8,328
Lion's Axe 33 - 107,542 -8,962 -8,962
Earthshaker 34 - 115,504 -9,625 -9,625
Enma's Hammer 35 - 123,823 -10,319 -10,319
Outlaw Edge 36 - 132,509 -11,042 -11,042
Bloody Star 37 - 141,563 -11,797 -11,797
Hraesvelgr 38 - 946,875 473,438 150,991 9,375 3,750 3,750 -12,583 -12,583
Mjolnir 39 - 1,893,750 946,875 160,800 18,750 7,500 7,500 -13,400 -13,400
Gigant Hammer 40 IG 3,787,500 1,893,750 180,000 37,500 15,000 15,000 -15,000 -15,000


Damage is based on INT, but also increases RES. Has a normal attack range of 2. Increases Spell range by 1.

Disgaea 6:DoD Staff - Weapon Stats
Cute Wand 1 0 2,007 3,011
Magician's Stick 2 0 3,058 2,039
Jewel Wand 3 1 2,107 3,160
Shell Staff 4 1 3,329 2,219
Magical Girl Rod 5 2 2,383 3,574
Lightning Staff 6 2 3,905 2,604
Phoenix Staff 7 3 2,887 4,331
Bat Staff 8 3 4,858 3,239
Pixie Staff 9 4 3,663 5,495
Prinny Wand 10 4 6,246 4,164
Emerald Cane 11 5 4,746 7,119
Eclipse Wand 12 5 8,120 5,414
Shiny Rod 13 6 6,170 9,255
Wanderful Wand 14 6 10,528 7,019
Gentlestaff 15 7 7,963 11,945
Green Rod 16 7 13,511 9,008
Marine Horn 17 8 10,154 15,231
Pure Wand 18 8 17,110 11,407
Evil Eye Staff 19 9 12,768 19,152
Eternal Rod 20 9 21,362 14,242
Demon Wand 21 10 15,830 23,744
Spriggan Rod 22 10 26,303 17,535
Prinny Staff 23 11 19,361 29,042
Crystal Rose Staff 24 11 31,965 21,310
Shadow Gate 25 12 23,385 35,077
Sacred Lacrima 26 12 38,381 25,588
Wand of Magnus 27 13 27,922 41,882
Staff of Daybreak 28 13 45,584 30,389
Orichalcum Rod 29 14 32,992 49,488
Venus Wand 30 14 53,600 35,733
Taishan Niangniang 31 15 38,615 57,923
Staff of Revenge 32 15 62,459 41,640
Archiver 33 - 44,809 67,214
Lilithian Staff 34 - 72,190 48,127
Fallen Angel Staff 35 - 51,593 77,390
Prinny Scepter 36 - 82,818 55,212
Sessho-seki 37 - 58,985 88,477
Ragnarok 38 - 473,438 946,875 3,750 9,375 94,370 62,913 3,750 3,750
Almighty Staff 39 - 946,875 1,893,750 7,500 18,750 67,000 100,500 7,500 7,500
Good Staff 40 IG 1,893,750 3,787,500 15,000 37,500 112,500 75,000 15,000 15,000