`; return; } const search = await pagefind.debouncedSearch(query); if (search === null) { return; } else { const resultsLength = search.results.length const resultsData = await Promise.all(search.results.slice(0, 5).map(r => r.data())); const results = resultsData.map((item, index) => ({...item, index: index + 1})); if (query) { searchBarResults.classList.remove("hidden"); } else { searchBarResults.classList.add("hidden"); } let resultsHTML = `
${resultsLength} results
`; resultsHTML += results .map((item) => { return `


`; }) .join(""); if (resultsLength > 5) { resultsHTML += ``; } searchBarResults.innerHTML = resultsHTML; } } searchBarInput.addEventListener("input", search); if (window.heap !== undefined) { searchBarResults.addEventListener('click', function (event) { if (event.target.tagName === 'A' && event.target.closest('.link')) { const searchQuery = event.target.getAttribute('data-query'); const resultIndex = event.target.getAttribute('data-index'); const url = new URL(event.target.href); const properties = { docs_search_target_path: url.pathname, docs_search_target_title: event.target.textContent, docs_search_query_text: searchQuery, docs_search_target_index: resultIndex, docs_search_source_path: window.location.pathname, docs_search_source_title: document.title, }; heap.track("Docs - Search - Click - Result Link", properties); } }); } });

docker buildx prune

DescriptionRemove build cache
Usagedocker buildx prune


Clears the build cache of the selected builder.

You can finely control what cache data is kept using:

  • The --filter=until=<duration> flag to keep images that have been used in the last <duration> time.

    <duration> is a duration string, e.g. 24h or 2h30m, with allowable units of (h)ours, (m)inutes and (s)econds.

  • The --keep-storage=<size> flag to keep <size> bytes of data in the cache.

    <size> is a human-readable memory string, e.g. 128mb, 2gb, etc. Units are case-insensitive.

  • The --all flag to allow clearing internal helper images and frontend images set using the #syntax= directive or the BUILDKIT_SYNTAX build argument.


-a, --allInclude internal/frontend images
--filterProvide filter values (e.g., until=24h)
-f, --forceDo not prompt for confirmation
--keep-storageAmount of disk space to keep for cache
--verboseProvide a more verbose output


Override the configured builder instance (--builder)

Same as buildx --builder.