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    Battery Stewardship: Producers

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    Have questions?
      Review the material below and the FAQ in English and in Chinese (有关华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 (DC) 电池管理计划的常见问题解答 (FAQ).


    The Zero Waste Omnibus Amendment Act of 2020 establishing battery stewardship requirements. In line with that law and associated regulations, the District’s battery stewardship organization has established a program that provides new options for people to safely and conveniently recycle their batteries.

    Who does the law apply to?

    The law applies to producers of covered batteries and battery-containing products sold or offered for sale in the District, including retail, wholesale, business to business, and online sales.

    “Producer,” “primary battery,” “rechargeable battery,” “covered battery,” and “covered battery-containing product” are defined in DC Code § 8-771.01 .

    What must producers do?

    Producers must be a member of an entity known as a battery stewardship organization (BSO), and as part of the BSO, implement a battery collection program as set forth in an approved battery stewardship plan.

    As of January 1, 2022, producers are also required to comply with the battery disposal ban at DC Code § 8-771.09(a). Producers disposing of primary or rechargeable batteries in the District must use existing battery recycling programs until their BSO’s battery stewardship plan is approved and in operation, or any approved disposal methods posted on this webpage.

    How do producers join a battery stewardship organization?

    One entity, Call2Recycle, has registered as a BSO under the District’s battery stewardship law.

    To join Call2Recycle’s BSO, please contact:
    Carin Stuart at [email protected] or (678) 218-4593.

    What must the battery stewardship organization do?

    The BSO must submit an annual registration form each year by January 1.

    The BSO must also follow other applicable requirements in the law, including developing and submitting a proposed battery stewardship plan and implementing the plan once DOEE approves it.

    Call2Recycle’s battery stewardship plan

    Call2Recycle submitted a proposed battery stewardship plan for DOEE review on December 30, 2022. DOEE made the plan available for public review and comment for 30 days as required by law. DOEE approved the revised plan Call2Recycle submitted on August 4, 2023.

    Legislative and Regulatory Update

    Legislation amending the District’s battery stewardship law became effective on March 10, 2023. These amendments have been incorporated into the battery stewardship law and provide important clarifications, technical corrections, and other changes that will help the program run more smoothly.

    To build out the framework for the battery stewardship program, DOEE issued regulations that became effective on December 30, 2022.

    To schedule fines for violation of rules related to battery stewardship, a proposed rulemaking was published in the District of Columbia Register on July 7, 2023. DOEE accepted comments on this rulemaking through August 7, 2023.

    The public comments DOEE received can be downloaded at the links below:


    Legislative and Regulatory Update

    Legislation amending the District’s battery stewardship law became effective on March 10, 2023. These amendments have been incorporated into the battery stewardship law and provide important clarifications, technical corrections, and other changes that will help the program run more smoothly.

    To build out the framework for the battery stewardship program, DOEE issued regulations that became effective on December 30, 2022.

    To schedule fines for violation of rules related to battery stewardship, a proposed rulemaking was published in the District of Columbia Register on July 7, 2023. DOEE accepted comments on this rulemaking through August 7, 2023.

    The public comments DOEE received can be downloaded at the links below:

    Battery Stewardship Organization Administrative Fee

    After May 1, 2023, DOEE shall annually adjust the fee in § 3907.1 for inflation, using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    DOEE shall increase each fee by the percentage, if any, by which the CPI-U for February of the calendar year exceeds the CPI-U for February of the previous calendar year. The adjustment percentage for 2024 is 3.2%.


    If you have any questions after reviewing the material above, including the FAQ, please email [email protected].

    Contact TTY: 