Clouds, Aerosol and Monsoon Processes-Philippines Experiment

The CAMP2Ex (Clouds, Aerosol and Monsoon Processes-Philippines Experiment) and PISTON (Propagation of Intra-Seasonal Tropical Oscillations) are two field studies conducted in Southeast Asia. While each study has its own set of science objectives, there are common and complementary instrument payloads between these two projects. Consequently, a synergistic partnership was established at the very beginning of the projects and a coordinated sampling strategy was developed to extend spatial coverage and obtain temporal context information, which benefits the analysis of both data sets for achieving the science objectives.

The CAMP2Ex was a NASA-funded field study with three main science objectives: aerosol effect on cloud microphysical and optical properties, aerosol and cloud influence on radiation as well as radiative feedback, and meteorology related effects on aerosol distribution and aerosol-cloud interactions. Research on these topics requires a comprehensive characterization of aerosol, cloud, and precipitation properties, as well as the associated meteorological and radiative parameters. Trace gas measurements are also needed for airmass type analysis to characterize the role of anthropogenic and natural aerosols. These CAMP2Ex observations were delivered by NASA P-3B aircraft and SPEC Learjet 35A. The sampling strategy designed for CAMP2Ex allowed for coordinated flights for both aircraft to maximize the science return. The P-3B was used primarily to conduct remote sensing measurements of cloud and precipitation structure and aerosol layers and vertical profiles of aerosol and atmospheric state variable, while the Learjet flew below the P-3B to obtain the detailed cloud microphysical properties. During the 2019 field deployment (August 20-October 10), the P-3B conducted 19 science flights and the SPEC Learjet conducted 11 flights in the vicinity of the Philippines. Three NASA P3B and 7 SPEC Lear 35A flights were also flown in coordination with PISTON shipboard measurements. Ground-based aerosol observations were also recorded in 2018 and 2019. CAMP2Ex was completed in partnership with Philippine research and operational weather communities. Measurements completed during CAMP2EX provide a 4-D observational view of the environment of the Philippines and its neighboring waters in terms of microphysical, hydrological, dynamical, thermodynamical, and radiative properties of the environment. The data target the environment of shallow cumulus and cumulus congestus clouds.

The PISTON field campaign, sponsored by Office of Naval Research, completed two shipboard deployments in the western Pacific north of Palau from early August to mid-October 2018 and September 2019. There were two research vessels involved in PISTON: R/V Thomas G.Thompson in 2018 and R/V Sally Ride in 2019. The second deployment coincided with the CAMP2Ex airborne deployment. The overarching PISTON science objective is to gain understanding and enhance the prediction capability of multi-scale tropical convection and air-sea interaction in this region. PISTON targeted the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation (BSISO), which defines the northward and eastward movement of convection associated with equatorial waves, the MJO, tropical cyclones, and the Maritime Continent monsoon during northern-hemispheric (boreal) summertime. The PISTON shipboard instrument payload includes dual-polarization Doppler radar and multiple vertically-pointing radars and lidars for characterization of cloud and precipitation. Radiosondes were launched for atmospheric profiling. Instruments were also deployed on the ship and towed from the ship to document surface meteorological conditions, air-sea fluxes, and upper-ocean variability. Two specialized moorings were deployed north of Palau from August 2018 to Oct 2019 to document ocean characteristics beneath typhoons and other tropical weather disturbances. A set of profiling ocean floats were also deployed ahead of typhoons in 2018. A forecast team analyzed and predicted conditions of the weather and ocean throughout the experiment, which were archived for future modeling and observational analysis studies.

CAMP2Ex Project DOI: 10.5067/Suborbital/CAMP2EX2018/DATA001



Disciplines:   Field Campaigns
Collection Disciplines Spatial Temporal
CAMP2Ex Cloud and Precipitation Retrievals Derived From APR-3 and AMPR Measurements
Clouds Spatial Coverage:
(S: 0, N: 45), (W: -160, E: 150)
Temporal Coverage:
2019-08-02 - 2019-10-07
Collection Disciplines Spatial Temporal
CAMP2Ex Merge Data Files
Aerosols,  Clouds,  Tropospheric Composition Spatial Coverage:
(S: -10, N: 45), (W: -180, E: 180)
Temporal Coverage:
2019-08-22 - 2019-10-07
Collection Disciplines Spatial Temporal
CAMP2Ex Learjet In-Situ Aerosol Data
Aerosols Spatial Coverage:
(S: 0, N: 25), (W: 0, E: 130)
Temporal Coverage:
2019-09-07 - 2019-09-29
CAMP2Ex P-3 In-Situ Aerosol Data
Aerosols Spatial Coverage:
(S: 5, N: 45), (W: -30, E: 130)
Temporal Coverage:
2019-08-24 - 2019-10-05
CAMP2Ex P-3 Remotely Sensed Aerosol Data
Aerosols Spatial Coverage:
(S: 0, N: 45), (W: -180, E: 180)
Temporal Coverage:
2019-08-03 - 2019-10-12
CAMP2Ex Learjet In-Situ Cloud Data
Clouds Spatial Coverage:
(S: 0, N: 21), (W: 0, E: 130)
Temporal Coverage:
2019-08-24 - 2019-09-29
CAMP2Ex P-3 In-Situ Cloud Data
Clouds Spatial Coverage:
(S: 0, N: 45), (W: -30, E: 135)
Temporal Coverage:
2019-08-03 - 2019-10-05
CAMP2Ex Learjet In-Situ Meteorological and Navigational Data
Field Campaigns Spatial Coverage:
(S: 0, N: 20), (W: 0, E: 130)
Temporal Coverage:
2019-09-07 - 2019-09-29
CAMP2Ex P-3 In-Situ Meteorological and Navigational Data
Field Campaigns Spatial Coverage:
(S: -10, N: 45), (W: -180, E: 180)
Temporal Coverage:
2019-08-03 - 2019-10-10
CAMP2Ex Miscellaneous Data
Aerosols,  Clouds Spatial Coverage:
(S: 0, N: 25), (W: 0, E: 130)
Temporal Coverage:
2018-08-01 - 2019-10-06
CAMP2Ex In-Situ Radiation Data
Radiation Budget Spatial Coverage:
(S: 0, N: 47), (W: -85, E: 135)
Temporal Coverage:
2019-08-03 - 2019-10-06
CAMP2Ex P-3 In-Situ Trace Gas Data
Field Campaigns Spatial Coverage:
(S: 0, N: 45), (W: -80, E: 136)
Temporal Coverage:
2019-08-03 - 2019-10-06
PISTON 2018-2019 Autonomous Platform Ocean Datasets
Field Campaigns Spatial Coverage:
(S: 3.9491, N: 16.6721), (W: 123.2587, E: 134.7463)
Temporal Coverage:
2018-08-23 - 2018-11-09
PISTON 2018-2019 Island Rawinsonde Data
Field Campaigns Spatial Coverage:
(S: 7.34, N: 22.701), (W: 114.3, E: 144.7939)
Temporal Coverage:
2018-08-13 - 2019-10-13
PISTON 2018 Research Vessel (RV) Mirai Ship Data
Field Campaigns Spatial Coverage:
(S: -0.07, N: 33.48), (W: 120.43, E: 156.1409)
Temporal Coverage:
2018-08-13 - 2018-09-02
PISTON 2019 Research Vessel (RV) Sally Ride Data
Clouds,  Radiation Budget Spatial Coverage:
(S: 14.98, N: 21.41), (W: 125.628, E: 130)
Temporal Coverage:
2019-08-31 - 2019-09-26
PISTON 2018 Research Vessel (RV) Thompson ship datasets of ocean, atmosphere, and air-sea interaction
Clouds,  Radiation Budget Spatial Coverage:
(S: 7.3, N: 22.7), (W: 120.06, E: 136.997)
Temporal Coverage:
2018-08-18 - 2018-10-13

CAMP2Ex Mission Publications

Hilario, Miguel Ricardo A.; Arellano, Avelino F.; Behrangi, Ali; Crosbie, Ewan C.; DiGangi, Joshua P.; Diskin, Glenn S.; Shook, Michael A.; Ziemba, Luke D.; Sorooshian, Armin (2024). Assessing potential indicators of aerosol wet scavenging during long-range transport.

Dolan, Brenda; Saleeby, Stephen M.; Rutledge, Steven A.; Van Den Heever, Susan C.; Van Valkenburg, Kristen (2023). A Statistical Framework for Evaluating Rain Microphysics in Model Simulations and Disdrometer Observations.

Xiao, Qian; Zhang, Jiaoshi; Wang, Yang; Ziemba, Luke D.; Crosbie, Ewan; Winstead, Edward L.; Robinson, Claire E.; DiGangi, Joshua P.; Diskin, Glenn S.; Reid, Jeffrey S.; Schmidt, K. Sebastian; Sorooshian, Armin; Hilario, Miguel Ricardo A.; Woods, Sarah; Lawson, Paul; Stamnes, Snorre A.; Wang, Jian (2023). New particle formation in the tropical free troposphere during CAMP <sup>2</sup> Ex: statistics and impact of emission sources, convective activity, and synoptic conditions.

Sanchez, Kevin J.; Painemal, David; Brown, Matthew D.; Crosbie, Ewan C.; Gallo, Francesca; Hair, Johnathan W.; Hostetler, Chris A.; Jordan, Carolyn E.; Robinson, Claire E.; Scarino, Amy Jo; Shingler, Taylor J.; Shook, Michael A.; Thornhill, Kenneth L.; Wiggins, Elizabeth B.; Winstead, Edward L.; Ziemba, Luke D.; Chambers, Scott; Williams, Alastair; Humphries, Ruhi S; Keywood, Melita D.; Ward, Jason P.; Cravigan, Luke; McRobert, Ian M.; Flynn, Connor; Kulkarni, Gourihar R.; Russell, Lynn M.; Roberts, Gregory C.; McFarquhar, Greg M.; Nenes, Athanasios; Woods, Sarah F.; Reid, Jeffery S.; Small-Griswold, Jennifer; Brooks, Sarah; Kirschler, Simon; Voigt, Christianne; Wang, Jian; Delene, David J.; Quinn, Patricia K.; Moore, Richard H. (2023). Multi-campaign ship and aircraft observations of marine cloud condensation nuclei and droplet concentrations.

Reid, J. S.; Maring, H. B.; Narisma, G. T.; Heever, S. van den; Girolamo, L. Di; Ferrare, R.; Lawson, P.; Mace, G. G.; Simpas, J. B.; Tanelli, S.; Ziemba, L.; Diedenhoven, B. van; Bruintjes, R.; Bucholtz, A.; Cairns, B.; Cambaliza, M. O.; Chen, G.; Diskin, G. S.; Flynn, J. H.; Hostetler, C. A.; Holz, R. E.; Lang, T. J.; Schmidt, K. S.; Smith, G.; Sorooshian, A.; Thompson, E. J.; Thornhill, K. L.; Trepte, C.; Wang, J.; Woods, S.; Yoon, S.; Alexandrov, M.; Alvarez, S.; Amiot, C. G.; Bennett, J. R.; Brooks, M.; Burton, S. P.; Cayanan, E.; Chen, H.; Collow, A.; Crosbie, E.; DaSilva, A.; DiGangi, J. P.; Flagg, D. D.; Freeman, S. W.; Fu, D.; Fukada, E.; Hilario, M. R. A.; Hong, Y.; Hristova-Veleva, S. M.; Kuehn, R.; Kowch, R. S.; Leung, G. R.; Loveridge, J.; Meyer, K.; Miller, R. M.; Montes, M. J.; Moum, J. N.; Nenes, A.; Nesbitt, S. W.; Norgren, M.; Nowottnick, E. P.; Rauber, R. M.; Reid, E. A.; Rutledge, S.; Schlosser, J. S.; Sekiyama, T. T.; Shook, M. A.; Sokolowsky, G. A.; Stamnes, S. A.; Tanaka, T. Y.; Wasilewski, A.; Xian, P.; Xiao, Q.; Xu, Zhuocan; Zavaleta, J. (2023). The Coupling Between Tropical Meteorology, Aerosol Lifecycle, Convection, and Radiation during the Cloud, Aerosol and Monsoon Processes Philippines Experiment (CAMP2Ex).

Chen, Hong; Schmidt, K. Sebastian; Massie, Steven T.; Nataraja, Vikas; Norgren, Matthew S.; Gristey, Jake J.; Feingold, Graham; Holz, Robert E.; Iwabuchi, Hironobu (2023). The Education and Research 3D Radiative Transfer Toolbox (EaR3T) – towards the mitigation of 3D bias in airborne and spaceborne passive imagery cloud retrievals.

van Diedenhoven, Bastiaan; Hasekamp, Otto P.; Cairns, Brian; Schuster, Gregory L.; Stamnes, Snorre; Shook, Michael; Ziemba, Luke (2022). Remote sensing of aerosol water fraction, dry size distribution and soluble fraction using multi-angle, multi-spectral polarimetry.

Edwards, Eva-Lou; Reid, Jeffrey S.; Xian, Peng; Burton, Sharon P.; Cook, Anthony L.; Crosbie, Ewan C.; Fenn, Marta A.; Ferrare, Richard A.; Freeman, Sean W.; Hair, John W.; Harper, David B.; Hostetler, Chris A.; Robinson, Claire E.; Scarino, Amy Jo; Shook, Michael A.; Sokolowsky, G. Alexander; van den Heever, Susan C.; Winstead, Edward L.; Woods, Sarah; Ziemba, Luke D.; Sorooshian, Armin (2022). Assessment of NAAPS-RA performance in Maritime Southeast Asia during CAMP 2Ex.

Lorenzo, Genevieve Rose; Bañaga, Paola Angela; Cambaliza, Maria Obiminda; Cruz, Melliza Templonuevo; AzadiAghdam, Mojtaba; Arellano, Avelino; Betito, Grace; Braun, Rachel; Corral, Andrea F.; Dadashazar, Hossein; Edwards, Eva-Lou; Eloranta, Edwin; Holz, Robert; Leung, Gabrielle; Ma, Lin; MacDonald, Alexander B.; Reid, Jeffrey S.; Simpas, James Bernard; Stahl, Connor; Visaga, Shane Marie; Sorooshian, Armin (2022). Measurement Report: Firework impacts on air quality in Metro Manila, Philippines, during the 2019 New Year revelry.

Gonzalez, Marisa E.; Stahl, Connor; Cruz, Melliza Templonuevo; Bañaga, Paola Angela; Betito, Grace; Braun, Rachel A.; Azadi Aghdam, Mojtaba; Cambaliza, Maria Obiminda; Lorenzo, Genevieve Rose; MacDonald, Alexander B.; Simpas, James Bernard; Csavina, Janae; Sáez, A. Eduardo; Betterton, Eric; Sorooshian, Armin (2022). Contrasting the size-resolved nature of particulate arsenic, cadmium, and lead among diverse regions. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 12 (3), 352.

Stahl, Connor; Cruz, Melliza Templonuevo; Bañaga, Paola Angela; Betito, Grace; Braun, Rachel A.; Aghdam, Mojtaba Azadi; Cambaliza, Maria Obiminda; Lorenzo, Genevieve Rose; MacDonald, Alexander B.; Pabroa, Preciosa Corazon; Yee, John Robin; Simpas, James Bernard; Sorooshian, Armin (2021). An annual time series of weekly size-resolved aerosol properties in the megacity of Metro Manila, Philippines. Scientific Data,

Stahl, Connor; Cruz, Melliza Templonuevo; Bañaga, Paola Angela; Betito, Grace; Braun, Rachel A.; Aghdam, Mojtaba Azadi; Cambaliza, Maria Obiminda; Lorenzo, Genevieve Rose; MacDonald, Alexander B.; Hilario, Miguel Ricardo A.; Pabroa, Preciosa Corazon; Yee, John Robin; Simpas, James Bernard; Sorooshian, Armin (2021). Sources and characteristics of size-resolved particulate organic acids and methanesulfonate in a coastal megacity: Manila, Philippines. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20 (24),

Moore, Richard H.; Wiggins, Elizabeth B.; Ahern, Adam T.; Zimmerman, Stephen; Montgomery, Lauren; Campuzano Jost, Pedro; Robinson, Claire E.; Ziemba, Luke D.; Winstead, Edward L.; Anderson, Bruce E.; Brock, Charles A.; Brown, Matthew D.; Chen, Gao; Crosbie, Ewan C.; Guo, Hongyu; Jimenez, Jose L.; Jordan, Carolyn E.; Lyu, Ming; Nault, Benjamin A.; Rothfuss, Nicholas E.; Sanchez, Kevin J.; Schueneman, Melinda; Shingler, Taylor J.; Shook, Michael A.; Thornhill, Kenneth L.; Wagner, Nicholas L.; Wang, Jian (2021). Sizing response of the Ultra-High Sensitivity Aerosol Spectrometer (UHSAS) and Laser Aerosol Spectrometer (LAS) to changes in submicron aerosol composition and refractive index. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14 4517.

Braun, Rachel A.; Aghdam, Mojtaba Azadi; Bañaga, Paola Angela; Betito, Grace; Cambaliza, Maria Obiminda; Cruz, Melliza Templonuevo; Lorenzo, Genevieve Rose; MacDonald, Alexander B.; Simpas, James Bernard; Stahl, Connor; Sorooshian, Armin (2021). Long-range aerosol transport and impacts on size-resolved aerosol composition in Metro Manila, Philippines. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20 (4),

Lorenzo G R, Bañaga P A, Cambaliza M O, Cruz M T, AzadiAghdam M, Arellano A, Betito G, Braun R, Corral A F, Dadashazar H, Edwards E-L, Eloranta E, Holz R, Leung G, Ma L, MacDonald A B, Reid J S, Simpas J B, Stahl C, Visaga S M and Sorooshian A (2021). Measurement report: Firework impacts on air quality in Metro Manila, Philippines, during the 2019 New Year revelry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21 (8),

Hilario M R A, Crosbie E, Shook M, Reid J S, Cambaliza M O L, Simpas J B B, Ziemba L, DiGangi J P, Diskin G S, Nguyen P, Turk F J, Winstead E, Robinson C E, Wang J, Zhang J, Wang Y, Yoon S, Flynn J, Alvarez S L, Behrangi A and Sorooshian A (2021). Measurement report: Long-range transport patterns into the tropical northwest Pacific during the CAMP2Ex aircraft campaign: chemical composition, size distributions, and the impact of convection. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21 (5),

Alexandrov, Mikhail D.; Miller, Daniel J.; Rajapakshe, Chamara; Fridlind, Ann; van Diedenhoven, Bastiaan; Cairns, Brian; Ackerman, Andrew S.; Zhang, Zhibo (2021). Vertical profiles of droplet size distributions derived from cloud-side observations by the research scanning polarimeter: Tests on simulated data. Atmospheric Research, 239 (15),

AzadiAghdam, Mojtaba; Braun, Rachel A.; Edwards, Eva-Lou; Bañaga, Paola Angela; Cruz, Melliza Templonuevo; Betito, Grace; Cambaliza, Maria Obiminda; Dadashazar, Hossein; Lorenzo, Genevieve Rose; Ma, Lin; MacDonald, Alexander B.; Nguyen, Phu; Simpas, James Bernard; Stahl, Connor; Sorooshian, Armin (2020). On the nature of sea salt aerosol at a coastal megacity: Insights from Manila, Philippines in Southeast Asia. Atmospheric Environment, 216 (1),

Norgren, Matthew S.; Wood, John; Schmidt, K. Sebastian; van Diedenhoven, Bastiaan; Stamnes, Snorre A.; Ziemba, Luke D.; Crosbie, Ewan C.; Shook, Michael A.; Kittelman, A. Scott; LeBlanc, Samuel E.; Broccardo, Stephen; Freitag, Steffen; Reid, Jeffrey S. (2020). Above-aircraft cirrus cloud and aerosol optical depth from hyperspectral irradiances measured by a total-diffuse radiometer.

Lu, Mong-Ming; Sui, Chung-Hsiung; Sun, Ji-Ren; Lin, Po-Hsiung (2020). Influences of subseasonal to interannual oscillations on the SCS summer monsoon onset in 2018. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science,

Lang, Timothy J. (2020). Comparing Winds near Tropical Oceanic Precipitation Systems with and without Lightning.

Braun, Rachel A.; Aghdam, Mojtaba Azadi; Bañaga, Paola Angela; Betito, Grace; Cambaliza, Maria Obiminda; Cruz, Melliza Templonuevo; Lorenzo, Genevieve Rose; MacDonald, Alexander B.; Simpas, James Bernard; Stahl, Connor; Sorooshian, Armin (2020). Long-Range Transport Mechanisms in East and Southeast Asia and Impacts on Size-Resolved Aerosol Composition: Contrasting High and Low Aerosol Loading Events. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,

Hilario M R A, Cruz M T, Bañaga P A, Betito G, Braun R A, Stahl C, Cambaliza M O, Lorenzo G R, MacDonald A B, AzadiAghdam M, Pabroa P C, Yee J R, Simpas J B and Sorooshian A (2020). Characterizing Weekly Cycles of Particulate Matter in a Coastal Megacity: The Importance of a Seasonal, Size-Resolved, and Chemically Speciated Analysis. Atmospheres, 125 (13),

Hilario, Miguel Ricardo A.; Crosbie, Ewan; Bañaga, Paola Angela; Betito, Grace; Braun, Rachel A.; Cambaliza, Maria Obiminda; Corral, Andrea F.; Cruz, Melliza Templonuevo; Dibb, Jack E.; Lorenzo, Genevieve Rose; MacDonald, Alexander B.; Robinson, Claire E.; Shook, Michael A.; Simpas, James Bernard; Stahl, Connor; Winstead, Edward; Ziemba, Luke D.; Sorooshian, Armin (2020). Particulate Oxalate‐To‐Sulfate Ratio as an Aqueous Processing Marker: Similarity Across Field Campaigns and Limitations.

Hong, Yulan; Di Girolamo, Larry (2020). Cloud phase characteristics over Southeast Asia from A-Train satellite observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20 (13),

Stahl, Connor; Crosbie, Ewan; Bañaga, Paola Angela; Betito, Grace; Braun, Rachel A.; Cainglet, Zenn Marie; Cambaliza, Maria Obiminda; Cruz, Melliza Templonuevo; Dado, Julie Mae; Hilario, Miguel Ricardo A.; Leung, Gabrielle Frances; MacDonald, Alexander B.; Magnaye, Angela Monina; Reid, Jeffrey; Robinson, Claire; Shook, Michael A.; Simpas, James Bernard; Visaga, Shane Marie; Winstead, Edward; Ziemba, Luke; Sorooshian, Armin (2019). Total organic carbon and the contribution from speciated organics in cloud water: airborne data analysis from the CAMP2Ex field campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21 (18), 14109.

Hilario, Miguel Ricardo A.; Crosbie, Ewan; Shook, Michael; Reid, Jeffrey S.; Cambaliza, Maria Obiminda L.; Simpas, James Bernard B.; Ziemba, Luke; DiGangi, Joshua P.; Diskin, Glenn S.; Nguyen, Phu; Turk, F. Joseph; Winstead, Edward; Robinson, Claire E.; Wang, Jian; Zhang, Jiaoshi; Wang, Yang; Yoon, Subin; Flynn, James; Alvarez, Sergio L.; Behrangi, Ali; Sorooshian, Armin (2017). Measurement Report: Long-range transport patterns into the tropical northwest Pacific during the CAMP2Ex aircraft campaign: chemical composition, size distributions, and the impact of convection.

Crosbie, Ewan; Ziemba, Luke D.; Shook, Michael A.; Robinson, Claire E.; Winstead, Edward L.; Thornhill, K. Lee; Braun, Rachel A.; MacDonald, Alexander B.; Stahl, Connor; Sorooshian, Armin; van den Heever, Susan C.; DiGangi, Joshua P.; Diskin, Glenn S.; Woods, Sarah; Bañaga, Paola; Brown, Matthew D.; Gallo, Francesca; Hilario, Miguel Ricardo A.; Jordan, Carolyn E.; Leung, Gabrielle R.; Moore, Richard H.; Sanchez, Kevin J.; Shingler, Taylor J.; Wiggins, Elizabeth B. (2015). Measurement Report: Closure analysis of aerosol–cloud composition in tropical maritime warm convection.

Collow, Allison B. Marquardt; Buchard, Virginie; Colarco, Peter R.; da Silva, Arlindo M.; Govindaraju, Ravi; Nowottnick, Edward P.; Burton, Sharon; Ferrare, Richard; Hostetler, Chris; Ziemba, Luke (2012). An evaluation of biomass burning aerosol mass, extinction, and size distribution in GEOS using observations from CAMP2 Ex.

Cruz, Melliza Templonuevo; Bañaga, Paola Angela; Betito, Grace; Braun, Rachel A.; Stahl, Connor; Aghdam, Mojtaba Azadi; Cambaliza, Maria Obiminda; Dadashazar, Hossein; Hilario, Miguel Ricardo; Lorenzo, Genevieve Rose; Ma, Lin; MacDonald, Alexander B.; Pabroa, Preciosa Corazon; Yee, John Robin; Simpas, James Bernard; Sorooshian, Armin (2005). Size-resolved composition and morphology of particulate matter during the southwest monsoon in Metro Manila, Philippines. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19 (16),