About UNESCO Brasilia

The representation of UNESCO in Brazil was formally initiated on 19 June 1964. Its main objective is to support the creation and implementation of public policies following the strategies of UNESCO Member States defined in the UNESCO General Conferences. Its actions occur through technical cooperation projects in partnership with various government levels and different sectors of civil society whenever their purposes contribute to public policies for sustainable development related to themes of expertise that UNESCO works on. 


UNESCO Welcomes G20 Digital Economy Working Group’s

Focus on Information Integrity and Trust

Criança Esperança

Social mobilization to transform the future of vulnerable children and youth

30 Years of the Salamanca Declaration

Achievements and Challenges for Inclusive Education

Commitment to the Alliance Against Hunger at a G20 Meeting in Rio
2024 Global Education Meeting

Fortaleza, 31 Oct - 01 Nov 2024

G20 Brazil

UNESCO’s contribution to tackling inequality


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UNESCO Sites & Designations in Latin America and the Caribbean

World Heritage Sites

in Latin America and the Caribbean

Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage

and Safeguarding practices in Latin America and the Caribbean

Endangered Languages

registered by Latin America and the Caribbean States are being monitored

Biosphere Reserves

in Latin America and the Caribbean

Creative cities

in Latin America and the Caribbean

Heritage documentaries

in Latin America and the Caribbean listed on the Memory of the World Register

Read more

Strengthening independent media, one case at a time: a handbook for media viability; Preview of a forthcoming IPDC knowledge resource
5th global report on adult learning and education: citizenship education: empowering adults for change
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Brasil-África histórias cruzadas: anos iniciais do ensino fundamental; livro da professora e do professor
Brazil. Ministry of Education. Secretaria de Educação Continuada, Alfabetização de Jovens e Adultos, Diversidade e Inclusão
Brasil-África histórias cruzadas: anos finais do ensino fundamental; livro da professora e do professor
Brazil. Ministry of Education. Secretaria de Educação Continuada, Alfabetização de Jovens e Adultos, Diversidade e Inclusão
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