What’s up

The most effective implementation
of innovative recycling strategies

We make recycling and compliance easy for you. Our straightforward solutions cover WEEE, batteries, and packaging recycling – all supported by our unique data services.

Created by producers for producers, we aim to provide our members with high-quality compliance at the best possible price and simplify the complexities of compliance and reporting.


This is how we can help you

We can manage your obligations, ensure you comply and identify where there is potential in your business to unlock value. Quite simply, we help you make the most of your resources.

In 2022, our Producer Responsibility Organisations (PRO) met the collection targets in every country where we operate, assuring the legal obligations of our producers and keeping them fully compliant.

Operating in a competitive environment, these PROs showed a strong focus on driving innovation and improving the services offered to our producers. Today there are more than 38,000 clients across 62 countries who trust our services.

We are the first group of PROs to operate in different countries and were originally created in response to the EU Directives on e-waste and packaging. Over the years, we gained valuable experience internationally and we currently form the largest worldwide network of experts in extended producer responsibility.

International trade and increasing consumption make recycling an urgent and overly complex task. We help to achieve the greatest possible impact for consumers, producers, and society.

We also provide producers with registration and data management services around the world.

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We assist our members in complying with worldwide regulations.

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We work with the communities to collect and treat tonnes of waste and meet the compliance requirements of our producers.

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To tackle rising consumption and waste, we inform consumers about the benefits of recycling.