Concerted multidisciplinary and multi-platform eddy studies off West Africa: mesoscale and sub-mesoscale dynamics and physical-chemical-biological coupling (BG/ESSD/OS inter-journal SI)(BG/ESSD/OS inter-journal SI)
Concerted multidisciplinary and multi-platform eddy studies off West Africa: mesoscale and sub-mesoscale dynamics and physical-chemical-biological coupling (BG/ESSD/OS inter-journal SI)(BG/ESSD/OS inter-journal SI)
Editor(s): Anthony Bosse, Jack Middelburg, Koji Suzuki, Tina Treude, and David Carlson Special issue jointly organized between Biogeosciences, Earth System Science Data, and Ocean Science
The special issue will present results from the MOSES/REEBUS Eddy Study on the mesoscale and sub-mesoscale dynamics associated with ocean eddies of West Africa which was carried out on the German R/V Meteor cruises M156 and M160 in 2019. The scope of the study included physical, chemical, biological and geological research questions around the physical-chemical-biological coupling and the overall role of ocean eddies in an ocean area in the vicinity of the Canary Current System, a major eastern boundary upwelling system. The observational concept featured a wide range of platforms (research vessel, glider airplane, Saildrones, wave gliders, gliders, BGC Argo floats, drifters, moorings, AUVs, bottom landers, bottom crawler), observation and sampling approaches (towed, winched, free-falling and drifting instruments, multinet, rhodamine dye release experiment), instruments, and observed variables (in situ, underway, discrete samples) and specifically addressed the mesoscale and sub-mesoscale variability associated with ocean eddies.

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17 Nov 2022
Eddy-enhanced primary production sustains heterotrophic microbial activities in the Eastern Tropical North Atlantic
Quentin Devresse, Kevin W. Becker, Arne Bendinger, Johannes Hahn, and Anja Engel
Biogeosciences, 19, 5199–5219,,, 2022
Short summary
17 Dec 2021
Seasonal flux patterns and carbon transport from low-oxygen eddies at the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory: lessons learned from a time series sediment trap study (2009–2016)
Gerhard Fischer, Oscar E. Romero, Johannes Karstensen, Karl-Heinz Baumann, Nasrollah Moradi, Morten Iversen, Götz Ruhland, Marco Klann, and Arne Körtzinger
Biogeosciences, 18, 6479–6500,,, 2021
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