20 Sep 2024
 | 20 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

A daily sunshine duration (SD) dataset in China from Himawari AHI imagery (2016–2023)

Zhanhao Zhang,Shibo Fang,and Jiahao Han

Abstract. Monitoring global radiation resources relies on sunshine duration (SD) as a significant indication, but there is a scarcity of research that have examined high-resolution SD data. This study established a daily 5-km SD dataset in China from 2016 to 2023 using Himawari's Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) Level 3 shortwave radiation fitted with the Ångström-Prescott model based on time series. We used ground-measured SD at 2380 Chinese Meteorological Administration (CMA) stations to verify the accuracy of SD dataset. The results of the testing set indicated that the average correlation coefficient (R) between the SD from estimation and the ground-measurement is 0.88. We investigated the effects of wind speed, vapor pressure (VAP), precipitation and aerosol optical depth (AOD) on the estimated performance of SD, and the results showed that temperature had the greatest effect on SD estimation. We also found that both too low AOD and too high wind speed also affected the SD estimation. This high-resolution SD data can provide important support for accurate radiation resource assessment in China. The SD dataset is freely accessible at (Zhang et al., 2024).

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Zhanhao Zhang,Shibo Fang,and Jiahao Han

Status: open (until 27 Oct 2024)

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    Zhanhao Zhang,Shibo Fang,and Jiahao Han

    Data sets

    A daily sunshine duration (SD) dataset in China from Himawari AHI imagery (2016–2023) Zhanhao Zhang, Shibo Fang, and Jiahao Han

    Zhanhao Zhang,Shibo Fang,and Jiahao Han
    Metrics will be available soon.
    Latest update: 20 Sep 2024
    Short summary
    We generate a daily SD dataset in China at a spatial resolution of 5-km using Himawari AHI L3 shortwave radiation data from 2015 to 2023 fitted with Ångström-Prescott model at different days of year (DOY).The results of the testing set indicated that the average correlation coefficient (R) between the SD from estimation and the ground-measurement is 0.88.