2023 Astrophysics Probe

2023 Astrophysics Probe


2023 Astrophysics Probe

Bubbles of X-ray-bright gas (purple) blow out of nearby spiral galaxy NGC 3079 (NASA CXC, STScI)

Bubbles of X-ray-bright gas (purple) blow out of nearby spiral galaxy NGC 3079 (NASA CXC, STScI)


"The Astrophysics Probe solicitation responds to a recommendation of the National Academies' 2020 Decadal Survey in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pathways to Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics for the 2020s, for competed missions in broad areas identified as important to accomplish particular scientific goals. Astrophysics plans to solicit missions with a PI-managed cost cap substantially larger than for the Medium Explorers. The first solicitation will be for a far-infrared mission, and for an X-ray mission designed to complement the European Space Agency's Athena mission."
2023 Astrophysics Probe News

September 8, 2023...The Astrophysics Probe Explorer (APEX) AO has been amended. A number of changes have been made. These are summarized in both the amendment document posted on the page linked by “Final AO” on this page and near the beginning of the amended AO document. Changes within the AO text are noted using bold font or strikethrough. The due dates are unchanged.

July 31, 2023...The 2023 Astrophysics Probe Explorer Final AO is released on NSPIRES.

05/10/2023...Astrophysics Probe Third Announcement of Opportunity Community Announcement NNH22ZDA008L released.

08/16/2022...Astrophysics Probe Draft Announcement of Opportunity (AO) released. Follow the link under Draft AO to access the solicitation.

05/19/2022...Astrophysics Probe Second Announcement of Opportunity Community Announcement NNH22ZDA008L released.

01/11/2022... Astrophysics Probe Announcement of Opportunity Community Announcement NNH22ZDA008L released.