'Barbie' movie soundtrack takes off on social media

In this article:

The official soundtrack to Greta Gerwig's Barbie movie is finding similar success on social media and viral TikTok videos. Yahoo Finance's Alexandra Canal, Seana Smith, and Josh Schafer discuss the album, featuring songs from pop stars Dua Lipa, Nicki Minaj, and Charlie XCX, as its popularity has soared on this summer's trend of all things Barbie.

This post was written by Luke Carberry Mogan.

Video Transcript

ALEXANDRA CANAL: "Barbie," the phenomenon that is "Barbie," not only is the film outperforming, but their album is outperforming as well, debuting at number two on the Billboard 200, multiple singles.

And I want to point out, too, that this was a global effort.

There are global artists featured on this album.

It was released through Warner Music so a holistic approach from Warner Brothers Discovery, which also produced the film.

And I think TikTok, YouTube, that's been a big driver for the popularity of some of these songs, especially the newer ones like Dua Lipa's "Dance the Night."

We also saw the resurgence of some older songs like Matchbox Twenty's "Push."

And if you saw the movie, that was a scene that stuck with you.

And that song was from the late '90s, so that making a resurgence as well.

And I know that you did an experiment.

JOSH SCHAFER: You guys have been hosting the show for the last hour and a half, I've been listening to the "Barbie" album.

SEANA SMITH: It must be nice.

JOSH SCHAFER: --doing a little market research.


JOSH SCHAFER: Didn't love it.


I was going to say, someone's been questioning "Barbie" ever since-- JOSH SCHAFER: The same person that hasn't seen the movie, didn't love the album.

But the one thing-- ALEXANDRA CANAL: [INAUDIBLE].

JOSH SCHAFER: Well, I like the Barbie girl song, the Nicki Minaj song.

I think that one's good.

I've heard that one on TikTok.

ALEXANDRA CANAL: That's surprising.

[INTERPOSING VOICES] JOSH SCHAFER: But I did you bring a trivia question, too, because I was curious about this.

What do you guys think the most downloaded or I guess bought?

Because it's going back to before we downloaded albums from a movie is, the most downloaded movie soundtrack, most purchased movie soundtrack.

Any ideas?

ALEXANDRA CANAL: I have no idea.

I know like "Armageddon" makes me think of-- SEANA SMITH: "Armageddon" is a good one.

JOSH SCHAFER: Whitney Houston's "The Bodyguard."

Because do you know what song was the headline of that?

SEANA SMITH: One that got 45 million copies that were sold.

JOSH SCHAFER: "I will Always Love You," Whitney Houston sings in that movie.

But it did sort of remind me of what I like more about some movie soundtracks, which is when you have a very talented musical person, it makes for a really fun soundtrack, because you get a bunch of originals out of it.

Think like "A Star is Born" with Lady Gaga.

I really like that soundtrack more.

That was the thing I didn't love about the "Barbie" soundtrack.

There's a Ryan Gosling song on there, but it's not that good.

SEANA SMITH: Yeah, but-- JOSH SCHAFER: Like the actors weren't singers.

So it's fun when the actors-- SEANA SMITH: Ryan Gosling was a singer when he was younger.

JOSH SCHAFER: He's not-- he's not Lady Gaga.

He's not Lady Gaga.

ALEXANDRA CANAL: No, but he was cute and funny.

And that was the whole point of the movie, being cute.

JOSH SCHAFER: Well, I haven't seen the movie.

So I'm basing it off not seeing the movie.

SEANA SMITH: But I think it also just speaks right to the fact that movies here can just play such a massive impact on the music industry in terms of sales, in terms of resurrecting some of those older songs, like you just said with Matchbox Twenty, and really even finding new stars.

We've seen that happen time and time again with releases that have happened in the past and what that could mean for artists going forward.

I have also not seen the movie yet.

But I've heard a lot of these songs.

A lot of them I've discovered via TikTok.

So here we are in 2023 with the massive success, obviously, of TikTok.

So many people finding these trends on that.

And I think that also just unlocks future gains here for the music industry and movie tie-ups.

JOSH SCHAFER: It gets to the music trend that we've talked about a lot, right, with the fact that you hear it now on TikTok.

You and I both haven't even seen the movie, and I knew half the songs because I like, I could see them on TikTok.



I mean, I just remember "Dreams" a with the cranberry juice phenomenon.

I'm a big Fleetwood Mac fan.

And the fact that people are calling it that TikTok song really got me.

But, hey, if that exposes it to a new generation, I'm all for it.

SEANA SMITH: There we go.

All right.

Guys, we got to leave that there.
