Get unlimited app analytics

An app measurement solution, available at no charge, that provides insights on app usage and user engagement.

Reimagine analytics for mobile

Google Analytics for Firebase provides free, unlimited reporting on up to 500 distinct events. The SDK automatically captures certain key events and user properties, and you can define your own custom events to measure the things that uniquely matter to your business.

Samples graphs and charts

User insights from acquisition to app usage

Analytics surfaces data about user behavior in your iOS and Android apps, enabling you to make better decisions about your product and marketing optimization. View crash data, notification effectiveness, deep-link performance, in-app purchase data, and more.

Attribution across dozens of sources

Analytics integrates with dozens of ad networks, making it easy with one SDK. Close the loop and send conversion data back to those networks to track and attribute app campaign performance across sources with postbacks to optimize campaign performance.

Illustration of ad network integration
Illustration of analytics dashboard

Segmentation and optimization in one dashboard

Define custom audiences in the Firebase console based on device data and user behavior by utilizing events and user properties, and then use those segments for notifications, A/B tests (via Firebase Remote Config), and Google Ads remarketing. For custom analysis, you can export raw data to BigQuery.

With Google Ads, insights become actions

Google Ads helps you advertise your app to the billions of people that use Search, YouTube, Google Play, and more. In just a few minutes, you can use your Analytics data to understand campaign performance, unlocking optimizations to find more engaged and valuable customers for your app via App Campaigns.

Google Adwords logoGrow your user base with Google App campaigns

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Realtime Analytics

Understand user behavior and view live usage data with realtime reporting. Use StreamView to get a live, dynamic view of your analytics data, and use DebugView to validate your analytics instrumentation by visualizing the stream of events logged by your development devices. Want custom reports? Stream your events to BigQuery in realtime, and create custom dashboards in Google Data Studio.

Seamless integration with AdMob

When you link your AdMob app to Firebase, your Analytics reports incorporate ad metrics and AdMob revenue, giving you a richer view of the Lifetime Value of your users and the performance of your in-app advertising strategy.

Illustration of graphs


Review our technical documentation to get started


There's no cost to using Google Analytics for Firebase