Stenungsund, Tjörn och Orust FN-förening

Welcome to UNA-STO!

The United Nations Association of Stenungsund, Tjörn & Orust

As part of the Swedish and of the global United Nations movement, we want to raise awareness of and engagement for the work of the United Nations.

We need the UN – the UN needs you. Welcome to join UNA-STO!

Ethical statement of UNA-STO

UNA-STO is a politically and religiously independent organization. All human beings have equal value and should have an equal voice. We all share a common responsibility to meet the basic needs and rights of each human being. We also share a common responsibility for the wellbeing of our coming generations and for the preservation of natural foundations of life on Earth.

What do we do?

Here follow some examples of what we do to support the important work of United Nations for the promotion of global peace and security, human rights and sustainable life on Earth:

  • We arrange fund-raising activities
  • We arrange public lectures
  • We show movies and distribute info materials
  • We arrange motivational meetings
  • We cooperate with other organizations
  • We are working for an improvement of the UN

For a democratic United Nations

UN needs a democratization in order to be able to better manage the great global challenges that we face. Therefore, UNA-STO is working for the establishment and gradual development of a UN Parliament. A UN Parliament would for example:

  • Be an expression of the equal value of all human beings and of the human right to participate in global politics on equal terms.
  • Give the whole of humanity a channel for its collective voice.
  • Give United Nations a better overview and coordination of its many important programs and activities.
  • Give the organization more transparency and legitimacy.
  • Be able to participate in the process of deciding on the rules and frameworks needed in order to form a just, peaceful and sustainable global society.
  • Make United Nations an example for democracy in the world.

Therefore, UNA-STO supports the campaign for the establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA Campaign) and participates in the annual Global Week of Action for a World Parliament.

What else do you think we should do?


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If you want to join our email list or contact us for any other reason, you can send an email to:

You are welcome to join our meetings and participate in our activities.

UNA-STO is a local chapter of the United Nations Association of Sweden and part of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA).

Here you can download our information flyer (PDF-dokument, 135 kB).