Next: Organisational safeguards

Our commitment to GDPR

AudienceProject have been working hard to prepare for the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Keeping your users information safe and secure is among our highest priorities. We are committed to complying with the new legislation and will collaborate with partners throughout this process.

Through this portal you will be able to access a comprehensive collection of documentation outlining AudienceProjects commitment to technical and organisational security. Here’s what we have been working on in preparation of GDPR:

Updated terms

Where we act as a processor of personal data, we will update our agreements to reflect the obligations of controllers and processors and offer data-processing agreements where required in time for May 2018, including our, and products. Same goes for scenarios where we act as joint controllers.

Robust safeguards

We are well placed to meet the security requirements of the GDPR. Our services are backed by robust, state-of-the-art technical and organisational safeguards many of which are described in greater detail on this portal.

Privacy practices

We already have procedures to build privacy into our products from the very earliest stages, and we are further evolving our practices in order to meet the GDPR’s requirements around Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default.

Our various GDPR related documentation can be accessed through this portal. Everything from our Organisation safeguard manual to our security questionnaires and technical safeguard documentation is available through this new portal.

User transparency

We will continue to enhance transparency about how data is used in our Audience products.

  • We provide detailed explanations on how we use data on,, and through our new privacy portal located at
  • We also provide transparency to users on what data AudienceProject holds about them via our privacy hotlines and future SAAS solutions. Users can use browser settings and/or our opt-out services to control the use of data for ads personalisation.

More information

If you have any questions regarding our GDPR initiatives, please feel free to get in touch with us here or visit our website for more information.